Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

47 knots run today

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 23 Aug 2008
VIC, 6152 posts
23 Aug 2008 7:45PM
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Unfortunately, it was on the snow! Gravity assisted.
87 kMH. Felt gooooood!

The GT-31 works much better on the snow field due to the far superior reception. Even in the gullys and with the GPS on my arm there were very few spikes or errors.

For those who know Mt Hotham. The fastest run was a straight line tuck from the top of Black Snake when it first opened and was completely deserted.

In the afternoon we did some straight line tucks down The Drift with a couple of peak speeds at 82 and 81 kmh. Again, empty run.

I meant to use the 5hz GT-35 but they look the same so I found at the end I had the GT-31. Tomorrow I will use the GT-35 to see if the 5hz chip shows up any more detail in the turns and see what the reception is like.

VIC, 3453 posts
23 Aug 2008 7:57PM
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I guess you need a little less snow and more sunshine and ice to get a PB. Don,t break anyone, Als is not far away

VIC, 6152 posts
23 Aug 2008 8:14PM
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Corny but I couldn't resist:

Note the latest aerodynamic speed boots

VIC, 3453 posts
23 Aug 2008 8:15PM
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A bit flat

VIC, 400 posts
23 Aug 2008 10:09PM
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47 - Crikey!! I was there about 2 weeks ago and barely managed a 30...

The only place i found the GT-11 couldnt hack it was on the return trail from Mary's Slide, but it does get very narrow in there.

VIC, 6152 posts
24 Aug 2008 8:37AM
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Hi Windjunky, Where did you get that background map from? I like it!

Where did you wear your GPS?

VIC, 400 posts
24 Aug 2008 7:52PM
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sailquik said...

Hi Windjunky, Where did you get that background map from? I like it!

Where did you wear your GPS?

Its one of the options (google terrain?) when you plot up using the stuff at gps visualizer:
The only downside is the size of the file gps visualizer will accept - hence i had to split up my days into am and pm for plotting up.

I just threw the GPS in a top pocket of my camelback... so fairly high up on my back.

VIC, 6152 posts
24 Aug 2008 11:56PM
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Thank WJ. Hmmm... doesn't seem to be able to handle 18,600 trackpoints.

VIC, 400 posts
25 Aug 2008 10:25AM
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sailquik said...

Thank WJ. Hmmm... doesn't seem to be able to handle 18,600 trackpoints.

Funny that!!!
Thats why i had to split it up into sections of the day; easy to do with GPSResults software at least...

QLD, 2062 posts
25 Aug 2008 10:57AM
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sailquik said...
87 kMH. Felt gooooood!

fark - was able to do 70+ last week, but that was speed-wobbling (snowboard)... was straight-lining Mt Buller summit.

QLD, 1667 posts
25 Aug 2008 1:15PM
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watch out 4 trees

VIC, 6152 posts
25 Aug 2008 2:30PM
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Haggar said...

watch out 4 trees

Yep. Trees bad, Very Bad! Especially if they are in front of you. At least on the water speed courses there are no trees!

Mat. I dabbled with snow boards for quite a few years. Especially race boards. They really don't like going fast and flat, except in powder of course. After I ripped a tendon off my ankle after hitting a tree at speed on my race board I kinda lost interest in snowboarding fast.......

VIC, 6152 posts
25 Aug 2008 3:02PM
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I finally worked out how to use GPSvisualizer. Lot of potential in that program....

Best I could do so far was the section with the runs on The Drift but the scale is still a bit small:

VIC, 400 posts
25 Aug 2008 10:49PM
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sailquik said...

I finally worked out how to use GPSvisualizer. Lot of potential in that program....

Best I could do so far was the section with the runs on The Drift but the scale is still a bit small:

Am i going mad, or have you "forgotten" to take the summit chair up the mountain??

VIC, 6152 posts
25 Aug 2008 11:06PM
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windjunky said...

sailquik said...

I finally worked out how to use GPSvisualizer. Lot of potential in that program....

Best I could do so far was the section with the runs on The Drift but the scale is still a bit small:

Am i going mad, or have you "forgotten" to take the summit chair up the mountain??

No pain, no gain!

Nah.... I cut the rest of the track off so it shows only the runs on the drift and the run back to the bus at the end.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"47 knots run today" started by sailquik