Just about finished my home made speed board, OES shaped & vacuum bagged it for me to my specs(i did the layup to completed board) also did abit of work on the rocker line once I recieved it, double carbon on the deck, carbon 6oz cloth on the bottom came in at 5kg before painting, specs 43cmW 235L 63L.
Fun doing the build learn't heaps wether it will work remains to be seen
I had a super roo BMX in the day I was sooo cool..
The board looks the business mate top effort.
Cheers Russ
sweet I would come up on the weekend to try it out but the forcast is only average.
I'm an old holden GTS monaro man myself really couln't see myself on a ford falcon GT board. or is a full GTHO choc. I think you will need the HO (handling option) part.
what fins are you planing on running with it around 24 ?
Really looks good Choc I bet you are really happy with it.
Well done Choco
This could spawn a whole line of boards with car themes
Doubt wether I will be buying a HB Torana "Brabham" though..... even saying it is a collectors item makes me laugh