Hi all, new to the area and never sailed in the lake before, can anyone tell me the best spot to sail in a nth easter. Will I need a weedy?
Thanks Eckas, will hopefully give it a go on Monday. Mmmm, I do have a GPS, but my time on the water is fairly limited due to my two rug rats.....
Hi keef, Sanctuary point still top of the list, but I think it's an extra 20 mins drive time, will come and try a NE, have only seen it in a s/se. Do you think the slalom board would work there, mite be a bit scary in the chop
Dezza im not sure if the 20min saved in travel is compensation , don't get me wrong illawarra is a great to sail in a westerly but that's about it , tricky dicky travels down to sanctuary point from bulli , aneeble comes from Wollongong , formular makes the trip from botany, craig is coming down tomorrow from Sydney , MT lives at gerroa and sails sanctuary point
yes your slalom board will be a handful in the chop in the middle at sanctuary but the further north you go from the ramp the less chop and the wind strength can drop off a bit as well, so basically if you were getting hammered sailing strait out from the ramp you can sail up towards old Errol bay and the water is flatter and less chop, ill talk to you soon and give you the drum