Ripped off with wind!!! Howling 4-8 knots up here. So where are these pics (and vid) of Harrington? Keen to see what it looks like now.
Cheers mate.
just in the off chance that casual forum readers, dont get the wrong impression about Nambucca vwall and river entrance.
its like most spots, if all the variables come together and you are ready, then Nam can be as good as any flatwater speed slalom spot, in anything from an east south east to a south south west wind.
these images are last august 2011.
happy hunting
Awesome Pics!!
Will have to try Nambucca in the future.
Windanza do you have a GPS ?
Awesome!! Thanks so much Windanza! Is the pic of your rig on the ground taken near the pub? Is that the best spot to launch?
No gps, probably should have one but dont get on the water enough to do speed sailing on the flat water. Usually go out looking for wave action on the ocean at a few of the local beaches. The v wall is the good rigging and launch spot in southerlies, and thats the biggest sail I have the 6.1m maui ghost wave sail. The current, tide and stage of the moon can play a part in the conditions there, ita always wise to check all aspects before launching. On big tides and rough seas waves can wash into the vwall area creating side and backwash with logs bouncing around in the corner, can be tricky. On other more ideal conditions and days it is magic with 400 to 600m runs right next to the bar on super slick surface.
Great shots, looks like fun!
On the day these pics were taken, is it south east with a run in tide? Looks like a fun combo. So I assume you launched in that little sandy beach right in the V-Wall?
The actual river bar looks like fun wave sailing too at times. I've surfed there a bit over the years, but it looks like it would be good in a north or nor-easter? I'm keen to give it a try come spring
Hey Consumabie how the bloody hell are you ?
Whose the young bloke in the pics sporting the buffed blue helmet ?
When are you and Suze next venturing a little way south ?.??
Thats my doppelgänger Kev, While he gets my jollies when i am chained to the wheels of gainfull etc's . Yes it would be good to visit your beautiful part of this coast and, a) sail on the waves or on port Stephens with you ,b) plan a dream trip to paradise, or c) reminisce about our previous escape to 'the fast waves in...........'.
On a recent post you said you couldnt wait to get back there. I thought he really going or just expressing how much you like the place. Hey it woulda been good to be a fly on the wall when BS & SMcK were Riding the Sega train reef recently, if you get my drift.
Back to reality though, its coming into your windy season for Birubi. We may just have to throw caution to the wind literally, and come down and check out your 100litre EOS, and get the informed report on performance.
Hi to Anne & bowow