Having picked up a few PB's recently it got me thinking whether there could be a place in the scoring system of the GTC which could reflect some of the effort in achieving such.
Here's the idea.
When a PB is achieved, a multiplier is applied to the team score for that particular category for that particular day.
Suggested ranking for applied multiplier as follows:
For speed categories, for every 1kt or part thereof above the previous PB, a multiplier of 0.01 is applied. i.e 3.2kt increase in PB = 0.04 multiplier.
For distance this could be for every 10km over PB = 0.01 multiplier. Maximum multiplier cannot exceed 0.1 for any category. This would result in an increase in the score in line with the increase in the PB. Let's face it anyone who can better their PB by 10kts has had a real effort and from then on it will not be that easy to gain higher multiplier values. Plus that effort can be reflected in the score.
First timers PB's are not considered as this will be the basis for any PB improvements.
Now if the team qualifies for a team score, then the multiplier is applied to the average to calculate an final score, thus providing the PB'er assisting in the team score for the categories where a PB is achieved. If two PB's are achieved in the same category, only the highest multiplier is used. The PB'ers score does not have to necessarily be one of the two averaged scores used.
Example: In the 2 sec cat a team has 4 sailors posting times. The two highest speeds are calculate to say 30kts. Another sailor gets a PB of 24kt which is 1.5kt better than his previous. The multiplier for this would be 0.02.
Multiply the score of 30 by 1.02 and a new score of 30.6 kt is the team score for that category on the day.
In categories where no PB is achieved the multiplier would be zero.
Hope I've explained this well enough. Just think it might add another dimension to the GTC, one in which lesser mortals strive to better their sailing skills and can have some input into team performance.
Put this to Hardie this morning and suggested they would prefer not to tinker with the scoring system at the moment as it works well, which I agree. Maybe a concept like this could be considered somewhere down the track.
Having also picked up a few PBs lately my feeling is that a new PB is in itself enough of a reward. When I get one I am really chuffed, and the supportive comments on GTC from other competitors is an added reward.
I concur with Hardie that the system is working remarkably well and that tinkering could dilute what is a really great system.
Maybe a different way to recognise PBs would be to figure out a way to calculate a "most improved" winner for each year, or even quarter? I imagine the computer nerds amongst us could figure out a way to do that with the existing data. It could even allow for most improved state winners also.
I'm more than happy to modify the scoring system based on feedback, this year we added discards due to overwhelming demand.
I have two criteria though:
1) Changes can only be made at the start of a year
2) The system must be simple enough for a human to understand it.
I'm a bit hesitant to add a modifier to the scoring system, I get a few emails asking how the system works as it is, and a modifier would add a bit more 'voodoo' to the system and make it harder for humans to check up on the computer.
We have had situations where the scoring system wasn't working properly, and it was picked up by some eagle-eyed sailors... I always want people to be able to do the scoring if necessary to double check that all the numbers add up.
If you can figure out a simple way to make PBs more important, then I'm all for it
Its a clever idea and maybe something that people acn do unofficially for theirm own interests. Overall, I think if it aint broke...............
I reckon at some stage we can get sponsorsip or prizes for the greatest percentage increase on a PB for a year or something like that, which gives everyone a chance, but you would have to have completed a whole year before you qwualified!!!!!!
PBs are important in their own sake. Usually when you get a PB there is a lot of positive feedback from windsurfing friends and others on the GTC site. Its also great from a personal point of view.
However I've noticed since we've had an influx of new teams, especially those from Holland, we see PBs almost every day so they are not commented on as much as before.
Maybe, if its not too much work, the GPSTC website could be adjusted to display the last 40 sessions, instead of the current 25? That would help with the "sliding off the end of the page" issue.
Cripes it was 10 at the start of the year!
How about a filter so that when you're viewing Australia's rankings, you only see Australia's posts?
Na as then it'd be just us Nebs, how about a separate home page (rankings & news etc) and a post page. I know we have a page for sessions but the posts act like a forum which makes them interesting.
Cheers Old Bastard
Why don't you just have a PB page
...mind you I frequently have nearly PBs or PBs in different places that are right up there with official PBs.
I would be keen to only see the aussie session posts only as I always have the ratings filter on Aussie only now. not really keen on what some pro team is doing over there and the local posts I want to see are off the page ovenight. yes include our Kiwi bros.
I agree that if the filter for scores is selected it should filter posts as well.
A "roll of honor" page for PBs would be a nice idea as well so everyone could have their 60 seconds of fame extended for a bit longer !
Right now ANY time on the water would feel like a PB.
there should be another category in which you have to try and write a word on the water while sailing,for each letter you do you get some points....make for some interesting tracks
Here is a big "F". Freestyle board with whippy mast that Jenny sent, thanks .
Things you do while waiting for wind.
Hey Hardie and Nebs are you still looking at filtering the posts with the scores when selecting Aussie only on the ladder.
I like the PB modifier idea.
As someone who is unlikely to ever contribute to the team score in absolute numbers, it would be nice to make a contribution in the form of a PB.
Sure the thrill of a PB is great, and it is nice to get personal feedback, but it would be extra good to be able to make a contribution to the team.
Would also be an extra incentive for teams to recruit new members who are not necessarily ace sailors.
and yes, I'd like to have an Aus only filter for sessions.
What are you doing with your spare time, Nebbs? It can't be sailing.
Anybody would think you were busy doing DIY!