Barry, its just a one day event this time. The only two day event for the Four Seasons series is the mid-winters in July.
A pretty decent forecast for Saturday at the moment - I will post up details about start time and registration later in the week once the forecast settles.
See you there.
Gday everyone,
The spring regatta is definitely on. The forecast is now for sun all day so should be a great day. The last few weeks a nice southerly has come up unexpectedly so we can hope for the same this Saturday.
- Registration will be held at the club on George St, Marmong Point from 9:30 to 10:30.
- A short briefing will be held at 10:30.
- First possible start will be 11:00, dependent on wind and also start boat distance from the launching spot.
The $20 entry fee for the day covers a BBQ at the end of the days racing for competitors and families. Other non-racing sailors are welcome to join us for the BBQ for a small donation.
We are pleased to announce that this event will form part of the 2012-2013 Four Seasons Series, with results from the four regattas being held between now and July 2013 being combined to determine the winners of the series. More details on prizes will be announced on Saturday.
See you all at Marmong on Saturday!
Oi Barky, its gonna take me two days to sail the course! Hope to cya there. Still working on the leave pass. Got 10 hours to seal the deal. Negotiations have taken a turn for the worse, so might have to cut and run in the early morning in the shadows of dawn. Will pay dearly on Sunday, but I'm destined for the doghouse anyway. Best to go out in a blaze of glory, rather than to bowl underarm Greg Chappel stylie ya hearing me ?!?!
Good on you for trying anyway Rog. See you at hawks nest.
Beautiful morning up here, wind is light sw at the moment. Fingers crossed for a great day of racing.
Ended up a really good day of light wind racing, especially for the lighter guys. The wind swung south east at marmong so the race committee made the call to move over to valentine. Ended up being the right decision because the wind over there was up around 8-10 knots. Thanks to glenn for running the start boat and squeezing in 5 races in marginal conditions.
Geoff is doing up the results and we will post them here when available.
Thanks also to Remi from The Windsurfing Shed for again agreeing to sponsor the Four Seasons series. We all appreciate his support.
Results from today - there are some errors with the club names but results are accurate. Thanks to Geoff for getting these together so quickly.