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Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Marmong Point GPS Series

Created by fanatic02 > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2013
NSW, 301 posts
23 Dec 2013 9:39PM
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NSW, 505 posts
24 Dec 2013 11:53PM
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You will be stoked to see the new GPS free sail at only $50 to join Marmong for affiliation fees and that includes sailing fees for at least 4 planed days of GPS free sailing when the wind permits and yes we can do it anywhere in lake Macquarie.
We would like to do 5 race days and use your top 3 so people can use two drops as they may have been unable to attend or like me GPS issues ???forgot the memory card???.
This fee will include Slalom racing at Marmong on Saturdays when conditions permit.
Any proceeds go to Marmong Point Sailing Club to ensure we have a windsurfing Club now and into the future.
We need as many People as possible to pay and get involved in a fun cheap new system. Otherwise it won't be here next year. Basically we need people to start paying when they can.
Basically the GPS free race will work like this; -we will choose a day & location a few days out when a forecast looks good and post on see breeze. I will also email contacts I have.(We do know days we will not be sailing as racing away) -We can all sail together and we will nominate a 1 hour time frame for people to go for it.
The highest 1 hour and top speed will be the winner.
If there is a tie the highest 1 hr wins on that day. For the series it would be normal count back rules for positions.
-James has agreed to do the results we will need to give him our files and the person with the best overall result wins.
How much fun will it be every one sailing together?
I expect especially at the sand island we will see many PBS smashed with every one pushing each other and that will be a great thing.
Note there are some fantastic prizes from our very generous sponsors see the flyer.
You have to be in it to win it or even if you are participating you can win prices.

28th December
4th to 5th January
18th to 19th January
8th to 9th February
22nd to 23 February
8th to 9th March
continue dates as required

Club account details are BSB - 062827 Acct - 00901519. Please ensure you use your name as the reference otherwise we have no way of knowing who has paid. I have a club membership form which needs to be completed and handed to me on the day.
Cash payment is also fine.

Please let me know by text or reply if able to make any dates in the next two weekends so we can determine if enough people can make it around this busy time of year.

We race every Saturday Marmong (wind dependant)
Cost is $250 total Includes Marmong membership and all normal race days.
(please note if you pay the $250 you do not have to pay for the GPS series or slalom race days)
This fee also covers your insurance for racing in Austrailia.
If not racing much $90 membership fee plus $10 every race day.

Hope I made this clear any questions please don???t hesitate to email or call me.

Byron Mcilveen

NSW, 505 posts
27 Dec 2013 10:27AM
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At this stage looking at 4th or 5th January Next weekend need people to let me know if you can make it. There are some unreal prizes and its going to be great fun all sailing together. Kites and windsurfers going for it good stuff.

NSW, 301 posts
27 Dec 2013 12:47PM
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Count me in. !!!! Bring 20 knots plus please

NSW, 179 posts
27 Dec 2013 1:26PM
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4-5 jan OK with me.

NSW, 505 posts
30 Dec 2013 11:49PM
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Looking at Sunday 5th January at this stage so people can race formula Saturday and the kites are also away.

NSW, 271 posts
31 Dec 2013 9:23AM
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I'm all paid up & keen but my broken knee cap wont let me
dam it. guess i shouldnt fall off me mtb. me brother may
take my spot & have a go.

NSW, 505 posts
1 Jan 2014 9:49AM
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Sorry to here that Russ you will be able to have a drop as well so depending on how long your knee is should be ok. Your brother is more than welcom.
Looking ne so probably run it out of coal point on Sunday . Thinking 3 pm start so people should get there at 2 and get ready come to briefing at 2.45.
All welcom please come along and have some fun.

NSW, 301 posts
3 Jan 2014 4:52PM
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Sunday is looking good for around 20 to 25 knots NE , should be a great afternoon of sailing . Everyone welcome !!!!!
Hope you recover soon Russel .

NSW, 1625 posts
4 Jan 2014 12:00AM
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byronmc said..

Looking at Sunday 5th January at this stage so people can race formula Saturday and the kites are also away.

OUr racing in sydney has been postponed till the following week, so you will get to see us tomorrow at marmong & in sydney next saturday ;)

NSW, 505 posts
4 Jan 2014 10:52AM
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looking forward to a fun day of sailing forecast is great should be nice and flat at the sand islands expect to see some really good 1 hrs.
There are toilets at coal point if people have family coming.

NSW, 415 posts
5 Jan 2014 8:16PM
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How awesome was it today!! that was some bloody fantastic survival slalom and some great semi speed sailing at a choppy but windy sand islands. Some really good sailors turned up and watching them going flat out in the very challenging conditions was a real treat. Great Job Byron can't wait for the next one.

NSW, 8092 posts
5 Jan 2014 9:42PM
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Would have been good to see! My internet was out so I only found out about it when I was at peel St. Still probably a bit too much survival for me out there today anyway.
How many entries?

NSW, 505 posts
5 Jan 2014 9:52PM
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What a spot coal point and the sand islands you can rest out in the lake on a knee deep sand bar it is a unreal place.

Thanks to all that went in the Brown dog GPS day we should see some unreal PB for the hr as you normaly just dont go that hard for an hr.

Hue should post a high speed above 36, Musa, Bruce, Rick should see a great 1 hr , so much fun sailing with friends shame more did not come to an unreal spot I was powered up 25 to 30 knts plus with the 6.6m clean water sunshine and heaps of wind.

Results for today will be calculated tomorow thanks to James who has mised today due to being out of the country.

I need people to send there files to my email

NSW, 995 posts
6 Jan 2014 6:17PM
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Gday everyone. If you haven't already sent your SBN or GPX file to Byron, you can email it to me directly as I will be doing the results. If you don't have my email address send me a PM.
Did anyone get any photos?


1 posts
6 Jan 2014 6:28PM
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Brown Dog Photos from Coal Point. Jan 5th 2014

NSW, 9029 posts
6 Jan 2014 9:31PM
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Looks like a bump and jump expression session would have been a more appropriate competition than the GPS hour comp. Great pictures.

NSW, 8092 posts
6 Jan 2014 10:09PM
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Mobydisc said..

Looks like a bump and jump expression session would have been a more appropriate competition than the GPS hour comp. Great pictures.

Yep! Cripes how does Craig do it? he hasn't lost any skill and yet he hardly ever seems to sail these days.Great shots! Oh to be able to jump again..
Moby these are the conditions I need a smaller board for...or maybe i should just bow to age and go to flat water on days like these..

NSW, 505 posts
8 Jan 2014 10:49AM
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Yep was bumpy a lot flater at the sand islands .
Peel st would have been flater. Some amazing speeds from there.
There were some great pb 1 hr and good speeds for those conditions .
Unreal photos the quality is terrific cluffy only the fin in the water on that jibe is impressive

NSW, 995 posts
14 Jan 2014 6:02PM
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Apologies for the delay with the results.

Some great speeds and consistency out there from everyone especially given the tough conditions.

Thanks to everyone who attended and keep an eye out for the next event. Remember there will be one "drop" for the series, so even if you missed last weekends event, you can still be in the running for the great prizes.

Thanks again to Brown Dog Burgers, Hippo Espresso, Kite and Sup and The Windsurfing Shed for their support.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Marmong Point GPS Series" started by fanatic02