Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Primbee Tyre Recovery - The E Team!

Created by eckas > 9 months ago, 10 Dec 2013
NSW, 323 posts
10 Dec 2013 11:05PM
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The mission was go this afternoon - recover the truck tyre from Primbee with the assistance of three kids and the missus. The mission vehicle - the good old starboard start 'barge'. However, too many passengers so I had to roll the tyre back to shore. I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story. The iphone App I used (with the lat/long programmed in from my gps trace when I hit the damn tyre in the first place) led me directly to the tyre so please send in any more latitude/longitude coordinates of hidden objects in the water at Primbee and we'll do another recovery mission!!

NSW, 925 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:57PM
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Great job!!

NSW, 352 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:47PM
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Great looking recovery team (apart from the old bloke)!
Job well done Eckas.

NSW, 688 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:41PM
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good job!

when do you get time to go sailing with 3 young kids

NSW, 2016 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:15PM
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eckas if you have a look on the tracks I put up on the gps site its the end of the red line just up from where we launch
and the same with the one arky put up
elatitude 34 30'12.28"S
longditude 150 52'17.03"E
good luck

NSW, 323 posts
12 Dec 2013 12:38PM
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Hey Keef - Plugged in your lat/long and tada - there's your object in red, versus my tyre in green, versus our carpark in the top right hand corner. I was in Sydney at the time so only 69.1 km to go to retrieve your object!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Primbee Tyre Recovery - The E Team!" started by eckas