Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Starting on lake at zero

Created by wkcwarrior > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2011
371 posts
20 Mar 2011 7:19PM
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after long cold winter we actually break the ice to start our lake season:

here is measuring water:


and few photos



371 posts
20 Mar 2011 7:22PM
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next, and day after, ice was gone, but water stays liquid ice
here is a videos from other two days...

WA, 314 posts
20 Mar 2011 8:24PM
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Absolutely 110% insane.
I wouldn't see the crown jewels for months after a session in that water.
Not to mention the brain freeze if when you came off.

371 posts
20 Mar 2011 8:40PM
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not so cold at all
good will is stronger then ice

after all, we enjoy it a lot


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Starting on lake at zero" started by wkcwarrior