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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Goolwa Alpha Channel - YouTube Vid

Created by Aus06 > 9 months ago, 19 Apr 2009
SA, 235 posts
19 Apr 2009 9:02AM
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Forgive the 'cheesyness', but here is a vid from the Goolwa Alpha Channel. Footage was taken last week after the 40+ knot runs were done in the morning, and the wind backed off for some 7.5m weather. It shows how flat the water is and how low the water is. The exposed sand bank should be under 2m of water!!

The speed strip is about 1.5km long.

I bought some HD movie making software yesterday (Pinnacle 12) so this was my first attempt at making a movie. I could have made a movie of the kids, or a family holiday, but for some reason it had to be windsurfing......

VIC, 3448 posts
19 Apr 2009 10:06AM
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A bit boring Chris where,s the falling in bit after the jybe. I keep praying for a good meter of rain for you guys Looks a very nice spot

QLD, 14450 posts
19 Apr 2009 10:16AM
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sweet gybing,

great vid.

WA, 1731 posts
19 Apr 2009 9:29AM
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great vid Chris! like Kato- i hope your drought breaks soon!
after seeing videos of sandy,burrum and goolwa i think the search for something even remotely as flat as these places needs to be stepped up big time ! here in Wa..
oh well back to google earth again.....

WA, 8765 posts
19 Apr 2009 9:35AM
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Very nice work Chris

QLD, 3416 posts
19 Apr 2009 12:14PM
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Very nice Chris

SA, 4081 posts
19 Apr 2009 11:46AM
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You should have shown the bit where you run into that channel marker thats on a lean hope to be down there later on in the week

QLD, 14450 posts
19 Apr 2009 12:29PM
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snides8 said...

great vid Chris! like Kato- i hope your drought breaks soon!
after seeing videos of sandy,burrum and goolwa i think the search for something even remotely as flat as these places needs to be stepped up big time ! here in Wa..
oh well back to google earth again.....

for sure, then we can get back to the idea of a national tour.....

VIC, 417 posts
19 Apr 2009 8:56PM
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Great Video Chris!

My inlaws are in the south of adelaide - looks like next time I go there I will be bringing my gear

Any hazards like unexposed banks, star pickets, sunken boats etc??

What wind directions do you normally sail in in the channel also what met station do you use?

Looks like an awesome spot.

SA, 924 posts
19 Apr 2009 9:28PM
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Looks great chris.... If i could get to my bloody gear i would try getting out, moving house is kinda crap to be totally honest lol. Only a touch under 3 months left on my L plates as well until i can drive myself. Ah well seya round....


SA, 338 posts
20 Apr 2009 9:27AM
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"Only a touch under 3 months left on my L'sss"

Ohhhh gessss... i'm scared already

nice job on the edit Chris
I waited an hour for the "Laydown and get wet Gybe"
it didn't happen...... no fun

WA, 3158 posts
20 Apr 2009 9:39AM
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Thanks for posting the vid Chris and well done mate

VIC, 36 posts
29 Apr 2009 4:46PM
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Hey Chris, great vid and thanks for the gybing lesson. There are a couple of style tips I can use use.
I plan to cycle from Mt Gambier to Kangaroo Island in a couple of weeks time. Do you know if I can take a short cut from Meningie thru to Goolwa along the coast?
Cheers Geoff.

SA, 235 posts
29 Apr 2009 9:12PM
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Hi Geoff,

That's a decent bike ride. You can't ride along the coast from Meningie to Goolwa but you could almost ride across the lakes - they are so dry! The best bet will be to stick to the bitumen and cross the river on the Wellington ferry then ride through Langhorne Creek, Milang and through to Goolwa.

I guess if you are on the bike, you will have no sailing gear with you?


VIC, 739 posts
29 Apr 2009 10:36PM
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I reckon I'll have to grab the shuurminator and do a weekend trip.. He doesn't work that hard (maybe a long weekend?) - At least try to snag a salmon if there's no wind

NSW, 546 posts
29 Apr 2009 10:46PM
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Monty said...

Hey Chris, great vid and thanks for the gybing lesson. There are a couple of style tips I can use use.
I plan to cycle from Mt Gambier to Kangaroo Island in a couple of weeks time. Do you know if I can take a short cut from Meningie thru to Goolwa along the coast?
Cheers Geoff.

Riding your bike to Kangaroo Island? Mt Gambier to Cape Jervis will be easy compared to that last bit!

SA, 235 posts
30 Apr 2009 9:34AM
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Hi Red,

It's about time we did another trip where you get to watch Steve and I pull in all the fish!!?? (just joking

There's still ongoing talk about flooding the lakes with sea water and building various weirs. With any luck, they'll keep talking for another year and we get to sail the winter fronts on the flat water....

If you guys could time a long weekend trip with some decent weather, then I know you'd drive home with smiles and PB's!

VIC, 739 posts
30 Apr 2009 10:42AM
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If we do the trip - I'll bring every bloody lure I've got!!!!! I just let you guys get a head start last time!!

Will talk to Steve

VIC, 36 posts
30 Apr 2009 1:34PM
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Hey Chris, thanks for the directions. No w/s kit for this trip, but will hook up with Red and Steve for when the wind is blowing to get across and into a couple of those PB's.

Thanks for the heads up Muzza12. I see its a 300k round trip. May decide to just check out Kingscote rather than the whole island.

Cheers Geoff.

QLD, 133 posts
1 May 2009 8:52AM
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Mate of mine once told me that if you know the right people you can keys to the gates on the barrage and even drive across direct. Not sure who you'd speak to about that... swim bike around each gate???

VIC, 36 posts
5 May 2009 10:07AM
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Hey Seahorse, thanks for the idea. I'll make some enquiries at Meningie. Although if Chris is right I should be able to walk the bike around the gate.

QLD, 133 posts
5 May 2009 7:23PM
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Let us know how you go....

QLD, 133 posts
5 May 2009 7:24PM
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let us know how you go...

VIC, 36 posts
24 Jun 2009 11:03PM
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Seahorse, you asked for a follw up to the trip. Here are a few details.
The plan was to cycle from Kingston SE through the Curong, over to the Fleurieu Peninsular and up to Adelaide, maybe taking in Kangaroo Island if time permitted.
As it turned out had a great time. The weather was excellent with no or little wind and temperatures reaching a max of 20 deg C for the whole trip. A little rain on the last day didn't dampen the trip at all.
Day 1 Kingston to Policemans Point. A very flat road. The distance 98 klms. Thankful that there was no head wind. About 4 years ago a shoulder was built onto the road making this part of the trip very safe. The new shoulder runs from Kingston right through to the Wellington Ferry. The pub as Policemans Pt - The publican was a wag, cold beer and great meals. Huge breakfast of bacon and eggs.
Day 2. Policeman's Point to Meningie. 70 klm. 5 years ago I stayed at the lake side motel where the water lapped at the back door of the unit and the sw wind was blowing spray over the roof most of the night. The water is now 2 meters lower and about 150 meters from the motel. Could hardly be described as 'lake side' anymore. A real indication of the level of stress the Murray River is in.
As it was only a short ride to Meningie, had time to check out the town, the museum and look for a time table for the return trip by bus. This led to an interesting encounter with a lovely local lady on her Bike Friday. Great chat outside the Newsagent where we learned all things Bike Friday, ( a folding bike) and why not to go to KI, (too expensive, you can get to Tasmania from Melb cheaper) and how to ride without sight, (her partner is blind), and how fast bike friday's can go - both tenderm and single.
Day 3. Meningie to Strathalbyn. 96 klm. Had intended to stay at Langhorne Creek, but there was little accommodation so pressed thru another 20 klm to Strath. No comfortable shoulder on the road now, and there was a lot of trucks carting limestone, but they were very attentive giving us plenty of room as they passed. Limestone is being used to dam off parts of the lakes to try and stop the corrosive effects of the drought.
The first pub at Strath didn't take lodgers, but advised us to go up the hill to the Robin Hood hotel, that was 'clean and comfortable', rather than the tourist rip off motel down the hill. We were glad for the advise. The Robin Hood hotel was great.
Day 4. Strath to Goolwa. 50 klm Checked out the local windsurf speed strip. No Chris or Tim or any other SA Speed Demonds out due to there being no wind. Bad for the speedsters, but good bike riding.
Day 5 Goolwa to Normanville via Victor Harbour. 80 klm. Inman Valley very pretty and particularly green. Gave Kangaroo Island a miss. Maybe next trip.
Day 6. Normanville to Glenelg via Willunga. 100klm. There is an excellent rail train from Willunga thru to the coast. Stayed at the Stamford Grand for a little of end trip luxuary.
Day 7. Check out Adelaide.
Day 8. Bus back to Kingston.
Day 9 Drive back to Melbourne.

Cheers Geoff

QLD, 133 posts
28 Jun 2009 2:22PM
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Sounds like a good ride. Good one for posting.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Goolwa Alpha Channel - YouTube Vid" started by Aus06