We don't have any flat water speed strips but look what we get to sail in.
Lake Clearwater, Canterbury high country, NZ
So remind me why we live in cities.....
Yep, always need a wetsuit but 5mm is enough
10-12 deg water last month.
15 degrees this week....gets up to 20-23 by February.
Cold water's good for you....inspires you to stop dropping gybes.
Besides you can't have the snow capped background without a bit of cold.
I'm moving there in January. I guess I'll have to buy a proper wettie. I don't think my Queensland special will work there...
Kiwiland isn't the only one without a decent speedstrip and we have to put up with this view! Shame people park their cars in the way.
When is it windiest in Lake Clearwater? It would be nice not to worry about big grey things swimming around.
How do you rent the baches? (SP?) Is there some website where you can rent these?
I wanted to go to LC once, but it was peak season and there were no hire cars anywhere!
Windy from October until March, prob best Nov/Dec/Jan.
Thermal winds blowing from the west coast to the east so at their best when the Canterbury plains in the east are hot and dry.Met service forecasts are pretty accurate.Use 'mountains and national parks'...'Canterbury high country' as info source.
It's usually 15-25kts and often 35-45.
73kts recently damaged a few roofs.
There is no web site for bach rentals but if you contact Al at 'Groundswell' (the local ChCh shop) his wife Nic has a list of rentals.
Beautiful place to sail, fresh water, thin air (667m altitude) no cell phone reception, no power, no noise and no worries about big grey things in the water, worst you'll get here is an eel or a duck and not even any spiders.
Water temp is 15degrees at the moment and sometimes gets as high as 23 in Feb
Au contraire, I tend to avoid it. No one ever got a photo of the one I had in Perth and used for windsurfing!