Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

gt 31 on drugs (411knots) BOOM!!

Created by mauiboy > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2011
NSW, 52 posts
20 Sep 2011 10:16PM
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Gday Boys

My GPS tripped out today. It registered a speed of 441 knots, not bad ey boys, whos the man now!!

What do u reckon cockroaches, should i post it and get the 4104 points? thats gotta get us a well earn't victory. lmao

Anyway, felt i had an ok session and wouldnt mind posting my times on team challenge. Anyone know how to get rid of the unwanted spike? Id be happy to email the file across. Pretty please.

Check out the times below, AWESOME!!

Session Date: 20/09/2011
Number of Points: 4104
Location: (Suggest Another Name) Narrabeen Lake, NSW, AU
Approx Timezone: 10
2 Second Peak (kts): 411.91
5x10 Average (kts): 61.26
Top 5 5x10 speeds: 177.95
Top 5 5x10 speeds: 33.09
Top 5 5x10 speeds: 32.98
Top 5 5x10 speeds: 31.66
Top 5 5x10 speeds: 30.64
1 Hr (kts): 6
Alpha 500 (kts): 14.07
Nautical Mile (kts): 11.74
100m peak (kts): 550.31
Total Distance (km):

NSW, 9029 posts
20 Sep 2011 10:25PM
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Did you process the file through Real Speed or use KA72?

Post it and become the first windsurfer to break the sound barrier.

WA, 12093 posts
20 Sep 2011 9:05PM
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Looks like ka72 to me.
There are just times when fully automatic just doesn't work, and things have to be done manually.
I'll download the file and have a peak.

WA, 12093 posts
20 Sep 2011 9:23PM
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OK, you had a massive spike.

I've removed the spike, that's left a bit of a hole in your tracks, hope it didn't include your best run!!!
Here's the results I get from the edited file.

2s = 34.41, 5X10 = 31.76, 1hr = 6.0, NM = 11.74, alpha = 15.44, dist = 22.368km

304 posts
20 Sep 2011 9:58PM
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411knt 2 sec, with a 5x10sec average of only 61.26?
You really need to work on your consistency, or sail at a less gusty spot

NSW, 453 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:33AM
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post ya results would ya got a PB yesterday no one else posted !! team need u wizey

NSW, 517 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:57AM
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41.04 niiice . Was that made in the 52 knot gust

WA, 6277 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:04AM
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Are the recording settings set to ON or ON-FIX?

NSW, 52 posts
21 Sep 2011 11:16AM
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Hey redsurf, it was Narrabeen lakes. What else can one expect in westerly. 40kts, 2kts, 35knts,15kts, 56kts, 0kts and the consistancy just keeps on going. Its a bugger

Teabaggin, yep it was freaking windy, and i was on a 6.6. YOUCHY!!

Mobydisc, gee it was tempting to post just for a laugh. If you speak to the boys im sure they'll tell you ive already broken the sound barrier with all the crap that johny and i talk!

Decripit it was ka72. I noticed the spike on google maps aswell. Thanks for getting my times, is there any way i can now log them on gpsteamchallenge?

Cheers boys.

ps: Now looking for sponsers so feel free to give me free stuff.

WA, 4014 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:53AM
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Go to the GPSTC site and click on "My data", edit for that date, then input your numbers.

NSW, 52 posts
21 Sep 2011 10:13PM
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thanks windxtasy

i even got a pb. sweet

WA, 12093 posts
21 Sep 2011 9:10PM
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mauiboy said...

thanks windxtasy

i even got a pb. sweet

Plus, you also backed up Leo's great PB, and contributed to your teams score, that's what it's all about, fantastic.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"gt 31 on drugs (411knots) BOOM!!" started by mauiboy