Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Well Done Nebs

Created by elmo > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2007
WA, 8725 posts
29 Dec 2007 9:31AM
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First real session for Nebs down at Hardies Yesterday

Full House of PB's

The Neb's Dance is a beautiful thing to behold

Well Done!!!

WA, 8725 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:14AM
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Bugger I missed that one.

Well done Pointman

WA, 1730 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:26AM
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well done to all the guys who sailed at hardies yesterday,even though the forecast didn't quite eventuate i think most of the guys got at least 1 pb! yet again hardies turns on the pb's.
well done to 25 as well coming in to form at just the right time!

WA, 4564 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:10AM
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Well done Nebs and Pointman. Getting a full book is f....n huge
Now of course getting a full book brings into play rule # 1044, You both do know the rules on this?. If you dont, then its double up.
You have to shout the BBQ (1 can per man/woman perhaps)at the next GPS SPEED RUN MEET at Hardies.
Elmo, you did tell them,,,,,,, didn’t you?

Now I know why WSPW jumped down a couple notches on us (Pinna's)

WA, 323 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:53AM
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Big thanks to Elmo and Nebb's for showing me where to sail at Hardies with the appropriate warnings.
I was busy following Nebb's on a run East between the white sticks and started to slow.
He had a 21cm weedie and I though mine was similar but I came to a shuddering halt and blew a harness line. Masses and masses of weed, I missed the channel just.
Long walk out and got stung on the foot by something Elmo called a devil-fish, I'll say.
Made putting the foot back in the strap a little difficult.

It was pretty cool seeing these two (non windsurfing) blokes out crabbing and we were sailing INSIDE of them sailing past at mega knots, they did not seemed concerned at all, maybe all the locals are into weed

WA, 8725 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:05PM
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snides8 said...

well done to all the guys who sailed at hardies yesterday,even though the forecast didn't quite eventuate i think most of the guys got at least 1 pb! yet again hardies turns on the pb's.
well done to 25 as well coming in to form at just the right time!

Pedro owned the day yesterday.

We're going to have to do something about that smiling assassin

Comes down here with that friendly smile and quiet chuckle of his.

Creates havoc and mayhem all over the course,

Leaves with a bigger smile on his face

Then gives everyone a monstrous kick in the slats when he posts (probably still smiling and chuckling away)

Well done Pete for your 33.8 NM and 126km PB's

May have to up the NM estimation for Hardies what with Slowy doing just shy of 35 down it on a light day and Pets 33.8, makes me think that with the right person on the right day 36's are possible (won't be me)

WA, 4564 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:11PM
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Looks like you guys had a great day down there. well don on all the PBs

Elmo, hows the back leg after the NM PB you do it on that JP board you showed me last time I was there?
And whats a devil fish, is that a cobbler? (the one that kissed Graceman)[}:)]

WA, 6277 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:12PM
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Quote of the day:

"You guys were absolutely FLYING, we were having a barbecue at home watching you"
- An elderly lady going for a walk at the end of the session

From the launch, sail upwind till you see the two white sticks line up with each other, count to ten, then blast downwind, staying about 10 metres upwind of those sticks.
If you feel some weed slowing you down, grit your teeth and sheet in

WA, 8725 posts
29 Dec 2007 1:10PM
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mineral1 said...

Looks like you guys had a great day down there. well don on all the PBs

Elmo, hows the back leg after the NM PB you do it on that JP board you showed me last time I was there?
And whats a devil fish, is that a cobbler? (the one that kissed Graceman)[}:)]

Yep did the Nm on my last couple of runs with the JP, had run the Windtech up till the last 3 runs where I finally got the courage up to sail through where the Hardyman goes through (50m inside the white posts), nice straight long run on flat water all the way

Devil fish is a tiny fish which hides in the weeds (what doesn't down here) which has some poisonous spines, unlike the coblers the pain is not quite as intense and only lasts about an hour.

WA, 323 posts
29 Dec 2007 3:11PM
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So who was it that told me to sail between the sticks?
Or was that avoid the sticks or gybe around the sticks
I think I have age related dementia

Here is the little Bas..d or its cousin

Foot still sore

VIC, 6094 posts
29 Dec 2007 7:54PM
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Congratulations to all on the PB's.
39 is right up there Pete!
Excellent Alpha from Snides as well... Smokin'!!!!

QLD, 6481 posts
29 Dec 2007 9:45PM
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nebs - stop scoring points for the other team

WA, 319 posts
29 Dec 2007 9:25PM
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A great day for many in great and friendly company - great efforts all round!
It was great fun - we'll do it again tomorrow Elmo.
I've extracted and re-posted with the navi track, some ups and some downs, particulary the 2 sec.
Oh well maybe tyomorrow!!
See you mid arvo Sunday Elmo et al!!

WA, 1730 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:05PM
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is it too early to start talking about next friday?

1553 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:17PM
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can someone paste a pic of Hardies? am really curious what it looks this is what nebs has been doin' all month long in search of serious congrats my side

WA, 435 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:19PM
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nebbian said...

Stoked doesn't begin to describe the feeling

Let's not forget that Pointman did the same thing at the same time:

Cheers Nebs. I had a great session.

A bit bummed I packed up and left at 6, just as the rest of you lot were starting to nail your best times, but by then the display on my Navi was shot and I didn't know if it was working or not (Turns out it was....phew).

Next time I head for The Run I won't promise to be home in time for dinner!!

Congrats to all the other sailors nailing PB's, it was that kind of a day

WA, 1730 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:26PM
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jp747 said...

can someone paste a pic of Hardies? am really curious what it looks this is what nebs has been doin' all month long in search of serious congrats my side

i took some head cam footage yesterday of hardies,the file sizes are massive so i am not sure how to go about putting the vid up some where...any advice?

WA, 6277 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:39PM
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Here ya go jp:

The run is parallel with the shore, about 500 metres out. Very weedy, quite shallow, very very fast

1553 posts
30 Dec 2007 7:54PM
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wow mates..nice spot for a dip and a fast sail..very flat i'd say...i'd expect you to break again your pb's? you think soprovided the wind packs a bit morethis place with weeds seems to have the feel like the one in Amsterdam where the guys do their own speedruns...regards and thanks nebs and snides

QLD, 3416 posts
30 Dec 2007 11:51PM
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Great stuff nebs well done


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Well Done Nebs" started by elmo