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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GPSTC T-shirts

Created by lao shi > 9 months ago, 16 Jun 2013
QLD, 4873 posts
16 Jul 2013 5:08PM
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Milsy said..

copy the milk ad, Got milk., have gps teams callenge on front , and on back, Got wind? ha

Milsy, Have you been drinking more than just milk

WA, 12429 posts
16 Jul 2013 7:12PM
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sausage said..


Not quite sure what you mean about the KA-72 colours. Do you mean the website? the GPSTC logo is just the one I did for the certificates.

I meant the colours he uses on the google plug-in to show where each category happened, but just ignore me, I'm in stupid old fart mode!
The bean colours are obviously the bean colours! And KA72 probably uses the same for the plug in.

The only other thing I'd like to see on the T-shirts is the url

QLD, 4873 posts
16 Jul 2013 10:07PM
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I reckon the url is superfluous and just over complicates thesimplicity of the design. Seriously who is actually going to type in a url they just saw on a t-shirt as opposed to just googling GPS team challenge (maybe on that note the words "team challenge" need to be included.

I quite like the ambiguity of it whereby an inquisitive mind might ask what the logo is all about. Sometimes being subtle gives it more oomph in terms of its effectiveness. Bit like having a secret handshake that only serves to create more interest from an outsider's perspective.

WA, 12429 posts
16 Jul 2013 8:43PM
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Good point snags, I'll go with that.

WA, 1104 posts
17 Jul 2013 8:29AM
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The long sleeve shape Sausage put on looks great. Looking forward to buying one.
Can we get a "V" neck option on the short sleeve version?

PaddyMac, don't like your "2s Peak" idea. Don't want anyone to ask what's mine

NSW, 1176 posts
17 Jul 2013 12:55PM
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v necks are for fricken weirdos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Got wind?

NSW, 1176 posts
17 Jul 2013 2:32PM
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GPS teams challenge, great thing, crap name, are you promoting speed sailing, windsurfing or a device called a GPS, why not,
" BY THE GODS OF SATURN TEAMS CHALLENGE" or windsurfing teams challenge, maybe lose the "team", and "challenge",whatever, im so bored,,,,,,,,,,,, Got Wind?

WA, 4103 posts
17 Jul 2013 1:56PM
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Milsy said..

GPS teams challenge, great thing, crap name, are you promoting speed sailing, windsurfing or a device called a GPS, why not,
" BY THE GODS OF SATURN TEAMS CHALLENGE" or windsurfing teams challenge, maybe lose the "team", and "challenge",whatever, im so bored,,,,,,,,,,,, Got Wind?

You need some wind Milsy, my take on the GPSTC T-Shirts thing was that we could all identify each when wsurfing around Australia, Who The F are we advertising to? The best advert for windsurfing is people out there having fun?

WA, 588 posts
17 Jul 2013 5:34PM
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sausage said..

I reckon the url is superfluous and just over complicates thesimplicity of the design. Seriously who is actually going to type in a url they just saw on a t-shirt as opposed to just googling GPS team challenge (maybe on that note the words "team challenge" need to be included.

I quite like the ambiguity of it whereby an inquisitive mind might ask what the logo is all about. Sometimes being subtle gives it more oomph in terms of its effectiveness. Bit like having a secret handshake that only serves to create more interest from an outsider's perspective.

You could always put this on the arm ( as a QR code) although Im not sure what size/quality you would need to work when printed onto cloth. This is "medium" size.

mr love
VIC, 2376 posts
18 Jul 2013 6:25AM
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The Tassie one needs 2 head holes.

Nice ideas, would do some but have more work than I can cope with.

TAS, 2342 posts
18 Jul 2013 1:57PM
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sausage said..

Okay cause I feel sorry for our poor cousins suffering in the cold down south here's a long sleeve version with the team name added. Now stop bothering me as I've got a **** load of work to do.

PS - happy for anyone with the graphic design skills to tidy these ideas up. Can supply the "word" document I created them in....yes that's right, MSWord

It's a balmy 17 C down here today. I like this design. Dave Morehead approached me about printing the t.shirts for GPSTC. I'm a screen printer and screen printing t.shirts, hoodies etc is how I make a living and buy windsurfing gear.
Designs with solid colours work best for screen printing (just like the above logo). Photographs don't work out all that well screen printing so I'ld stay clear of those if you want me to do the printing. Photographs are best done with a Direct To Garment (DTG) printer which I'm looking into purchasing possibly but down the track a bit.

QLD, 4873 posts
18 Jul 2013 2:12PM
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This is good news as my preference is to keep the production in-house i.e that is to use someone like yourself (a GPSTCer) as opposed to zazzle. Can you send me a PM with your contact details and I'll give you a call.

WA, 300 posts
20 Jul 2013 9:05AM
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Hi guys, if its a fund raiser do it in house. A t shirt should make 7 buck if you sell for $25 and print over 50. ( i use aussie gold in Perth and the hanes calssic is the best)

But if you want a few dollars 1-3 on each shirt then give it to you just upload the design and people select the style v neck, girly neck or even baby onesy. Redbubble post and all that- the designer gets a few dollars

see what we did with our tshirt

WA, 12429 posts
4 Aug 2013 9:18PM
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OK guys we're coming to the end of this now, if you haven't got your order in, contact your team captain and submit it to him/her.

Karen says short sleeves are $23 + postage and long sleeves $24 + postage, direct mail to your door add $5 If baulk mailed to a central point (maybe team captain) it will be cheaper, Karen's yet to work that one out, but I got an approximate quote from Aus post of $30 a box Hobart to Perth.

NSW, 1600 posts
5 Aug 2013 6:38PM
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Has a design even been finalised yet???? How can a price be locked in if the design hasn't been locked in. Price will be dependent on the amount of positions of print and also how many colours are used. It will also depend on the brand of tee used. I actually designed and supplied the original GPSTC tee shirts and also put my hand up for a chance to supply this lot but it looks like I didn't even get a chance to quote!
Is this an exercsie to make money for the GPSTC or are they being sold at an effective cost price? Just asking cause sorry Kazza, but $23.00 + postage is a bit rich!

QLD, 151 posts
5 Aug 2013 10:20PM
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Seems cheep to me! Can't buy a Billabong or ripcurl Tshirt under $50

WA, 12429 posts
5 Aug 2013 8:23PM
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Woops, sorry Andrew, this is probably my fault, trying to push the process along.

The design we've agreed on is Brian's above.

None of us were sure whether to bother you with this after your tragic loss, obviously we should have done.
I deeply regret upsetting you further.

I guess we better go back a few steps, and see what you come up with.

NSW, 1600 posts
6 Aug 2013 12:00AM
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Nah, it's all good Mike. I shouldn't have said anything. Leave it with Kazza.

NSW, 1600 posts
6 Aug 2013 12:03AM
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bigbear said...
Seems cheep to me! Can't buy a Billabong or ripcurl Tshirt under $50

Thats because Billabong and Rip Curl don't mind ripping you off. I on the other hand have a concience and want to do the right thing by the community I love.

WA, 12429 posts
5 Aug 2013 10:35PM
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sick_em_rex said..

Nah, it's all good Mike. I shouldn't have said anything. Leave it with Kazza.

To late Andrew, the wheels are already in reverse, Brian will contact you tomorrow.

NSW, 1500 posts
6 Aug 2013 9:56AM
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Without try to sound like a Monty Python sketch - Who's Brian and whats his design? (Please excuse my Ignorance )

QLD, 4873 posts
6 Aug 2013 10:53AM
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DavMen said..

Without try to sound like a Monty Python sketch - Who's Brian and whats his design? (Please excuse my Ignorance )

Sausage = Brian.......confusing I know.

PS - Sik em, Have sent you a PM.

SA, 4087 posts
6 Aug 2013 10:30AM
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DavMen said..

Without try to sound like a Monty Python sketch - Who's Brian and whats his design? (Please excuse my Ignorance )

design = shoebox

WA, 4015 posts
6 Aug 2013 9:43AM
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Just a thought on the design (which I like overall)
I think it may be better to have the TC in red rather than orange, so that red is the predominant colour. Red would still stand out but coordinates with more of the shirt colours on offer and would most likely go better with other clothing we have.

TAS, 1471 posts
6 Aug 2013 12:14PM
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Personally I like the design that Sausage has come up with and we need to make sure we get decent t-shirts(material) to wear. In are community such as this, you're not going to make everyone happy, that's life..

Sasusage has asked for other deigns, by the looks not that many have come through. So show the designs we have, see what the users that care think and have a quick informal vote to get user opinion. Then the GPS committee has the final say on what design we go with.

GPS committee allocates someone to print them from within the community, people that would like the oportunity to do so pm sausage. Choose the person based on price of final product, profit margin for GPS site, quality and timeframe etc

Then get these puppies on the production line so that we have them for the new season

My 2 cents..

TAS, 2342 posts
6 Aug 2013 12:45PM
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Um Jez, I think it's been sorted (lot's of emails behind the scene), your a bit slow off the mark old chap
Also I've already started invoicing people on the currant design and some have already paid.

TAS, 2342 posts
6 Aug 2013 12:48PM
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Windxtasy said..

Just a thought on the design (which I like overall)
I think it may be better to have the TC in red rather than orange, so that red is the predominant colour. Red would still stand out but coordinates with more of the shirt colours on offer and would most likely go better with other clothing we have.

Think Mr Sausage (Brian) better have the last say in this seeing it's his design.

QLD, 4873 posts
6 Aug 2013 1:17PM
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Kazza said..

Windxtasy said..

Just a thought on the design (which I like overall)
I think it may be better to have the TC in red rather than orange, so that red is the predominant colour. Red would still stand out but coordinates with more of the shirt colours on offer and would most likely go better with other clothing we have.

Think Mr Sausage (Brian) better have the last say in this seeing it's his design.

I'm positive for an extra $50bucks Kazza will happily oblige on personal changes

Also just to keep everyone up to date we are going (wanting) to split the printing between Kazza and Andrew (both GPSTCers). As WA's and Tassie's orders are nearly finalised Kazza will complete those and I am hoping Andrew can take up the East coast orders of Qld, NSW, Vic and SA. So those that emailed me originally I'll reconfirm orders once I have finalised details with Sik_em_rex. Also it's not too late to place your order for anyone who hasn't quite decided yet. Just remember a little bit from each T is going to the GPSTC

WA, 3159 posts
6 Aug 2013 11:32AM
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DavMen said..

Without try to sound like a Monty Python sketch - Who's Brian

WA, 3159 posts
6 Aug 2013 11:38AM
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sausage said..
Also it's not too late to place your order for anyone who hasn't quite decided yet.[/b]

Ok I'm going to look like a clown here, be gentle, but how do I place an order

PS, form a committee and see what you get Snags


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GPSTC T-shirts" started by lao shi