Just a thought - maybe an additional search in the Sessions section to find all sessions by sailors on a particular date rather than just the team results for the day. This way you can compare your efforts with others on the same day. As it is, a solo effort isn't displayed. Maybe add a few filters like in the Rankings section (or even put this in the rankings section)
'Tis a good idea.
I've been wanting to do a text search for a while, but have been busy getting the 2010 site up (discards in the rankings, new registration etc), as well as putting together the integration guide for GPS-SS.
Now that this is all done, I've got a bit of time to do this.
So you're after individual results rather than team scores?
A way to export/save all your results (text or csv) would be pretty cool.
When people started talking about how many times they had sailed in the year at the end of December it took a bit of effort to get (viewed each month then copy/pasted into excel). And then I was dissapointed how few times I had been
Some people say he meditates in a pyramid made of Ezzy sails and never sleeps. If you look really closely when he he takes his Gath helmet off you can see the cable connector under his hairline. He is "The Nebbian".
Cool stuff!
Ooooooohhhhhhhh!!! More numbers. Now I can spend hours in Excel calculating all sorts of useless interesting numbers. Drooooollll!!!! and charts Slurp!!!
Average peak speed / Average distance / Year on Year monthly overlays, oh Joy!
Sorry, didn't realised I typed that as I thought it!
I got all of last years entries in excel and thought I would get all these great charts. Couldnt find one that looked good at all. In my head I though a scatter diagram of dates vs sails would be great with bars for speed so I could see the good months etc... but over 12 months the small number of times I went sailing didnt show up at all so I lost interest. For those people who go every third day on average it might be better (You know who you are !)
my 2 second peak chart (date vs speed)
You can see the "quiet" months.