Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Nsw WA event 5 today

Created by Long Reef > 9 months ago, 2 Feb 2013
Long Reef
SA, 582 posts
2 Feb 2013 8:59PM
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Big winds and big seas meant for challenging conditions at Windang but soooooo good. Fantastic DTL conditions on 3/4 mast sets with some huge bombs!!!
Outstanding sailing all day. WIN tv got some footage which should be aired Monday or Tuesday night.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Neil Pryde for the awesome prizes!
Ams winner Ben Kirk
Masters winner Jason Cater
Pros winner Duncan Osborne

Great day
Tim Williams
NSW WA president

NSW, 339 posts
2 Feb 2013 9:47PM
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Tim, any pics?

Long Reef
SA, 582 posts
2 Feb 2013 11:39PM
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Mmm there were lots of cameras on the beach so bound to be a few good quality photos soon. They might be posted on NSW WA Facebook page

NSW, 688 posts
3 Feb 2013 4:43AM
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forget facebook Tim, post photos here.

I can imagine the conditions, big swell & right wind direction, what a score.

Not that you care but Longy was too rough. 2 guys managed to get out but wind was too light & patchy. Bombies were at least 3 metres, no-one surfing.

Long Reef
SA, 582 posts
3 Feb 2013 12:13PM
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I have some lost property from the weekend - a jacket and some windsurf gear
Send me a pm if you think it might be yours

WA, 3469 posts
3 Feb 2013 9:53AM
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Tim Williams said...
I have some lost property from the weekend - a jacket and some windsurf gear
Send me a pm if you think it might be yours

I think the jacket belongs to Koichi. I'll take the windsurf gear if no one wants it ;-)

So did the swell clean up? Sailed Windang on Thursday and conditions were pretty hard work. Too much East in the swell and wind bouncing between 5 and 35 knts. .

WA, 3469 posts
3 Feb 2013 9:58AM
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tomp said...
Not that you care but Longy was too rough. 2 guys managed to get out but wind was too light & patchy. Bombies were at least 3 metres, no-one surfing.

I was looking at sailing Makaha. It looked pretty good but with no one around I was a bit hesitant. Then I saw the lifeguards cruising around in a zodiac. Looked scary big. Solid mast high... probably bigger at times.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
3 Feb 2013 10:45AM
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Tim Williams said...
Mmm there were lots of cameras on the beach so bound to be a few good quality photos soon. They might be posted on NSW WA Facebook page

I would have thought you would be stayin a mile away from Facebook Tim........ With your history and all

NSW, 688 posts
3 Feb 2013 1:58PM
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v difficult to get off the CPR!!!

208 posts
3 Feb 2013 7:07PM
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Will upload some pics in the next fews hours.
Easily the best comp of the season, so fun . Well done to Ben, Jason and Duncan.

NSW, 1143 posts
4 Feb 2013 11:39AM
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Come on zack, we are all stinging to see some of those shots mate.

Sick day! Good effort to get a comp done in those conditions

Long Reef
SA, 582 posts
4 Feb 2013 12:35PM
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Win TV should show the footage tonight

WA, 67 posts
4 Feb 2013 10:39AM
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Cracked my board so i missed my heat - didnt want it filling up with water, then when rigging down my sail got picked up by a tiny gust and dropped on a spiked fence, slicing 1m of it open!!

Ah well, was worth it, had the time of my life all morning.

Keen to see some photos

NSW, 1143 posts
4 Feb 2013 1:44PM
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Tim Williams said...
Win TV should show the footage tonight

tim, do you know if there is anyway to watch win from sydney?? streaming?

NSW, 48 posts
4 Feb 2013 3:32PM
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Here's a still shot taken from the highlights reel as shot on the weekend:

Courtesy WIN News
*Image is interlaced from video but can be fixed with conversion

We must wait till WIN run their story tonight (most likely a short voice over clip as part of a sports wrap) that will air on Wollongong's WIN news tonight which can only be viewed in the Wollongong broadcast area.

Once it has aired we will have a few more options in regards to displaying more

208 posts
4 Feb 2013 2:44PM
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Here's a link to the pictures, you should still be able to veiw them even if you don't have facebook.

WA, 3469 posts
4 Feb 2013 5:23PM
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Segment on WIN TV:

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
4 Feb 2013 6:25PM
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Shame they weren't there when George and Brett were out. they were killing it.

NSW, 692 posts
4 Feb 2013 9:51PM
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The best windsurfing event i have seen in years. I remember the days grovelling around waiting for the wind, or trying to wave ride chop during the old days.


PS nearly makes me want to get my gear out of the garage. (nearly)

208 posts
4 Feb 2013 7:32PM
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Here's some edited pictures on the NSWWA website @
and the full collection of pictures that have been edited so far are at:

208 posts
4 Feb 2013 7:39PM
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Also, check out the NSWWA's flickr account:
Some good pics up there from past comps too.

NSW, 600 posts
4 Feb 2013 11:20PM
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Good work Zack, thanks!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Nsw WA event 5 today" started by Long Reef