What's with the seabreeze lately, backing off sharply at around 6.30 pm (5.30pm in Elmo's language) the last week or so
In my short time playing, cant remember it doing this before, so consistently
Sorry to hear that Mineralski....but I think it is due to several factors
It will take a while for WA to get used to daylight saving,
the doctor keeps forgetting what time it is....
and due to the "Coriolus Effect" as shown in photo below,
the seabreeze has swung over to the eastern seaboard..
so our seabreezes go thru til 7 or 8 at night [}:)]
No change there then, the benefits of the natural resources of WA being syphoned off to the east![}:)]
Stop sailing at Melville , Did I actually say that ?
Pot Kettle black, rating me as an all time hypocryte
It seems to stop just as arrive after work (which just happens to be exactly 6:20pm), foiling my cunning plans too mate.
I try to get out of Melville whenever possible, but am still having anger management issues with other water users at certain locales.
Besides the Melville locals are far more attractive and its got the best grass