Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Wind at the PiT Monday. I'm not going!

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 18 Jul 2008
VIC, 6088 posts
18 Jul 2008 11:27PM
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25-34 knots SW. Air temp 10 degrees! High tide all day! Raining most of the day! Snow forecast down to 900m! Wind chill factor off the scale!
I think this is one day I will be happy to go to work and watch the storm pass from inside a heated room. Yeah.... I know.... soft.......

WA, 12004 posts
18 Jul 2008 9:30PM
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Must be catching Andrew, that's how I felt today.

WA, 8713 posts
18 Jul 2008 9:31PM
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Probably wise, it was bloody cold and nasty here today, t'will only get worst by the time it hits you guys

WA, 1646 posts
20 Jul 2008 5:24AM
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Windguru says , perfect angle, 27 SW (should be good for 32+ on the bar) all day , no rain and up to 12 degrees.

Are you sure you don't want to reconsider Andrew?

Looks like epic conditions to me.

VIC, 6088 posts
20 Jul 2008 4:28PM
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Yep. 30-40 knots SW. Actually SW is a bit too tight usually. WSW is closer to the ideal angle. The blocker is the tide. The 9am low tide is a pretty high one and the rest of the day the tide will be rushing in with the storm surge. This means that not much after 9am and there will be pressure waves on the course and a fast disappearing bank. By 11am it will be all flooded for the rest of the day. With the best winds forecast for after 10am it doesn't look like even the small window of the first few hours of daylight would be much good. I am considering it but at this stage, I don't think so.

VIC, 6088 posts
21 Jul 2008 10:12AM
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Wow! 62 knots gusting 72 knots at the prom this morning at 8am, SW. 10 degrees as well with wind chill 'feels like' 3.8 degrees!!. That would be 40+ knots at Sandy without a doubt. Wonder if anyone braved it?

WA, 4081 posts
21 Jul 2008 8:52AM
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sailquik said...

Wow! 62 knots gusting 72 knots at the prom this morning at 8am, SW. 10 degrees as well with wind chill 'feels like' 3.8 degrees!!. That would be 40+ knots at Sandy without a doubt. Wonder if anyone braved it?

And there I was thinking you were really brave I used to brag to people that "I know Sailquik and he sails when it's really really windy" Oh how the mighty have fallen

VIC, 6088 posts
21 Jul 2008 12:09PM
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Oh dear. Just checked again. It's been 55-65 knots constant for the last hour 9.30-10.30! and just swung a bit WSW. Hardie, I am ashamed. . But it's not the wind that has me afraid....really....It's the COLD! Brrrrrrr......

VIC, 398 posts
21 Jul 2008 12:38PM
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Worth checking out...

WA, 4081 posts
21 Jul 2008 10:38AM
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sailquik said...

Hardie, I am ashamed. . But it's not the wind that has me afraid....really....It's the COLD! Brrrrrrr......

I can relate to the cold issue, gets worse as I get older

WA, 2221 posts
21 Jul 2008 11:09AM
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hardie said...

sailquik said...

Hardie, I am ashamed. . But it's not the wind that has me afraid....really....It's the COLD! Brrrrrrr......

I can relate to the cold issue, gets worse as I get older

Hardie, is that OLDER or SOFTER!!!!

WA, 4081 posts
21 Jul 2008 11:35AM
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Bender said...

Hardie, is that OLDER or SOFTER!!!!

Did you have to point out the obvious

WA, 1646 posts
21 Jul 2008 12:05PM
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At 10 degrees in 40 knots the wind chill takes the effective temp down to 4.6 degrees.

However, that I'm assuming is when you are dry. My wetsuit has a lyca protective layer that absorbs water. I imagine with evaporation you would be getting down to zero.

VIC, 1230 posts
21 Jul 2008 2:16PM
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sailquik said...

25-34 knots SW. Air temp 10 degrees! High tide all day! Raining most of the day! Snow forecast down to 900m! Wind chill factor off the scale!
I think this is one day I will be happy to go to work and watch the storm pass from inside a heated room. Yeah.... I know.... soft.......

Am I the only one who sees this for what it is. A nice piece of rationalization from someone who HAS to go to work today rather than go sailing. If you had your tongue any further in your cheek it would poke a hole in it. I however am sitting here with perfect speed conditions on the lake outside only because I do not have a working GPS, thus cannot show how great the conditions are. Whats temperature got to do with it?

VIC, 6088 posts
21 Jul 2008 2:34PM
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frant said...

sailquik said...

25-34 knots SW. Air temp 10 degrees! High tide all day! Raining most of the day! Snow forecast down to 900m! Wind chill factor off the scale!
I think this is one day I will be happy to go to work and watch the storm pass from inside a heated room. Yeah.... I know.... soft.......

Am I the only one who sees this for what it is. A nice piece of rationalization from someone who HAS to go to work today rather than go sailing. If you had your tongue any further in your cheek it would poke a hole in it. I however am sitting here with perfect speed conditions on the lake outside only because I do not have a working GPS, thus cannot show how great the conditions are. Whats temperature got to do with it?

No, really, it's the cold! Plays up with my old bones and arthritis.

Actually, I could have gone quite easily today. It's no use now though. The whole inlet is flooded. (Another good excuse)

VIC, 6088 posts
21 Jul 2008 2:40PM
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Check the report here. Note the current stats (1.00pm)

59-69 Knots! South West

9.4 degrees air temp

Wind chill factor = 2.8 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't seen such a solid purple graph for a loooong time!

I'm not the least bit worried that I might have missed a great speed session though.... well.......not much anyway...brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

WA, 1646 posts
21 Jul 2008 12:44PM
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I read on one weather channel that wet clothing increases wind chill effect by 20X.

May wrap a thermometer with a wet bit of neoprene next storm to find out.

VIC, 1230 posts
21 Jul 2008 3:20PM
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yoyo said...

I read on one weather channel that wet clothing increases wind chill effect by 20X.

May wrap a thermometer with a wet bit of neoprene next storm to find out.

Not sure that this will work. Windchill is the increase in heat loss due to a greater convection heat transfer from moving air c/f still air and it relates back to an equivalent still air temperature. Wet clothing will increase the convection or possibly even cause a much greater conductive heat loss thus lead to a significantly lower equivalent still air temperature. There will also be a refrigeration effect caused by evaporation. Your Thermometer in wet neoprene will only measure the refrigeration temperature loss as the thermometer is not a warm body losing heat.

779 posts
21 Jul 2008 1:46PM
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You're all a bunch of big sissies, I'd kill for those conditions and a mega session at the Pit. When there's snow on the beach you might have an excuse for staying home but at 10 degrees C it's positively balmy!

WA, 1646 posts
21 Jul 2008 3:08PM
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Maybe we are not as well insulated as you Roo

VIC, 6088 posts
21 Jul 2008 7:32PM
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You don't see 'em like this very often, even in Spring!!

Obviously I wasn't there but it would have had to have been at least a solid 40+ knots at the PiT!

SA, 3025 posts
21 Jul 2008 7:45PM
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I thought i was reading a nannas knitting circle forum not big brave windsurfing speed record holders! Sounds like you all need a big mug of HTFU!

VIC, 6088 posts
21 Jul 2008 10:04PM
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russh said...

I thought i was reading a nannas knitting circle forum not big brave windsurfing speed record holders! Sounds like you all need a big mug of HTFU!

Yeah, Yeah. Soft as.... I know.
Just waiting to see all the sensational posts from all the hard men.........
Hey, you got a mug o' that handy?

779 posts
21 Jul 2008 10:43PM
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yoyo said...

Maybe we are not as well insulated as you Roo

779 posts
21 Jul 2008 10:44PM
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yoyo said...

Maybe we are not as well insulated as you Roo

Some people call it fat, I call it strategic ballast placement!

SA, 3025 posts
22 Jul 2008 10:21AM
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sailquik said...

russh said...

I thought i was reading a nannas knitting circle forum not big brave windsurfing speed record holders! Sounds like you all need a big mug of HTFU!

Yeah, Yeah. Soft as.... I know.
Just waiting to see all the sensational posts from all the hard men.........
Hey, you got a mug o' that handy?

Only takin the p**s - my hands were so cold on Sunday at 10 degrees with 20 odd knts that I could hardly hold on - water is 13 degrees and had a 2 mm sealed seam on.

The unfortunate part was I was coming in to go and warm my hands up when the wind dropped completely - 150 metre swim in through the surf in a 2mm - man I was frozen for han hour

I cannot believe just a few hundred kilometres south of here it can get so much colder.

I am searching for a mug myself!

QLD, 3416 posts
22 Jul 2008 11:05PM
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Looks like someone braved the cold weather

779 posts
23 Jul 2008 12:13AM
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Good to see Foxy had big enough balls to go out. Mind you with the cold they will probably have shrunken a bit!

VIC, 6088 posts
23 Jul 2008 10:50PM
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Hmmmm. Interesting to see that Foxy only rates it as 25-35 Knots and that would tally pretty well with his performances in tight conditions and his sail choice. I guess that was very early in the day while there was still low enough tide for there to be a speed bank and before the storm developed to full noise. My builder neighbor said that by midday it was one of the wildest, windiest, coldest days for a very long time and concurred the wind direction was quite SW to SSW a lot of the time. He also said that when he went for a training run just before dark the tide was still up the entry road. I recon the sand spit would have had another good grooming.

QLD, 2036 posts
24 Jul 2008 11:02AM
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I recon the sand spit would have had another good grooming.


WA, 1646 posts
24 Jul 2008 9:51AM
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sailquik said...

Hmmmm. Interesting to see that Foxy only rates it as 25-35 Knots

seems at odds with the Wilson Prom wind stats

By the way, how come Foxy does his best runs when no one else is there?


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Wind at the PiT Monday. I'm not going!" started by sailquik