Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Gerroa - September 12 - NSWWS Comp at Gerroa

Created by stehsegler > 9 months ago, 12 Sep 2010
WA, 3469 posts
12 Sep 2010 7:08AM
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This is like deja vu from a couple of weekends ago. It's sunny, there is no wind and waves are in the 2 foot range with the prospect of a light NEer later in the day. But first things first.

The guys and girls from the NSW Wavesailing Association kicked off their 2010/ 2011 Summer season yesterday. Port Kembla turned out to be a dud. Or to be more precise the wind turned out to be a dud. For once BOMs forecast was actually spot on and the Westerly dropped out around dawn. Around lunch time it swung around to the NE. Not really enough for a proper windsurfing session but that didn't stop some of the lighter guys to give it go in Gerroa. The 15 minutes or so I watched I did see a couple of really nice rides on shoulder high waves.

Now back to the weather. As I said it's very light at the moment but we should see a good 15 knts from the NE by lunch time. The swell is not huge and I doubt we will see anything near in quality to what we had yesterday afternoon. Still there should be a the odd wave for those lucky enough be in the right spot at the right time.

If you are in Sydney I'd say don't bother driving down unless you are absolutely desperate.

It's still early in the season but we have already had a number of sailable Nor'easter days. Things are looking promising. Here is hoping for a great summer.

NSW, 601 posts
12 Sep 2010 7:17PM
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Not quite enough wind for me at the heads, so I had a quick look this afternoon until my other half got bored/cold and wanted to go (about 10 minutes)
Looked pretty good! I was surprised to see a kite go up directly upwind of the competition area, not sure what the competitors thought of that.

NSW, 116 posts
12 Sep 2010 10:59PM
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i floundered around in the light winds around midday for a while. I felt like I was putting on a clinic of what not to do in light winds for the guys competing wind kicked in around 2.30pm and headed down the beach for an excellent few hours with some really nice waves coming through. Wish I hadn't wasted some much energy at the start trying to uphaul, water start etc.

cheers for posting the photos Trant. That' me in the first one just sneaking over that wave.

WA, 3469 posts
12 Sep 2010 9:05PM
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here a few more shots... Not sure how Dan managed to get that much wind considering how light the wind was.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Gerroa - September 12 - NSWWS Comp at Gerroa" started by stehsegler