Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Smiths Lake holiday style GoPro

Created by Walt > 9 months ago, 24 Apr 2012
264 posts
24 Apr 2012 4:25PM
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This is an addition to the camping at pacific palms thread.

We have stayed here a few times now and it is in my opinion and very relaxing place. There is very little traffic around and the water is never crowded.

We stay at Sandpiper lodges clean and simple self contained cabins, if you do prefer the camping tent style then across the lake is Sandbar caravan park, this place is off the beaten track and you do have a sense of remote surroundings but the water is at your feet.

When we are hear we rarely drive elsewhere BBQ each night and beach it all day, I love it.

Very child friendly place the lake is shark free and shallow at places as seen on the footage.

The lake at the time when we where there it was open to the sea by a man made trench this closes up naturally and the lake fills up again and the very shallow areas become waist to shoulder deep again just right to sail from end to end.

Fishing is great, nice walks on sunset, kayaking, bike riding, windsurfing you really feel relaxed just enough to appreciate going back to work until the next holiday.

Well I hope the footage invites you to take a break there sometime. Enjoy.

Kind Regards

NSW, 107 posts
24 Apr 2012 8:23PM
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Yes it is a top place to unwind. Have stayed a few times at Sandbar and also at Sandpiper. Was at Sandbar one Australia day weekend and the water was right on the edge of the camp grounds. You could sail anywhere on the lake without loosing your fin.

NSW, 1871 posts
25 Apr 2012 2:22PM
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I used to go to Sandpiper often, many years ago, but the the lack of water became a problem for windsurfing. Might have ato give it a try again soon. Now that I have some SUPS it would be a good place to go exploring.

NSW, 1104 posts
25 Apr 2012 4:21PM
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Good one Walt! Mate, it looks great down there- you,ve sold me. I like the cabin idea at Sandpipers, but Im keen to take the camper trailer and stay over at Sandbars. Now, I take it a weed fin is needed?

PS- Is that beach a good one to wave sail? I mean are the waves usually the rolling type or shore dumps? Looks like it would be cross- offshore in a n-easter.

Cheers for the clip

264 posts
26 Apr 2012 6:39PM
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PhilSWR said...
Now, I take it a weed fin is needed?

PS- Is that beach a good one to wave sail? I mean are the waves usually the rolling type or shore dumps? Looks like it would be cross- offshore in a n-easter.

Cheers for the clip

Hey PhilSWR,

You don't need a weed fin at all, once the lake fill's a bit just enough to get a depth over knee deep then most of the sailing is over a large portion of sandy bottom and weed has never been a issue.

For your wave sailing, in the middle of cellito beach it can get a bit messy and shore dump but at the northern end it comes in nice a clean rolling from the back and from the camp site at Sandbar caravan park you walk to the northern end of the beach and nice walk at the end thru a rain forest boardwalk down to the beach.

Kind Regards

264 posts
26 Apr 2012 7:03PM
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Waiting4wind said...

I used to go to Sandpiper often, many years ago, but the the lack of water became a problem for windsurfing. Might have ato give it a try again soon. Now that I have some SUPS it would be a good place to go exploring.

Yeh Waiting4wind, with your sups cruising the lake you would really have a blast. There was a guy out sailing on his sup while we where there and he was cruising the shallows all the way to the sandbar, my fin was just to big to cut across just needed that extra half meter of water.

I'm hoping we won't get the drenching rain all year as we had, (the lake fill's to fast) and they won't need to open the lake for a good while so the lake water would fill slowly and the level remain just right.

Kind regards

NSW, 16 posts
4 May 2012 2:36AM
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Great video, defintly don't need a weed fin sailing in Smiths Lake. If the water's out and the wind is the right direction there is a pretty good speed strip.

NSW, 1104 posts
4 May 2012 9:07AM
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Looks like fun Matt! It's only two hours from here, so I'll definitly be hitting there (and Wallis Lake) a bit next spring onwards. You haven't wave sailed Cellito Beach have you? Just wondering how it goes in a nor-easter.

Ps- Welcome to the forum mate.

264 posts
4 May 2012 8:20PM
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mattklause said...

If the water's out and the wind is the right direction there is a pretty good speed strip.

Nice shot, when was that taken. Looks like a SSE wind direction directly off the sand flat and your right it does make a good flat water blasting at that direction.

Kind regards

NSW, 16 posts
5 May 2012 12:14AM
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Hi Phil, Thanks for the welcome, I'm not really into wavesailing but Celito is one of only a couple of places that you can surf in a NE, there's a headland that may interfere with the wind in the corner but may be alright further downwind and does get dumpy down the middle of the beach. I,ve had a couple of goes at wavesailing up at Wallaby Point in a NE which has a few sailers and kiters.

Hi Walt, the photo was taken about 3 years ago and spot on with the wind direction SSE, about 25 to 30 kts and was awesome with a 6.0. There's just that dodgy period until there is enough water over the sandbank at the caravan park and then sail right up against the sandbar that separates the lake from the ocean.

NSW, 453 posts
5 May 2012 12:36PM
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great vid thanks for sharing looks tops ads always talks it up might have to pay a visit .... like the look of the speed strip :_)

mattklause said...

Great video, defintly don't need a weed fin sailing in Smiths Lake. If the water's out and the wind is the right direction there is a pretty good speed strip.

NSW, 1871 posts
13 May 2012 10:01AM
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Given the nice spring weather I Decided to do a last minute trip to Smiths this weekend for some paddling on the Sup. well blow me away, looks like its going to be a ripper wind today. just as well I brought a van full of windsurfing gear as a back up!

Given the WSW forecast I may give Wallis lakes a go.

I may have to do these SUP trips more often, seem to get more w'surfing action this way!

NSW, 354 posts
13 May 2012 9:03PM
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How did you go? Looking forward to getting out there once my kit arrives. not far from my pad

264 posts
14 May 2012 3:15PM
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Hey Waiting4wind

How was it there? If your back, did you get a sail in at Smiths and Wallis, with the westerly I assume it was nice out there.

The question is, is Smiths Lake water level adequate to sail over to the sandbar yet. Wallis would of offered some good long runs I guess.

Hope it was a good last minute get away for you guys.

Kind Regards

NSW, 1871 posts
14 May 2012 10:12PM
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Had a great weekend at Smiths. SUP on Saturday. The lake lake is open to the ocean at the moment so tidal. the water was very low when we went out, even had to pick a path on the SUP to avoid getting stuck.

Sunday the wind kicked in WSW so headed off to Wallis lake and had a good few hours on the 6.4m and 94l board. Apart from the weed (and getting my 20 yr old weed fin to fit) I found Wallis to be a nice and relaxed place to sail. also surprised by the turnabout of locals, about 6 or so others out. The wind was a bit gusty being a typical westerly but very happy to get get a great, somewhat unexpected sail.

I'm thinking off heading up for the long weekend in June, but it may be a a bit cool by then.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Smiths Lake holiday style GoPro" started by Walt