Ok, so maybe I am not really a meteorologist but looking at the weather map below I'd say we'll see a classic Seabreeze pattern for the next 4 days. Add to that that it should be sunny I'd say we are in for an early season treat that should get better every day as we are heading for Tuesday.
Waves actually picked up through out the day to the point where we had a good 4 to 5 foot breaking at the point. Tides also seem ok for the next few days. My call is that we will see solid 5 foot with 25 knts on Tuesday afternoon. Let's hope I'm right.
PS: We saw about 8 whales just of Blackhead (Gerroa point) early afternoon. One of them was no further than 100 meters from the rocks. I don't think I have ever seen that many whales in a single day. Great spectacle.