Far out looks like it was a dangerous day, reading everything on Facebook. Crashes, spin outs. Some good runs though. Looks like the big guns are turning up for next week too. With AA, AB and BD.
Any chance of a Seabreeze posted update from someone? I see three sessions in the GPSTC and that is it. Is it all over?
We've been posting updates and photos in another thread evets, wind is back tomorrow (Friday) plus the weekend.
Internet is shocking here, so all posts are short and sweet, took 24 hours to upload Lena's 1 min. video. Hasn't been wind above 25knots for a week so not much going on, just sightseeing and photoshoots.
Follow this page for all latest photos/vids etc, if you have already you would have seen the shocking images from the other day!!!
Today is nice and sunny with another 20-25knots forecast which isn't enough to open the course.
Thanks Col, my fingers are crossed for wind there. It is a remarkable investment in time and money to have huey not respond
A more emotional video, both up and down the canal. Spotty also sharing the ride back with Lena and me: