Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Building a speed bank

Created by Crasher > 9 months ago, 19 Jun 2008
WA, 69 posts
19 Jun 2008 8:29PM
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Any thoughts of an artifical speed bar built out of sand bags or old tyres. Has it been discussed about the options

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
19 Jun 2008 10:37PM
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Bjorn Dunkerbeck was working on a chop reduction system. I think it's a line of floating buoys. It could be a little easier than building a bank. Maybe all of us could chip in at our local spot?

"I have been working on the chop reduction system for quite a while. I have been working with Red Bull to produce a 750 metre long system that I will be using at Port St Louis this autumn. I can transport it to any where else in the world as well. One of the aims is to be able to maximise the number of places in the world for speed sailing. Once it works the way I want it to work, I am convinced it is best because it can be changed to the wind direction. The angle can easily be changed to from 125 to 135 degress off the wind which is the ultimate broadreach angle."

Goo Screw
VIC, 269 posts
19 Jun 2008 10:45PM
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Crab Crusher land could probably do with a little dredge by the sound of things

WA, 69 posts
19 Jun 2008 9:25PM
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Could benifit everyone who wants to go fast. surely if we all have a good think about it we may come up with some good ideas,or improve the ideas that already exist. Yes I am looking at crab country.shallow an easy access. out of the way of boaters.5000 sandbags for an 850m wall. That is a guess

SA, 453 posts
20 Jun 2008 12:02AM
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Bjorns first system is on his website - go to the projects/world speed sailing link for a vid of Bjorn, Antoine, Robby and Anders.

NSW, 325 posts
20 Jun 2008 12:44AM
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For the mandurah mile we just need someone to donate an old excavator to dig and pile our own sandbar custom shaped and angled for the speed run and maybe to do away with those limestone outcrops in the middle of the strip as well

QLD, 7428 posts
20 Jun 2008 5:40AM
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The common detail for foreshore restoration around here is big sandbags made of geotextile cloth with some kind of "rubber" coating. They look pretty cheap and colourful.

WA, 319 posts
20 Jun 2008 10:42AM
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Bjorn's chop killer - about 2004

QLD, 1628 posts
20 Jun 2008 12:43PM
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What about linking some big foam blocks together ...say 8x4x2 feet..anchor at both portable and realatively cheep speed may be a problem but if everyone took one home.....The more poeple that turn up on the day the longer the run

WA, 8725 posts
20 Jun 2008 11:00AM
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What about opening a can of HTFU

Kinda ironic after I crapped my pants last weekend with the conditions

WA, 1646 posts
20 Jun 2008 11:09AM
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It apears that you can rework the coast if you are a property developer or a mining company but if you are joe average and thought of doing something to return Woodies or the Pt Walter sand bar to their original shape I'm sure you would be prosecuted for environmental damage.

Perhaps you could borrow a dredge and extend the islands in the estuary.,135.745076&sspn=70.989864,108.28125&ie=UTF8&ll=-32.593531,115.752747&spn=0.004266,0.010772&t=h&z=17

It looks like they were formed from dredging a channel in the first place.

WA, 6277 posts
20 Jun 2008 11:22AM
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I've given this some thought as well.

What about a big long plastic tube, half filled with water (the other half filled with air), anchored at points along its length.

The water would give it mass, the air would keep it floating, and you could just open one end and roll it up from the other for storage. I'm sure that someone in industry can source some sheet tube...

Only problem I can see is that the air might all run to one end so parts of the tube might bow upwards... maybe more anchoring points might be needed.

QLD, 14393 posts
20 Jun 2008 1:27PM
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nebbian said...

I've given this some thought as well.

What about a big long plastic tube, half filled with water (the other half filled with air), anchored at points along its length.

The water would give it mass, the air would keep it floating, and you could just open one end and roll it up from the other for storage. I'm sure that someone in industry can source some sheet tube...

Only problem I can see is that the air might all run to one end so parts of the tube might bow upwards... maybe more anchoring points might be needed.

i reckon your onto something nebs.... sounds like the go.

canvas sausage would do the job. either that or a couple of kite bladders. [}:)]

WA, 4082 posts
20 Jun 2008 11:30AM
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Following on from YoYo, the major hurdle will be getting approval for such a thing.

Given Peel Inlet is the ideal location and it's big enough and shallow enough, we have to start building relationships with the relevant authorities.

There was talk of starting up a Mandurah Windsurfing Club (MWC), and Council reps said that council would provide and invest in facilities for clubs, maybe we need to seriously think of becoming a club??

Re MWC: Local discussions have come up with 2 major issues, lack of motivation which can be easily overcome, but the 2nd point of the inevitable power struggles that happen in clubs, which could ruin some great friendships that have grown out of the informality of windsurfing in Mandurah, and this I would be seriously concerned about, and what stopped me moving with it (I have all the relevant paperwork).

WA, 2331 posts
20 Jun 2008 1:29PM
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hardie said...

Following on from YoYo, the major hurdle will be getting approval for such a thing.

Given Peel Inlet is the ideal location and it's big enough and shallow enough, we have to start building relationships with the relevant authorities.

There was talk of starting up a Mandurah Windsurfing Club (MWC), and Council reps said that council would provide and invest in facilities for clubs, maybe we need to seriously think of becoming a club??

Re MWC: Local discussions have come up with 2 major issues, lack of motivation which can be easily overcome, but the 2nd point of the inevitable power struggles that happen in clubs, which could ruin some great friendships that have grown out of the informality of windsurfing in Mandurah, and this I would be seriously concerned about, and what stopped me moving with it (I have all the relevant paperwork).

Surely WWA suffices as a club?

Cant a representative of the WWA be involved in said discussions.
NOTE: by a representative I dont necessarily mean one of the suffering executive who are already overloaded with responsibility, but a mandurah (or other) local could be appointed as WWA's representative to liase with mandurah shire council.

NSW, 714 posts
20 Jun 2008 6:10PM
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A light tube half filled with air will NOT achieve a good result. All it will do is allow the waves to pass under. You need to have something with a different mass and resonant frequency to the water (which is the only reason water will not work).

Waves are energy
Energy must be absorbed, it cannot be destroyed. (Energy absorbtion is the only way of flattening waves)

in a perfect world you would have a floating mass with resonant frequency 180 degrees out oif frequency to the waves. This is almost impossible because real ocean wave fields are not composed of single frequency waves.

So the next best solution is to have an floating object with a lot of damping. For this you need a floating device with large horizontal planar area (Hence the flat sheets that Bjorn uses in the picture above.
The downside of Bjorns setup is that because the floating signs have relatively little mass, they cannot absorb much energy, allowing a lot of wave to pass through the device (you can see some reasonably big waves on the leeward side of the device. If the device had large horizontal steel planes about 50cm below the surface it would be MUCH more effective. Then you only need to mange the issue of storage, transportation, deployment, cost etc. :-(

Not alot of help I know, but I thought it best to raise this issue before anyone spent any money on this proposition.

Take a look at some Wave Energy Devices, in particular Salters Duck (great conspiracy story too) for the high performance industrial stuff. Or try to emulate a swimming pool lane rope system, where the lightweight floating body translates the vertical wave motion into damped axial turning moment.


WA, 6277 posts
20 Jun 2008 4:34PM
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Hmmm. You might be right there JayBee.

I was thinking that the waves would sort of crash against the air bit and dissipate somehow... hadn't quite thought of where the energy would go, however.

Might have to do some experiments methinks.

QLD, 1628 posts
20 Jun 2008 7:07PM
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Nebbs i reckon your idea would work in a shallow location like melville or hardies where the chop doesn't have the distance to build.

WA, 2224 posts
20 Jun 2008 5:45PM
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What about lenghts of 400mm pipe, sealed (or filled with foam)so they float and linked together. It could be anchored off one end so it would pivot with the wind.

You could have anchor points all along the length.

I am hoping that the round edge of the pipe will help in dissipating the chop and energy.

NSW, 1240 posts
20 Jun 2008 8:13PM
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Hi JayBee

I hope you're not flogging "The floating pipeline across botany bay to the desal plant as being good for windsurfing" again are you?


NSW, 714 posts
20 Jun 2008 8:42PM
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Jethrow, some day the full extent of my genius will be recognised. The pipe on botany bay is a great idea - except they are going to sink it, not float it. Of course we could just dam the mouth of the bay and pump out water until the pipeline is exposed ???????????

In a previous life I made a poor career move and was on the research and design team for a wavepower device (Oscillating Water Column) on the island of Pico (Azores). Some day when there is no wind I will regale the formula fleet with the tales of misfortune, woe, corruption and many nutbag proposols.


SA, 4032 posts
20 Jun 2008 10:19PM
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secondhand shipping containers you can pick them up for around 2-3k they would stop any waves

SA, 147 posts
20 Jun 2008 11:59PM
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What has really worked for us is NSW and Vic irrigators sucking the life out of the murray. It has created some great speed spots by exposing banks everywhere. To make things better all the pesky trees that block the winds are dying so we are getting nice clean air. In a couple of months the fish induced high speed crashes will be a thing of the past and the extra salinity is helping to plane sooner.

WA, 4263 posts
21 Jun 2008 12:19AM
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hardie said...

There was talk of starting up a Mandurah Windsurfing Club (MWC), and Council reps said that council would provide and invest in facilities for clubs, maybe we need to seriously think of becoming a club??

Re MWC: Local discussions have come up with 2 major issues, lack of motivation which can be easily overcome, but the 2nd point of the inevitable power struggles that happen in clubs, which could ruin some great friendships that have grown out of the informality of windsurfing in Mandurah, and this I would be seriously concerned about, and what stopped me moving with it (I have all the relevant paperwork).

Mandurah poleys had a windsurfing club way back 12 years ago.
We called ourselves Avalon Wavesailors.
Actually, the term 'poley' hadn't been invented back then....
that's because kitesurfing wasn't on the radar.

The club was an informal organization.
We held our first meeting at Decrep's old shack right on the beach and the club was formed over cocktails and munchies.
It was a good vibe with probably 20 or more sailors.
I was commissioned at the time to design a graphic for the club t-shirt.
My design was deemed to be too radical and so a corporate model was chosen instead.
I never did get a t-shirt.

Now I find myself involved in the local boardriders club cause my 3 kids all ride.
It's full of politics of course but my kids dig the club because of the mateship.
I guess mates, rate.


WA, 6277 posts
21 Jun 2008 1:04AM
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Whisper wave claim 90% of wave energy is absorbed by the device, ie a 30 inch swell turns into a 3 inch swell.

I do remember a 30 inch swell out the back last weekend, and would have much preferred that it be 3 inches

I wonder if they would hire 750 metres of the stuff out for an event?

Goo Screw
VIC, 269 posts
21 Jun 2008 3:44AM
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Whiperwave looks pretty good,I wonder whether it could be modified so it did not rise so high above the water - because i think it would stir up wind turbulence.

WA, 1646 posts
21 Jun 2008 3:53AM
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They have a smaller verion for swimming BUT one place which uses the large version sinks it to 6 feet under the ice in winter so I guess it is adjustable depending on the water inside... it just the cost...

but this would be better. Concrete floating dock in 55knot winds.

QLD, 7428 posts
21 Jun 2008 7:14PM
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Those wave attenuators look pretty good. Its a pity they don't harness the energy and generate power. Then someone would pay to install it for you.
There you go Nebbs, something to work on - a low profile linear modular portable wave energy electrical generating device. ooooh....

WA, 12133 posts
21 Jun 2008 5:18PM
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Good idea notwal, but how about running lights on it with the energy generated, then it's a 24/7 proposition!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Building a speed bank" started by Crasher