Looks windy in the forecast. Not 100% confident in the ocean with the expected swell, where would you go? Cheers!
st george sailing club
is good in a sw be sure to talk to someone who knows the area mind there are a few dont go spots due to oyster bays .... NOT COOL
palm beach also works well if you like bump n jump... sand point lane launch spot
I'm planning on heading up to Canton Beach. The wind is quite consistent there from a SW direction. Plus the run in the corner is behind weed so the water is fairly flat.
I've never been to Palm Beach for a sail, so I might head there. Looks the goods in google maps.
Moby, last time I went to Canton Beach (3 months ago) it was weed central. It was that bad that even a weed fin would be not much help.
I just need something fairly protected from the swell since I just a getting the hang of straps and can't really gybe yet.
You live a bit west of Sydney don't you Razzamatazz? Perhaps heading down to Lake Illawarra would be the go?
How is la perouse for practicing a bit of wave sailing? ive only been out in the waves a couple of times but am very confident with big chop hops and gybes plus the rest.
u do need a weed fin but its not been that bad for the past few weeks crag pulled a 34 kn up there last week so its not that bad !
good long runs and if its 25+ it should be good fun
Sadly for the wind direction forcast botany doesnt actually work that well.
1. Kyeemagh - this is good and gets really strong winds when the wind is SSW as it can run up the coast it funnels into the airport area. In a WSW - SW tho it will be off shore and have a massive wind shadow.
2. bonna point is actually a intersting place to sail in a SW and works really well in a SSW. if you sail off the end of the point near the snad bar the wind tends to funnel thru Qualbry bay and can get pretty strong. The down side is it is a bit of a hike to get out of the widn shadow since the rnagers always lock up the end carpark. also if ya break things out there you are goign to get blown into middle of botany.
That being said we have had some awesom sessions down there.
3. Sandringham / St george yaght club. Awsome spot when the wind is deep south and the tide is low- the sand bar comes out and can get some massive speeds.
In a SW tho its not very nice clsoe to the bridge and the angle of the sandbar is totally wrong . the area near the bridge has huge wind shadows when the wind is too far to the west.
4. Dolls point can wor in a SW as the wind funnels down thru the gap. cant really ride the break tho as the waves are on the north side of the spit and sheltered in a SW. major problems with this area is tides flow thru here really fast and if ya break something you will get sucked out into botany bay. also kiters now think they own this area - some kiters even tried to tell us it was a kite only area and poleys were not welcome HAHA!
5. La parouse - havent really sailed this area so cant say how good and bad the forcast wind angle would make it. from the diagram tho it looks like it would be tough getting out deep but once you cleared the heads you should have a pretty good angle of attack on the swells coming thru the heads.
I think i will probably end up somewhere around dolls point. I personally dont like the area that much but since low tide will be at 11 am the tide will be turning back in and the current should be pretty slow. Might work up enuf energy to drive aroudn to la per and try that :)
Its a pity they have blocked off access to the east side of the runway. the wind direction would be unreal for runs down the back of the second runway.
La Perouse is the go for SW - I used to sail there a lot when living at Kingsford. The wind is cross onshore and fairly clean.
Launch off the sandy beach at Frenchmans Bay next to the cafe. Parking should be OK as there probably won't be too many picnic'ers there tomorrow!
Just watch the shorebreak as it can get quite dumpy.
Hope everyone has their leave passes organised (especially you Ads and TimFord, no more excuses!)
LaPa is the best spot for SW wind in Sydney.Launch from the shop and head through the boats to Yarra Bay.Not easy to get to the bay but pretty rewarding once you do.
Great flatwater runs in the little sandy bay and you can take breaks on the beach.
Best done with a mate or two.
I and many others launch from the spot below in La Perouse. It can be a lot easier than trying to get in between the boats. You can usualy get a straight run accross the bay from this spot.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I might head to LP, and hopefully there will be a few people out going off the posts above. Safety in numbers, I'm still not confident in strong wind so it would be a great have other sailors around.
Any reports from the beach? The wind meters seem inconclusive and looking out to sea at Coogee it looks flat - hopefully just because I'm looking downwind
I reckon it'll solid by lunch time and bl*ody cold, only 14 deg now and the wind chill will be brrrr..
Decided to not go because of wind direction and then saw the posts about LP this morning. GOOGLE earthed it and it looks pretty good. have to make it next time when ever that'll be since the forecast looks dismal. Ah well, the birthaday party at the bmx track of a classmates of my daughter will have to do today
We've got a westerly down at the gong.15 to 20 knts,bit less than what was forecast,hopefully that will increase this arvo.Heading over to the Yacht Club for a blast
Could someone please comment on La perouse. How was the parking, was there a good place to rig up and did it suit the westerly. I did not make it yesterday and am curious for future reference. Thanks
It can be busy on a nice day, lot's of tourists, but you can usually find a parking spot.
Nice grassy rigging area next to where you park.
It was a bit more south yesterday and the wind was a fizzer. More like 8-15 knots, off and on. There were a few guys out slogging and planing in the gusts. The forecast didn't materialize.
Yep very disappointing yesterday. was hoping for a good few hours on the water to sustain me through a Sunday at the office. there was a guy on a 5.7 and larger board that seemed to be going quite well earlier. I had 2 runs on my wave gear and was happy to get back to the beach as the wind was very light in the lulls. Probably would have been okay for the slalom sailors but certainly nowhere near the forecasted 25 knots.