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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Mandurah WA Coodanup foreshore info and map

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2013
WA, 1788 posts
21 Mar 2013 11:21AM
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I have just put together a bit of info about my usual and windsurfing spot for anyone looking for somewhere different. Be aware it does require a really good gradient wind to be good, normal adiabatic seebreezes can be disappointing! I am usually the only person out so feel free to come and join me:-)

Launch spots: Ross spot is at the end of Beacham St just as it swings around towards Nairns: you can park at waters edge, it has good grass to rig on, deeper water to launch in and you can launch close to the waters edge. Launch depth is deepest at about 20 metres from the edge. The bottom turns from sand to softer mud and then does not get any deeper. Best on medium tide or higher.( medium tide is water edge within a metre or two of rock retaining wall of estuary)
Best winds are from just about any direction. However SE can make it difficult to get off the shore sometimes if conditions are marginal. Conversely a N can give rise to a sheltered zone near shore.

The area immediately in front of the Coodanup foreshore is shallow but relatively smooth as the outer bank (see map) cuts out most of the chop on moderate tides. This area is best suited for speed but requires short fins. However the western end in front of the main carpark shallows markedly and is full of rocks and shells. See map. This area is crap - do NOT use main car park to rig and launch, leave it for the kiters. However as you go further west again the bottom goes to soft mud and weedy.This area can get very smooth even on a sea breeze as the extended shallows to the SW takes out most of the chop. Often the wind appears to be 1-2 knots stronger here on a sea breeze as it funnels along the shore. Generally use this area for high speed gybes and then charge back down over the flats toward the eastern end. The higher the tide the lesser the effect of the outer bank in smoothing the water.

Sailing tip:When you launch from Ross spot It is important to get up and planning quickly as the depth lessens as you head further out toward the outer bank. I use a 21cm Delta and have no problems touching bottom. However I can only use my bigger weedy on higher and storm tides. Generally weedy fins are better in this area on higher tides especially as estuary weed tends to pile up on this lee shore on a sea breeze.

On lower tides use launch site at the S bend , but be careful of star pickets near the edge that are left by the mullet fishermen. Use in stronger breezes as tends to be holey near shore.
From here around to the east is nice sandy bottom.

At far eastern end is the Nairns bird hide. This is a good spot if you wish to use longer fins and stay on the outside of the bank and out for a bump and jump session. Requires a walk out through the shallows for up to a 100 meters if long fin and low tide. As you go further east along the foreshore the Seabreeze appears to get less and more holey, so try and work up and out of this NE corner quickly.

Sailing tip: be careful of water depth. Because this area is affected by the plume of river water from the Serpentine and Murray it can be impossible to see the bottom even in shallow water on an outgoing tide or when there is substantial outflow. The sand here can be hard at speed!

Although on google maps a blast up the Murray Channel looks inviting, it requires an epic sea breeze as the strength drops off as you go up the channel, leading to embarrassing grovel in the channel.

There is a nice sand bank near the end of the 5 knot channel markers that is good for bump and jump.

The southern eastern side of the channel is a nice sandy bay. Good for bump and jump and general mucking around, once again wind drops off a knot or two as you get closer to shore.
Stay away from the boating channel as the water is like egg cartons - short and messy chop where river flow meets estuary chop going the other way.

In the south eastern corner of the estuary on the lee side of the Dredging waste island can be good but I don't go over here much because its a long walk home across the estuary if I break something or the wind drops out.


WA, 4105 posts
21 Mar 2013 1:09PM
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Fantastic post Fangman, very informative, and I have sailed some of those spots and that whole area is one of the best areas on the estuary!! Its just lazyness that I dont sail there more often. I tend to sail there more often in winter when its West WNW and NW, never really tried it on a seabreeze. Join the Fangman!!!!!!!!!!!

WA, 4017 posts
21 Mar 2013 7:04PM
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Excellent info. Thanks. I drove along there just after Christmas and it looked like a good spot for a sail but I didn't fancy sailing unknown waters on my own.

WA, 12461 posts
21 Mar 2013 8:27PM
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Great stuff Fangman!
I finished my Hr attempt today in that area behind boundary Island, the water in there was nice and flat, but the wind seemed a bit lighter.

WA, 1369 posts
21 Mar 2013 9:31PM
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Thanks for the info & pics lm heading there for Easter hopefully there is wind!

WA, 1788 posts
21 Mar 2013 9:45PM
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decrepit said...
Great stuff Fangman!
I finished my Hr attempt today in that area behind boundary Island, the water in there was nice and flat, but the wind seemed a bit lighter.

I didn't get out till a bit later, but had plenty of juice to charge around on and frighten the hardy folk out scoop netting for crabs. I will have to learn a few Mandarin swear words because I reckon they are probably not yelling out "go you good thing" ..... :-)

WA, 1788 posts
10 Aug 2013 4:58PM
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Just an update. The council has been very busy dumping tonnes of limestone rock along the Coodanup foreshore reserve to stop the erosion from the higher water levels. They have done a great job but unfortunately made it a little more difficult to launch in that area.If you want to launch in this area best bet now might be at S bend - just watch out for the semi submerged star picket left by the mullet fishermen on high tides!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Mandurah WA Coodanup foreshore info and map" started by fangman