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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

What causes this? GPS Problems

Created by Wind Foiler > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2013
QLD, 4873 posts
23 Jan 2013 4:39PM
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sailquik said...
Hi Sausage. That v1.4 data does look remarkably similar to Tom's. Have you seen any other v1.4 GPS that give such data?

Out of interest I just downloaded 3 different sailor's files off KA72 who have the V1.4 firmware and they are all very smooth as you have noted. It was primarily because of seeing Kel's track on realspeed that I didn't update my firmware on the GT-31 (plus the fact it has been working fine and I subscribe to the adage of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it').

What's the concensus on still running the V1.3 firmware?

VIC, 6155 posts
23 Jan 2013 7:47PM
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sausage said...
sailquik said...
Hi Sausage. That v1.4 data does look remarkably similar to Tom's. Have you seen any other v1.4 GPS that give such data?

Out of interest I just downloaded 3 different sailor's files off KA72 who have the V1.4 firmware and they are all very smooth as you have noted. It was primarily because of seeing Kel's track on realspeed that I didn't update my firmware on the GT-31 (plus the fact it has been working fine and I subscribe to the adage of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it').

What's the concensus on still running the V1.3 firmware?

I really don't know of any disadvantages at all for our use. Likewise for the later versions of v1.2.

The best firmware versions for our use are the ones ending in a 'T' in V1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, as they have the extra items in the MISC menu and a few other tweaks that are good for our use.

WA, 12464 posts
23 Jan 2013 6:13PM
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Tomasz80 said...

I'm wearing it on my arm, as I always have.
Whats your take on the alphas? At what point do you not include an alpha? Greater then 1 sec between point? Spikes are obvious, but is what I have a spike?

Sorry Tom, it's a bit hard for me on the road, if they're on your arm that should be OK, but I have noticed the occasional glitch in the middle of the gybe, when you're leaning over, and your body obscures the gps's view of the sky, more likely to happen in a radical laydown.
I've no idea why your times aren't an even 1s, is that the same for the whole track, or just the alphas?

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
25 Jan 2013 10:34AM
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Ok. Thanks to everybody for their input. I've got my gps reading consistently every second. My highest Hdop is 1.4. If I do get 3.0's or higher do I discard that alpha, can I delete a track point or spike? How does this affect the data? What parameters do the captains of teams use when the verify PB's etc??

I'm still not getting a smooth track like other get. Where is the best update for the firmware? Can someone post the link. This is a last resort, as I have done everthing else!!
I'll start again with both units and see how that goes.

WA, 12464 posts
25 Jan 2013 4:55PM
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try this one Tom

I still think the gps may be obscured when you gybe, especially in the unit isn't facing up when you lean over. Try rotating it on your arm so that it's almost facing backwards, bit harder to read, but it'll be facing the sky when you do a radical laydown.

Verify PB's?????? Who does that? Certainly not Hardie.

VIC, 6155 posts
25 Jan 2013 11:28PM
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There really is very little verification done these days. It's probably something we should do more with PB's and top rankings.

For Alphas there are no published guidelines for HDOP or SDOP maximums. I think the SDOP is much more important but the catch is that RealSpeed does not display it.

The good news is that I have checked a few of the best Alphas which I have the files for and I have not seen any significant problems yet.

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
25 Jan 2013 9:27PM
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Ok now we are narrowing things down.

I sailed 2 locations today. Stroppo was nice enough to lend me his GPS. Before going out I made sure all settings were identical. The only difference:
My gps Version 1.4(B0803T)
Strop's gps Version 1.4(B0315C)

I put Stroppo's unit in antenna-down in my case (worse scenario), and wore it the same as the other day, when I first discovered the problem. Here are the results. My GPS first:

Very interesting.My gps was the top one, antenna up. Stroppo's below it facing antenna down. His still read 2 more satellites with a smooth track.

is it the version. I'll upload the same version as his to one of my units and keep the other the same for my next session.

VIC, 6155 posts
26 Jan 2013 1:32AM
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For what it is worth, I don't think it is the firmware version that is the issue. It is the same version I have with no problems.

I would definitely reload the firmware though, making sure to follow Tom's instructions diligently.

If you didn't have two GPS doing the same thing I would say it was a hardware fault.....

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
26 Jan 2013 9:02AM
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Thanks Daffy. Will do

WA, 12464 posts
26 Jan 2013 6:56PM
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Good diagnostics Tom, that eliminates my obscuring theory, be very interesting to see what firmware change does.

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
8 Feb 2013 9:39AM
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Ok. Now i'm getting angry. Or is it frustrated.

Re-installed both units with 2 different versions of firmware. Sailed first half of session with both units in the same case as before. Same problem as before!
Took the new GPS out on it's own, in a lightweight case and wore it on my shoulder. Perfect view of the sky etc. Still not good. I don't get it!?!?!

lao shi
WA, 1319 posts
8 Feb 2013 10:12AM
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Have you contacted Locosys?
You seem to be narrowing down to a problem with the units.
WWA has loaner BGT-11 units if you need to send them for warranty claim.

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
8 Feb 2013 10:25AM
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still waiting to hear back from them Lao. It's been 3 long days......too long. I really think it must be the units, but 2?? Bit strange.
The bad thing is a lot of random peoples files from KA72 have the same problem.....lots!

Stroppos on call this week so I might try to grab his. At least that way I can register a decent alpha.. If I'm coming north I might grab one off you. Just another comparison.

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
21 Feb 2013 9:46AM
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Whohooooooooooooooo! Found the solution.

Feel a little silly, but, it's all about learning. And once again, something my dad taught me (attention to detail is paramount) would have saved the day.

4 words: SETTINGS - POWER MODE - NORMAL (had mine on low power mode)

I'm just happy to have good data now. Thanks to everyone that tried to help. Lots of random tracks I looked at on KA72 had the same problem so check you settings

QLD, 3424 posts
21 Feb 2013 11:51AM
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out of interest what's the average price for a GT31 ?

WA, 12464 posts
21 Feb 2013 7:52PM
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Well done Tom, glad you found it, that was very worrying for a while.

NSW, 9029 posts
21 Feb 2013 10:58PM
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seanhogan said...
out of interest what's the average price for a GT31 ?

Something like $180AU.

Wind Foiler
WA, 142 posts
21 Feb 2013 11:26PM
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$130 + postage if you look around. but see Paul at Second Wind, best deals yet!!

QLD, 3424 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:54AM
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thanks for the answer guys, asking cause the naish dealer is closing and he's selling them @ 100$


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"What causes this? GPS Problems" started by Wind Foiler