Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

News site for speedsailors out there

Created by redsurfbus > 9 months ago, 31 Aug 2011
304 posts
31 Aug 2011 2:17AM
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Hi all, some of you may have seen my older site that I have done over the past year to raise money for the british heart foundation. I have finished that now but really enjoyed doing the website so have decided to develop it into a news type site for speedsailing.
I know a lot of you will have seen Eric Loots fantastic blog which is now sadly offline. I want to do something similar to that and have been shown a fair bit of support after I posted a thread on GPSSS. I have no intention of treading on anyones toes with this and just want to share the information I come across while browsing the web through forums, social sites etc. I do not want it to be purely a UK site and would like someone from your part of the world (or even several people) to help.
I have done a few simple posts so far, one being a round up of the UK scene (GPSTC mainly) for the past month, is there anyone who fancies doing the same for Australia, or just perhaps your region, giving a bit of info of any great sessions, or spots that worked well etc.

A lot of the info I can put together from the threads in GPSTC but did want to confirm that nobody minded me doing this - something like this
I do think though that I am likely to make assumptions and errors from just 'weaning' the news off threads which is why I wondered if there was anyone that fancied doing a summary for their team/region/country each month.

Other posts I would like to include and build up over time are some detailed spot reviews - i.e.

In the long run I want to turn it from a blog into a real website, but will wait and see how the whole thing takes off before I dedicate a load of time/money into learning website development. Quite a few people are starting to show interest, and I hope you all do as well.
Cheers, Lea

WA, 6277 posts
31 Aug 2011 9:40AM
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From the developer of the GPS Team Challenge: Go for it!

It sounds like a great idea, if you would like us to do anything to make it easier for you to grab the data then please let us know.

QLD, 4873 posts
31 Aug 2011 11:40AM
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Nice work Lea and good to hear you're back up and sailing after your HA.

I reckon you should get each of the GPSTC team captain's emails from Ben (Nebbian on seabreeze) and ask them to contribute (or get him to independently email them with your request). A monthly team report is a great idea.

WA, 4014 posts
31 Aug 2011 10:07AM
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Our captain emails all team members with a monthly summary anyway, it would be easy to add your email address to the list.

304 posts
31 Aug 2011 10:33AM
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nebbian said...

From the developer of the GPS Team Challenge: Go for it!

That has just made my day (or rather night over here)! Its the GPSTC that has really pushed me this last year and I wanted to give something back through this.
Anyone that wants to contribute is welcome to. I dont want to 'open' the site up for anyone to simply post just yet as I am still wrapping up the 1000nmi challenge I did ( this weekend is the National windsurfing festival here in the uk, where I will raise the last of the money and see how many more miles I will have to sail...)

Over the next year though I think that may be a way forward, to open it up for a few extra posters, either team captains or 'regional' reps. I see the GPSTC as something that could well take over other forms of competition in the future as it is so accessible so see this as a huge part of the news/reporting that I want the site to be based on. I also want to post things about new tech/kit developments and individual achievements in speedsurfing to hopefully attract more people into this side of the sport.

I guess I am going to need to learn some website development then, sooner rather than later. I am quite IT literate so it shouldnt be too difficult (I hope)

WA, 12161 posts
31 Aug 2011 8:45PM
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Great idea, there's so much happening in the GTC these days, with all the international teams posting. It takes a lot of time to read thru all the sessions.
A weekly/monthly synopsis would be fantastic.

304 posts
1 Sep 2011 3:43AM
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It is all moving pretty quickly now. I have most of the UK covered in terms of 'roving reporters' who will post bits about our best spots and give a summary of good sessions on them.
I thought with today being the start of a new month that I should do a quick summary of the year rankings

I found it really difficult, felt like I was just writing crap to be honest, but I suppose as time moves on it will be easier to put a bit more fun in it, giving a few teams a bit of stick while congratulating others. It has worked for the first post I did for the UK teams, the team captain emailed me and said he quite enjoyed reading the 'constructive criticism' and promised he will push them a bit harder this month.

As I see a few good/bad sessions reported on (or even emailed to me by some of you if you could) it will make the end of month ranking summary a bit easier to do.

Its a start at least.

WA, 12161 posts
1 Sep 2011 8:25PM
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Just a suggestion for Nebs, maybe a link on the sites front page to the blog?
Not every body is going to read this thread and learn about it.
That could generate more input from around the world

WA, 6277 posts
1 Sep 2011 8:44PM
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No sooner said than done

NSW, 1412 posts
1 Sep 2011 11:41PM
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nebbian said...

No sooner said than done

nebbian said...posted...
Posted Thu 1st Sep on the GPSTC home page

Our good friends over in the United Kingdom have started up a blog to do with how various teams are going. Head on over and check it out!

Onya Nebs

And well done Lea - huge effort on a great site

128 posts
2 Sep 2011 12:00AM
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redsurfbus said...

It is all moving pretty quickly now. I have most of the UK covered in terms of 'roving reporters' who will post bits about our best spots and give a summary of good sessions on them.
I thought with today being the start of a new month that I should do a quick summary of the year rankings

I found it really difficult, felt like I was just writing crap to be honest, but I suppose as time moves on it will be easier to put a bit more fun in it, giving a few teams a bit of stick while congratulating others. It has worked for the first post I did for the UK teams, the team captain emailed me and said he quite enjoyed reading the 'constructive criticism' and promised he will push them a bit harder this month.

As I see a few good/bad sessions reported on (or even emailed to me by some of you if you could) it will make the end of month ranking summary a bit easier to do.

Its a start at least.

The WK Speed Warriors captain needs a good kick up the jacksie from time to time ... lazy arse.

I better learn how to gybe speed kit again .... drink up me hearty's yo ho

304 posts
2 Sep 2011 12:01AM
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Decrepit has taken the reins and put up a report for the Mandurah mob -

It is going to be a busy few days for me but this has is now taking a priority in my life, I think it could be something I really enjoy and if people will enjoy reading it then all the better. I will update when I can. thanks again for all the support so far.

128 posts
2 Sep 2011 12:04AM
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Wineman said...

nebbian said...

No sooner said than done

nebbian said...posted...
Posted Thu 1st Sep on the GPSTC home page

Our good friends over in the United Kingdom have started up a blog to do with how various teams are going. Head on over and check it out!

Onya Nebs

And well done Lea - huge effort on a great site

Good on you Pete ... the ashes series was fantastic ... looking forward to the rematch .. hopefully dished up with some wind this time, and a more evenly levelled playing field

128 posts
2 Sep 2011 12:05AM
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redsurfbus said...

Decrepit has taken the reins and put up a report for the Mandurah mob -

It is going to be a busy few days for me but this has is now taking a priority in my life, I think it could be something I really enjoy and if people will enjoy reading it then all the better. I will update when I can. thanks again for all the support so far.

OPH is signed up and ready to rock!!

304 posts
2 Sep 2011 12:39AM
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OPH said...

Wineman said...

nebbian said...

No sooner said than done

nebbian said...posted...
Posted Thu 1st Sep on the GPSTC home page

Our good friends over in the United Kingdom have started up a blog to do with how various teams are going. Head on over and check it out!

Onya Nebs

And well done Lea - huge effort on a great site

Good on you Pete ... the ashes series was fantastic ... looking forward to the rematch .. hopefully dished up with some wind this time, and a more evenly levelled playing field

Thank you Pete, I hope you will enjoy reading it

I too am looking forward to the Ashes series, last year I had just a speed sail and a speed board both suited for complete flat water and howling winds an no ability to use them. This year I have a full quiver and some experience (but wont be able to get points every month for PBs - I only joined last October so my PBs were quite easy to beat).
It will give a good start to in this new format as well, something we can all write a bit about and egg each other on.

lao shi
SA, 1298 posts
3 Sep 2011 11:39AM
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Hi Lea,
I have sent you part 1 of a rundown on WA teams.

304 posts
5 Sep 2011 6:26AM
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lao shi said...

Hi Lea,
I have sent you part 1 of a rundown on WA teams.

And it is really well written I have to say, funny and very intersting, I will get it online in the next 24hours. I have just returned from the UK National Windsurfing Festival which was a brilliant experience and met hundreds of like minded brilliant people. I am so tired now though, we raised £580 for the british heart foundation doing a raffle and I can now finish that part of my life and start something new - or rather carry on with this.

I also spoke to the owner of Spartan Wetsuits about getting some rashies printed for the GPSTC.......I want one and know probably 10 others that do. If I get enough interest then the price comes down, currently about £15 per vest (not sure of the exchange rate but guess its pretty good for you ordering from here and not for us ordering from there) for an order of 10.....I am sure it will be a lot less for 100 and the shipping of a box to Australia shouldnt be too expensive........I will start another thread on it soon.

WA, 6277 posts
5 Sep 2011 7:49AM
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Hi Lea,

It's a great idea, but please be careful with getting merchandise made.

We normally have a run of merchandise made with the GTC logo on it and sell this to our members. It's the only way that we can make enough money to buy trophies and medals.

If other people started offering merchandise with our logo on it then we wouldn't be able to do this, and we'd have to stop getting trophies and medals. As it is the money has run out so we need to do another run quite soon.

So if you want merchandise it has to be through the official channels.

Sorry about that...

QLD, 4873 posts
5 Sep 2011 12:13PM
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nebbian said...

Hi Lea,

It's a great idea, but please be careful with getting merchandise made.

We normally have a run of merchandise made with the GTC logo on it and sell this to our members. It's the only way that we can make enough money to buy trophies and medals.

If other people started offering merchandise with our logo on it then we wouldn't be able to do this, and we'd have to stop getting trophies and medals. As it is the money has run out so we need to do another run quite soon.

So if you want merchandise it has to be through the official channels.

Sorry about that...

Speaking of GPSTC merchandise, has a decision been made on what you guys will be offering - rashies, t's, hoods, stickers ?????

PS - happy to just make a donation too Nebs. Does the GPSTC have a bank account or paypal a/c?

WA, 6277 posts
5 Sep 2011 10:19AM
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Sausage -- yes as soon as I get off my ever-expanding bum and get it all sorted out!

304 posts
5 Sep 2011 7:09PM
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Nebs, sorry I perhaps should have emailed you first before writing it. I am a bit over excited at the events of the weekend and very tired, I made a lot of contacts in respect to growing the site.
I had no intention of selling them as such as the 'brand/concept' is not mine to do that with, I just wanted to let you know and should have done that privately. Will send you an email soon.

I would love some merchandise - especially sail stickers to get the concept more well known. There may be a couple more UK teams appear over the coming months as well after I had told people about it. (Not sure where they will sail as we have the best speed spots covered with the teams we have, but who knows they may find some even better ones)

WA, 12161 posts
5 Sep 2011 7:32PM
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redsurfbus said...
[br>>>>>. (Not sure where they will sail as we have the best speed spots covered with the teams we have, but who knows they may find some even better ones)

Don't think there's any law about sharing spots.
The Swan River has 3 or 4 teams on it, they all come down here and share ours when it's good.
Adds to to the rivalry and socialising.

WA, 2224 posts
6 Sep 2011 9:32AM
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decrepit said...

redsurfbus said...
[br>>>>>. (Not sure where they will sail as we have the best speed spots covered with the teams we have, but who knows they may find some even better ones)

Don't think there's any law about sharing spots.
The Swan River has 3 or 4 teams on it, they all come down here and share ours when it's good.
Adds to to the rivalry and socialising.

According to one shot legged SRM member it's all SRM turf anyway

WA, 3145 posts
6 Sep 2011 10:42AM
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redsurfbus said...

(Not sure where they will sail as we have the best speed spots covered with the teams we have, but who knows they may find some even better ones)

It might not matter Lea, even though we have a fairly good spot in our neck of the woods (Green Island FNQ) the majority of our team sail open ocean or a choppy gusty dam. Windsurfers being windsurfers the competitive streak will come out where ever they sail. Well done with your website

Here's a photo of our team captain, Mad Dog Morgan (Kel) on his speed board flat out on our main speed strip, Holloways Beach

TAS, 1471 posts
6 Sep 2011 2:39PM
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Hey lao shi that was a great read and congrats on the website redsurfbus. Great to see so much passion for the GPSTC, keep up the good work

WA, 12161 posts
6 Sep 2011 3:46PM
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lao shi said...

Hi Lea,
I have sent you part 1 of a rundown on WA teams.

Great work lao shi, (and not just because of my appearance therein), I sense the teacher in you coming out.

OT, first real seabreeze this arvo, with half mast waves, (and I'm not allowed back in the water for another fortnight at least). May be a good season coming up, fingers crossed!

WA, 554 posts
6 Sep 2011 7:28PM
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Thanks Lea, this is a nice contribution to the speed scene.
Mark- great job with your summary.

WA, 5 posts
6 Sep 2011 8:41PM
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nice write up Lao Shi....! Greatly appreciate reading the history of some of the WA teams as well as seeing some faces to names that I am yet to meet, and so glad to see you have given the Sailfish a mention! Always appreciative of your words of encouragement with our postings too! Nic

QLD, 3416 posts
6 Sep 2011 10:43PM
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Nice article Lao good to know abit about the teams over there especially about us racing to 20000 .
who ever will make it there first the other wont be far behind .
may the wind gods play fair for both of us, be funny if we did it the same day.

304 posts
7 Sep 2011 3:58AM
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vando said...

Nice article Lao good to know abit about the teams over there especially about us racing to 20000 .
who ever will make it there first the other wont be far behind .
may the wind gods play fair for both of us, be funny if we did it the same day.

ninkynonk said...

nice write up Lao Shi....! Greatly appreciate reading the history of some of the WA teams as well as seeing some faces to names that I am yet to meet, and so glad to see you have given the Sailfish a mention! Always appreciative of your words of encouragement with our postings too! Nic

Brilliant, thats exactly what I want from my site. At least I know i am not wasting my time

WA, 12161 posts
7 Sep 2011 7:23PM
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redsurfbus said...

Brilliant, that's exactly what I want from my site. At least I know i am not wasting my time

I'm certain you're not wasting your time Lea, this is a great idea.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"News site for speedsailors out there" started by redsurfbus