Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Formula speeds

Created by sboardcrazy > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2011
NSW, 8019 posts
5 Mar 2011 6:39PM
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I was watching the formula guys today and it got me wondering ..what sort of average + top speeds do formula boards do for different points of sail..i.e - upwind , reach , downwind?

NSW, 1240 posts
5 Mar 2011 8:15PM
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Upwind = fast
Reaching = world of pain
Downwind = superfast...

NSW, 150 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:24PM
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today for me approx
upwind: 14-17
downwind 24-27
reaching - probably around 20, generally only reach on formula boards to get to & from a start line, its not fun..

Brett Morris
NSW, 1197 posts
6 Mar 2011 4:32PM
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General speeds, upwind 15-17knots, downwind 22-24.
Top speed downwind is a lot higher....30+ knots easily.

NSW, 38 posts
8 Mar 2011 8:16PM
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Don't know if I'd call hitting 30+ knts on formula gear easy Mr Morris. 26knts feels very quick to me... :-)

QLD, 753 posts
8 Mar 2011 10:27PM
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This is the best recorded speed around ...

I was there with Dennis that day and posted a 2-sec of about 34 but my 10-sec ave was down around 32 knots.

It feels FREAKIN' fast over 30 knots but it's definitely possible and a lot of fun if you can! Never happens in a race though; as you sail a lot deeper racing than you do when you are trying to go for speed. We were both using Deb fins when those speeds were posted... oldschool... wonder what we'd do on the newer fins.

Brett Morris
NSW, 1197 posts
9 Mar 2011 10:12AM
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True...nothing worse than that "I'm about to fly" feeling,
followed by the actual "I am flying" and consequence crash feeling!

NSW, 8019 posts
12 Mar 2011 9:54PM
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Sorry everyone..I haven't been back here for a while.Why are they so scary reaching? Mind you one of the photos I took on the day looks amazing with the board up on its edge looking like it has a mind of it's own!

NSW, 510 posts
13 Mar 2011 10:23PM
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sboardcrazy said...

Sorry everyone..I haven't been back here for a while.Why are they so scary reaching? Mind you one of the photos I took on the day looks amazing with the board up on its edge looking like it has a mind of it's own!

when ya reach ya just got so much speed and a heap of preasure thru back foot onto the fin . the fin creates 2 much lift and take off time

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
13 Mar 2011 10:24PM
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in 8 knot winds, all I can do is reach.

NSW, 510 posts
14 Mar 2011 8:29AM
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sboardcrazy said...

Sorry everyone..I haven't been back here for a while.Why are they so scary reaching? Mind you one of the photos I took on the day looks amazing with the board up on its edge looking like it has a mind of it's own!

Can you post the photos? we did not get any of the event...

NSW, 8019 posts
15 Mar 2011 4:30PM
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I'll post some..I've been sailboarding too much & got heaps of art commissions so I'll post them when things settle down a little..remind me if I haven't in a few days.The ones of everyone lining up for the start are a long way away & not very good.
Whats the best way to post a lot of them rather than uploading each individually to my profile page?

QLD, 169 posts
16 Mar 2011 1:40PM
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I have a JP Super Light Wind Board and it is very good on a reach. Although not as fast as a formula, it is early planing and fun zipping around when others boards are not planing (except for the formula boards) in lighter winds.

NSW, 8019 posts
17 Mar 2011 9:39AM
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I feel really bad . Sorry Somehow I've lost the photos I took of that day..into computer heaven somewhere..I'll keep in mind that people may want to see the photos next time I take them and upload them.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Formula speeds" started by sboardcrazy