Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

speed sailing at marlo

Created by keef > 9 months ago, 10 Jan 2009
NSW, 2016 posts
10 Jan 2009 10:48PM
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chatting to a friend today and he said marlo near lakes entrance is good for speed sailing
has anyone sailed there and whats the best wind direction

VIC, 6154 posts
11 Jan 2009 1:20AM
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Sailed there a lot years ago. Prevailing wind directions are wrong for speed. Sometimes there may be a good sandbar for a SW but it is bound to be better at Sandy Point. We sailed a lot of easterlies there, back and forth across the estuary. I did my first chop hops there on a Windrush Storm 11! That was a short board in those days.
It is possible that there could be a good sandbar for a SE at times but really strong SE are quite rare.

Here are some very old photos from the early '80's taken during our annual Easter surf/windsurfing trip to Marlo/ Cape Conron. You can see the ocean bar in the background. This may have been the last time we took WOD's there as I remember playing on Bombora and Reflex waveboards the next few years.

VIC, 6154 posts
11 Jan 2009 1:34AM
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That reminds me. When the short board revolution hit in the mid '80's we went from a single board and sail to a whole quiver of stuff!
I think this tells the story well.

Check out the 12" speed needle on the top!

NSW, 2016 posts
11 Jan 2009 9:46AM
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sailquik said...

Check out the 12" speed needle on the top!

good advert for roof rack's ,who needs a van when youve got a kingswoodand i cant see the extention ladder , did you have another car in front with flashing lights and a WIDE LOAD warning sign, andrew you should never have sold the kingswood, imagine how much stuff you would have on it after 30 years of hoarding
i'm still pissing myself laughing,you should stick it on general so everyone can have a giggle

VIC, 5477 posts
11 Jan 2009 7:25PM
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Crikey that's one of the funniest windsurfing cars I've seen. Looks like two tonnes of fun!

I drove through Marlo with the kids in November and I thought the same, nice sand bank but not good for prevailing winds, launching and it's miles from most of us. Nice spot though.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"speed sailing at marlo" started by keef