The saddest day of my life having to say goodbye to my Candy the one true love in my life.
"My darling wife, My one true love, you gave me the best 23 years of my life, you filled it with joy and happiness, 23 years ago I met my snow bunny, you then gave us two of the most beautiful children one could ask for, I will always love you as our two hearts are joined for eternity, forever together, together forever our lives will be intertwined.
We are all so proud of you the brave fight you gave in the light of the tunnel never giving up even as you lie there now all I can see is you putting up a fight still trying to beat that horrible bug that struck you down.
My darling wife you gave so much in life I know you will make us proud as an angel in heaven, looking down on us making sure we are ok.
Candy my love I thank you for sharing your love, life and happiness with me, you have truly blessed my life, and made me a better person, I stand proud knowing you are my wife and that can never be taken away, I will always love you my dear Candy my one true love, forever together together forever our hearts will always beat as one. I love you with all my heart, that's me your Oli your friend but most of all your hubi."
So sorry for you and your family. Thinking of you guy's at this difficult time.
Dean, Leeann, Isaac & Oliver.
Oli, so sorry to hear this news. Condolences to you and the kids. Hopefully see you on the water at one of the NSWWA events this season.
Difficult times now but think of the good times of past. All the NSW/MAMBO crew send our thoughts and support at this difficult time.