Praying for wind for you guyz!!!! Hope you get it good 70 b4 70 Apparantly the mad french speaking swissman is on his way,
, and yes that must've been me at Port Augusta, sorry didnt see you guyz
I just created a Facebook page/group called "Lake George GPS Speed Sailing" this will make it a bit easier for people to communicate with each other about where to sail, conditions etc
example of info on page
Lake George = Jimbob
Well, I have been studying the weather charts all morning and I don't like what I see. Looks more like a southerly cold front situation with little chance of a thermal sea breeze effect.
The BOM models don't predict much wind at all.
I'd like to hear Jimbobs take on it.
spot on Daffy, looks like a SW front to me as well, not all bad though still will be good areas to sail esecially in the morning as bom says 20 to 30, just not the constant SE seabreeze you are hanging out for.
But most of the time these fronts blow through early hours and are over by 8 to 9.
As we have talked about before we won't get proper seabreezes while there is a cyclone of the west just stops the highs forming properly in the bight to give us the southerly airflow,
looks lie w by next weekend things will be back on.
Some photos from Australia Day at Lake George. The forecast 20-30 knots did not eventuate, but a good say's sailing in any case. Cool and wet in the morning, then the sun came out in the arvo...
The rigging scene:
Jacques heads out:
Mal from Sandy Point (I think?)
Red "my boom's making funny noises"?
just wondering what the vehicle requirements are... do you need any particular clearance, 4x4 etc? would a hatchback make it there to the riggin area?
My commodore is fairly low, (it scrapes going in my drive), just the weeds in the track center scrape on the under body. There area a few very rocky sections, but if you go very slow and pick the high line, you should be OK
Hi there all, been sailing 3 different areas on the lake, with different winds in the last 3 days, I thought I would make just a little recommendation on the fins.
After talking with Jamie I realised that people are not listening.. For the people have not sail here yet and plan to, forget about all your fancy fins, does not matter how strong is the wind you will not pass. Yesterday even with a 40deg rake I got stopped and fall 3 times in my alpha, slowed me down many times. 2 days ago I used the 23Locky 37deg and was collecting weeds, getting stocked, I have Deltas and Slingshots with me and other fancy ones that I cannot use. So for what I see.. my recommendation to you is:
Use 20-21 / min 37, Use 22-23 / min 40, Use 24-25 / min 43
Anything above go for 45, you will enjoy yourself with no frustrations!! The weeds here are very dense, nothing to do with WA stuff we got. The positive thing about the LG weeds they don't destroy your fins, they polish them, yes they do!! I have been looking my fins this morning, they looking good. I am considering hacksawing one of my bigger fins to meet the 45deg requirement, as most my weedie fins are 37,40,43.
If you are low on budget, get yourself a cheapo 45/ rake JP 30 to 36 weedy, and hacksaw it to your need. The other even cheaper I think if you can find one is the yellow and black Select weedie (they look like freeride) Jamie use them and they do a great job and he did good nbs on them, same, hacksaw to needs – a 21-23 for high wind, a 25-28 for medium – lite wind. The things that those 2 fins have in common they have a very large base and a quite thin profile which is perfect for the job.
For the people with budget, I can only think about 1 performing fin which is the Maui Delta weedspeed .. I wish I had one now, I was going to get one from Jasper before I left but I was too busy getting away, I know few guys that use them and they doing great.
Maybe there there is some other ones.. if any someone can make a suggestion!
Happy sailing to all
Last year on the good days many of us were using 30 degree fins with great success. Maybe it was because of the stronger wind? Once I got over 25-30 knots, any weed I picked up starting seemed to wash off (unless it was a really big clump!).
I did my best speeds with KA 20cm assy which is only around 30 degree rake. I used the Lessacher 22cm Le woo Duo speed rake30 for my PB 1 hour.
The Perkins family used C3 Slingshots last year with great success.
This January, I used a 19cm Slingshot with no problems, although admittedly, the water over most of the weed was deeper than last year.
Anyhow, I would not hack up an otherwise perfectly usable fin just yet. At least until you can hit the lake on a 25-30 knots day.
Hey Sammy I only use the select weedys in my freeride board as they are powerbox, they are only good for allround fun, for all my pb's and speed on my F2 sxs and missile I use a 45 degree choco weed speed 24, nice solid fin never lets go and great getting back upwind after a run.
Hamma really struggled to get going last week with a 30 degree fin , can still see the look on his face when I planed past him half a dozen times off the end of the spit,
he gave me a few hand signals but only one finger seemed to work.
And yes I also have a 30 degree 21 speed fin but choose not to run it when the water is lower like it is now.
You can get away without a full weedy BUT you will have PLENTY of times that will give you the $hits and waste a lot of energy. just isn't worth the hassle to me. the forcast looks crap at the moment.
OK SamOZ. Sounds like it is wind strength and board-speed thing. Last January we were running through very shallow water with the weed right to the surface.
I do remember Tony W complaining about getting started a few times!
BTW. I have bought myself a nice 40 degree Vector Weed speed as well, just in case...
So hows the lake looking for feburary?
I have 3 weeks off starting the 10th and nuthing to do cept look for wind
Hi Roar the lake is sweet at the moment and will only get more flatter in weeks to come, had a nice seabreeze today and we where on 5.8's but hopefully will have our 30 knot seabreezes back later in the week,A lot more flatter than when we sailed together in Maui the winter before, I also owe you a barby and beers night as well. I am on holidays at the moment as well.
next good looking forcast for a few days of solid seabreezes there will crew around.
Looks like some pirates will be in the Lake over the weekend. Aharrrrr!
Is that weed growing yet?
I hope the forecast holds too!
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone from WA is driving (not flying) this way within the next 2 weeks? If yes can you get in contact with me please.. Thank you
hey crew some sweet days comimg
Nice one Bono ah ah ah
I thought I put this photo up tooken yesterday from the NTH side of the point in a WNW wind... you can clearly see the line of wind, of weeds.. the wind was everywhere!!! Hard to believe isnt it!? We sailed the STH side which wasnt the same! Have not sailed any glossy stuff yet but who cares still great