Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Lake George Speed Sessions 2014

Created by Aus06 > 9 months ago, 30 Aug 2013
NSW, 696 posts
17 Jan 2014 11:01PM
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choco said..

AJEaster said..

Has the water level ever got too low to speed sail with say a 20-23cm fin by March? I cant make it down till the first two weeks of March and am worried that I may be leaving it too late. Still potentially good breezes in March?

I think March will have the lake level at it's best and this is when the REAL winds crank look at the last 2 years gone by(35+ knts and 45+ knts).

SCHWEEEET! MAde my day, thanks choco

VIC, 5477 posts
23 Jan 2014 11:29AM
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Jamie, is there a standard water level measure from the weather station we can go by to assess when conditions are looking favourable, or is it just a case of waiting for your most excellent reports? I'm having a little trouble containing my excitement this year....

NSW, 1600 posts
23 Jan 2014 2:56PM
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geez Ado, that avatar is freakin me out

VIC, 5477 posts
23 Jan 2014 4:04PM
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Yeah don't get too close.

89 posts
24 Jan 2014 3:15PM
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Hallo Sailquick,hello Daffy.I want to send you two fins. 18cm . Looks like your 22cm Le Wo Duo Speed Rake 30.??
I worked a new for L??deritz. Profil on the left good 2mm thinner ,than the concaves and the cut out.The wind was not so good in 2013. Only Dieter Gerrichhausen was with the new fin faster than 2012.And the wind,may be the canal was not
so good how in 2012. If you want, send me your adress. Wolfgang

SA, 235 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:27PM
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Heads up... Monday.

Water still quite high, but a tuning day perhaps?

WA, 12002 posts
28 Jan 2014 7:29PM
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We should be there in about a fortnight. Really looking forward to it.

NSW, 1674 posts
28 Jan 2014 10:31PM
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G'day South Ozzies ! Arrived today from Sydney. Drove 8 hrs to Bendigo yesterday, pitched the tent in a rest area with noisy bogans living there permanently. Today about 6 hrs drive. Tot. petrol cost about $130. I went to see the rigging area, the road is atrocious for my city car and trailer. I took the wrong turn and ended up bogged down in a 4wd trail, took me a while to free myself. I have never known the real meaning of 'flat' and 'shallow' until today. Beachport is very beautifull, but I was expecting to see the town teeming with windsurfers, I must have jumped the gun. Tomorrow seems a good forecast, is BOM Meteye accurate for this area? Hope to see someone tomorrow.


NSW, 9027 posts
28 Jan 2014 10:38PM
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Good one George, have a good rest after your journey and get out sailing tomorrow! What sort of Internet connection are you getting there and what is the wind like? Somehow I think the Lake George definition of choppy water is quite different to the Kyeeamgh definition. We plan to head off this Saturday but won't be in a mad rush to get there. Perhaps we should be.

NSW, 1674 posts
28 Jan 2014 11:03PM
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It was very strong (W ?) and hot, then in the afternoon it died down and now is a S. Temperature has dropped from close to 40 to about 20 .
I have Telstra 4g modem, so no issues for Internet. I also have a smartphone with Vodafone and the reception is good.
Things to remember:
when you enter SA, turn the clock 1/2 hour earlier
Message for Roar: bring your own pillows
Next update tomorrow night

NSW, 1498 posts
29 Jan 2014 9:39AM
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Thanks for the advice Powersloshin - Same route as I was planning in taking- including the Bendigo stop over.
I was looking at google maps Street View and you can take the track up a fair way. There is a fork in the track where street view ends can you advise if its best to go right (lake side) or left?


jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
29 Jan 2014 9:11AM
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PJ is already out sailing and im heading there now, great se for the next few days will be out at cockys.

Jimbob 0400472146

jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
29 Jan 2014 9:12AM
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PJ is already out sailing and im heading there now, great se for the next few days will be out at cockys.

Jimbob 0400472146

NSW, 1674 posts
29 Jan 2014 9:47AM
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DavMen said..

Thanks for the advice Powersloshin - Same route as I was planning in taking- including the Bendigo stop over.
I was looking at google maps Street View and you can take the track up a fair way. There is a fork in the track where street view ends can you advise if its best to go right (lake side) or left?


You need to go right, soon after there is a puddle about 10 metres long and 30 cm deep. The other is the 4wd trail that takes to a beach on the ocean. I suspect that going there for a few hundred metres and then turning right will bypass the puddle, I might try it today.

jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
29 Jan 2014 10:44AM
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10 o'clock and 20 knots. yeee haaaa

VIC, 286 posts
29 Jan 2014 12:53PM
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powersloshin said..
DavMen said..

I'm sure Jimbob can correct me if i'm wrong, but from memory it sounds like you guys are going too far onto the spit. Easier to sail from the other side - Cocky's point, as Jimbob mentions above. You need to drive out onto the dry bottom part of the lake, there's a gap with tyre tracks that you take onto the lake, I did it fine in my work car last year (regular sedan) if my memory serves me correctly this is the route (I think one of the SA guys did a map last year but i cant find it) and second photo is the gap you drive through - SA guys, please correct if wrong :

SA, 235 posts
29 Jan 2014 1:03PM
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Spot on.

NSW, 1600 posts
29 Jan 2014 3:27PM
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is it worth me bringing my 112Falcon? I only weigh 74 kg's and was hoping the extra salinity of the lake and more consistent breeze would negate the need for it. Will I be right with my 89Falcon and speed board? I know it's crystal balling a bit as you never know the wind conditions....

VIC, 5477 posts
29 Jan 2014 3:33PM
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So is Cocky's working OK then? Water level must be getting there...

SA, 235 posts
29 Jan 2014 5:34PM
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Looking good.

NSW, 1674 posts
29 Jan 2014 11:14PM
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DanP said..

I'm sure Jimbob can correct me if i'm wrong, but from memory it sounds like you guys are going too far onto the spit. Easier to sail from the other side - Cocky's point, as Jimbob mentions above. You need to drive out onto the dry bottom part of the lake, there's a gap with tyre tracks that you take onto the lake, I did it fine in my work car last year (regular sedan) if my memory serves me correctly this is the route (I think one of the SA guys did a map last year but i cant find it) and second photo is the gap you drive through - SA guys, please correct if wrong :

Yes i saw Jamie today and he explained to me that is the place for SE, will try that route tomorrow. Where I was today it was very exposed and got everything foamed ! Anything you leave on the ground attracts it

SA, 453 posts
30 Jan 2014 12:03AM
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sick_em_rex said..

is it worth me bringing my 112Falcon? I only weigh 74 kg's and was hoping the extra salinity of the lake and more consistent breeze would negate the need for it. Will I be right with my 89Falcon and speed board? I know it's crystal balling a bit as you never know the wind conditions....

Hi Rexy,
I have not used anything bigger than my 89 in the last 2 years I have been to LG. Here is some footage of a lightwind morning (12-20) on the 89 with a 6.7 RSR. (I am 110Kg)

WA, 12002 posts
29 Jan 2014 11:41PM
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I had one of those last year, got a 30kt nautical mile just like that, now you've got my juices going, can I wait another fortnight to get there?
You've got to love that sound from the dead smooth water!!!

jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
30 Jan 2014 9:20AM
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wasn't like that yesterday still a lot of water over the weed beds,
rexy my go to board is my 117 stoke.

TAS, 1987 posts
30 Jan 2014 12:23PM
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I know it's been asked before and that it's starting to get good now, but when is it looking like the water levels will be looking really good?

SA, 4024 posts
30 Jan 2014 3:10PM
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AUS02 said..

I know it's been asked before and that it's starting to get good now, but when is it looking like the water levels will be looking really good?

my guess late Feb-March if Jimbob says it's not flat then it's not flat although the current conditions maybe very flat to people who have never sailed there, plenty of wind coming though, I'll save my sessions for later.

QLD, 4873 posts
30 Jan 2014 2:49PM
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Kimba said..

Hi Rexy,
........... Here is some footage of a lightwind morning (12-20) on the 89 with a 6.7 RSR. (I am 110Kg)

It should be made a criminal offence posting videos like that or at least come with a warning similar to cigarette packs e.g. "Watching may cause depression" or "keep sharp fins away from viewers not able to go to Lake George"!

NSW, 1600 posts
30 Jan 2014 4:19PM
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nyah nyah 1 week to go. Hopefully this heatwave will evaporate some of the water and the level will drop nicely for all of us going.....just not you snags

NSW, 696 posts
30 Jan 2014 4:56PM
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Kimba said..

Hi Rexy,
I have not used anything bigger than my 89 in the last 2 years I have been to LG. Here is some footage of a lightwind morning (12-20) on the 89 with a 6.7 RSR. (I am 110Kg)

Yiewwwwwww! Out of interest Kimba, what were your speeds, average 10sec, Alpha and Hr like on that 'light' wind day?

TAS, 1987 posts
30 Jan 2014 5:06PM
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Yep, that video got me more keen than ever to come over ...


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Lake George Speed Sessions 2014" started by Aus06