Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Guest report Birubi 16/08/10 3pm

Created by stehsegler > 9 months ago, 16 Aug 2010
WA, 3469 posts
16 Aug 2010 2:39PM
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Been asked to upload this: It's currently 25 to 30 knts solid with some waves.

I guess that's the proof that's it windier on the South Coast

Sailed Gerroa from 12:00 noon till about 1:30pm ... solid 35 knts with gusts in the 40+ range. Port Kembla would a good choice this afternoon.

Long Reef
SA, 582 posts
16 Aug 2010 6:25PM
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Hoping to score Port Kembla for Event 1 of the NSW Wavesailing series - any tricks to the spot. I hear that its great in a Westerly but I haven't sailed there before.


NSW, 1718 posts
16 Aug 2010 7:17PM
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There are no real tricks to the place other than a Westerly is always gusty (just a westerly issue in general) and it's quite cross off, as in quite a bit more than Gerroa in a NE'r. The other issue with westerlies is it's very hard to get both swell and wind at the same time. Today I think it was swinging a bit; SW-WSW-W etc. P.K imo works best in SW-WSW and you are more likely to get swell and wind at the same time. That said very sailable in a westerly but I don't think i've ever sailed it over 2ft.

WA, 3469 posts
16 Aug 2010 6:33PM
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don't think there would have been too much in the way of swell today... the little bit of energy that was starting to build got completely flattened by wind.

NSW, 1019 posts
16 Aug 2010 8:52PM
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Tim Williams said...

Hoping to score Port Kembla for Event 1 of the NSW Wavesailing series - any tricks to the spot. I hear that its great in a Westerly but I haven't sailed there before.


Hope you don't get too much swell for the comp.. otherwise they will cancel the comp for future years.
I mean seriously, why would you want waves at a wave sailing comp ?

Birubi was 25 - 30 when I took the picture at 3.30pm... was a lot windier prior to that.
The swell was chest to head high on the sets.
The photo was taken around 800metres from the break.

Once again further west of the surf club was the go with a nice sand bank breaking and peeling further out the back (you can see the white water trail in the photo)

NSW, 371 posts
16 Aug 2010 9:02PM
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Where were you on sunday Kev? had a good session sunday arvo with a few others.

NSW, 807 posts
16 Aug 2010 10:04PM
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CJW said...

P.K imo works best in SW-WSW and you are more likely to get swell and wind at the same time. That said very sailable in a westerly but I don't think i've ever sailed it over 2ft.

True. That little bit of south in it makes it that much less gusty. but still good in a westerly.
Although, swell-wise I've had the opposite. I've never sailed it under 2 foot. It can get pretty big and really holds it well.
Without wind, its one of the best surfing beach breaks around.
You should be basing the comp around there or Shellharbour instead of Gerroa. Take in a few more of the less familiar spots.

NSW, 807 posts
16 Aug 2010 10:18PM
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WindWarrior said...

Tim Williams said...

Hoping to score Port Kembla for Event 1 of the NSW Wavesailing series - any tricks to the spot. I hear that its great in a Westerly but I haven't sailed there before.


Birubi was 25 - 30 when I took the picture at 3.30pm... was a lot windier prior to that.
The swell was chest to head high on the sets.
The photo was taken around 800metres from the break.

Once again further west of the surf club was the go with a nice sand bank breaking and peeling further out the back (you can see the white water trail in the photo)

Did you take the pic, then send it down to Stehsegler at Gerroa to post up on Seabreeze?
WTF for??

Did that damn Cockatoo chew through the one and only dial-up cable into Anna Bay again?

Nice pic though. Would have been an awesome arvo. Hope you had some company out there apart from the Great Whites.

NSW, 1019 posts
16 Aug 2010 10:42PM
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Nope just me and the Whites out there today.
Sent the pic from my phone to be posted in case any of the Newie crew were thinking of the late arvo blast up the coast and wanted to see if it was worth the drive

MA, yep missed it on Sunday, glad to hear you scored. Had to catch up on some domestic engineering around the house after getting out and about a few times during the week [}:)]
Got the boat out on Saturday and it's working a treat so definitely on to try out that spot I mentioned once the wind and swell line up

Long Reef
SA, 582 posts
17 Aug 2010 8:58AM
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Personally I have sailed Birubi a few times and had a good day each time I have made the trip - but a long hike from Sydney and back in a day. A bit of solitude, some decent waves and a fair bit of wind. I love watching all the Korean tourists with the little white towels dipping their toes in the water on the return journey from their Sand Dune adventure - too funny

Your comment....
Hope you don't get too much swell for the comp.. otherwise they will cancel the comp for future years.
I mean seriously, why would you want waves at a wave sailing comp ?
PM me.

NSW, 143 posts
18 Aug 2010 7:37PM
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Two of us sailed Birubi between about midday and 1pm on the day the photo was taken. Dead cross-shore wind, too strong, any stronger and it wouldn't have been worthwhile. But thanks to the nice waist high waves we had a fun session.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
18 Aug 2010 9:05PM
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Last time I sailed up there was at the last comp we had there. 6mtr and 30-40kt forecast, ma was the only local that showed up from memory. Maybe not hardcore enough for some

NSW, 371 posts
21 Aug 2010 6:13PM
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so whats the excuse today kev? 25+kts all day today 2-3ft waves.

NSW, 406 posts
21 Aug 2010 6:34PM
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Yeah Kev where were ya? Domesticating or working? It was goin orf... Nothen better than sitting back having a beer after a good sail. So heres cheers...

NSW, 1718 posts
21 Aug 2010 7:44PM
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ma said...

so whats the excuse today kev? 25+kts all day today 2-3ft waves.

Birubi must be some sort of swell magnet in a westerly hey? Here in the Gong I reckon it was pushing 0.1ft at best, windy though.

Edit: because I couldn't spell the abbreviation of my own city

WA, 3469 posts
21 Aug 2010 5:45PM
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He was in Sydney... did you guys actually have waves up that way???

It was flat as a lake down south. Bloody windy though.

NSW, 371 posts
21 Aug 2010 8:00PM
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If the swell is from the south which it was 2day it is bigger there than anywhwere as the beach faces south. If its 1ft in newcastle it can be 2-3ft at birubi. In my opinon this winter has been very good for birubi as we have sailed a fair bit.

NSW, 390 posts
21 Aug 2010 8:16PM
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Why is it always windy on a saturday when i've got the kids while the missus works?

NSW, 406 posts
22 Aug 2010 11:38AM
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Yep Stehs it was 2-3 ft and very consistent 3 foot with constant sets. I rigged a 5.2 but should have been on a 4.7. Still great sailing though.

NSW, 1019 posts
23 Aug 2010 6:48PM
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ma said...

so whats the excuse today kev? 25+kts all day today 2-3ft waves.

Too hard core for me, you should know that mate


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Guest report Birubi 16/08/10 3pm" started by stehsegler