Has anyone checked out the rowing course with a mind to speed sailing on an easterly?
its 2km long, so you should get a good run.
If you look very carefully in the top right hand corner, you might catch a glimpse of a compass.
Googleearth is usually thoughtful enough to provide these, so you know which way is up.
the ARA have told us some kiters have used it when we enquired...they gave the impression that they were not impressed (The Authority that is) . It really is VERY VERY gusty in an easterly as the wind comes over the land. The easterlies usually crank at 2-3am. And are only strong 2-3 times a year in summer. I was keen to try but a lot less keen leaving my car unattended in Armadale at night. The canal has bouys every 10 metres marking the lanes for rowing. I think Snides was waiting for an answer from the ARA but don't think he got one.
bugger, I didnt realise they left the bouys in place all the time.
The easterlies are a LOT more consistent in Armadale than they are by the coast. In fact a mate of mine who use to live on the border of Kelmscott / Armadale had to give up with his preferred location for a garden shed. The easterlies determined that it should be placed hard up against his side fence (on more than one occasion).
I still reckon it would be worth a recce one morning just to satisfy my curiosity.
Does anyone know how regularly the rowing association actually use it?
It's always hard to tell with those photo's exactly what the geography is like,would a north through to north west work there?
The other way,where the wind is going over the houses - from my experience usually ends up with very turbulent air.
i have checked it out in a 35 knot east nor east and its not flash.the water is low in the chanel meaning it is protected from the wind a bit which would make it good for rowers....i have aproached the authority (armadale from memory) they where half interested in sailboards but obviously rowing would come first.they asked me to submit a proposal outlining what (we) wanted to do but i lost interst after that.
they said a kiter had been spotted in the lake and they werent too impressed how ever they dont have any real powers to prohibit any one going in the water,infact there is a public beach there as well,in 1 of the side ponds.
i looked in to it a couple of months ago and at that stage i dont know if rowers had used it at that point. obviously if its windy for sailing it will be crap for rowing so it may still be worthwhile pursuing access...oh and there is the safety issue of rowers lane markers to contend with as well..
i took some pics so i will try and upload at some stage
Funny how obscure locations get stuck in your head, but has anyone ever checked out the Bonney ski park in Baldivis?
There is a mixture of different "lakes" with the two main ones facing directly North / south which I imagine would work well in an afternoon seabreeze - its pretty open country all around so their wouldnt (I imagine) be much interference in the wind.
Could be interesting, and yes they are skiboats doing u'ees at the end of the strips.
It is RUBBISH !!!!!!
The canals are sunken quite a bit and surrounded by trees that afford a COMPLETE wind break. Even in a gale it would probably be 0-3 knots on the water max.
Of course windsurfing amongst ski boat would not be fun.