Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Twilight sailing starts 11th October

Created by staffan > 9 months ago, 1 Oct 2013
NSW, 79 posts
1 Oct 2013 10:25AM
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Following the successful winter solstice race we are now firing up Friday Twilight Sailing at Middle Harbour 16'' Skiff Club.

When? 6pm start which means you'll need to get there a bit earlier to rig up and suit up. 11th October is the first session.
Where? Middle Harbour 16'' Skiff Club. It is the white building next to the marine rescue guys.
Why? A bit of physical activity and time on the water is a very good (if not the best) excuse to have a beer and bite afterwards at the club with fellow windsurfers.
How? We will work out the course on the day depending on conditions. Initially there will be one race but as the days are getting longer we can fit more in.

* Can I park my car there? - Yes there is parking opposite the club and along Parriwi Road and next to the club. Word is that parking is free after 5.30pm but check the signs.

* Can I store my board there? - Yes there is board storage facilities at the club at a very reasonable cost.

* I'm not a confident sailor, is it safe for me? - We have access to rescue boats from the club to assist anyone in need of assistance.

* Do I need to be member of the club? - Come and give it a go, if you like it then why not become a member?

* How can I stay informed about this? - I'm glad you asked. We'll use something called Teamer, it is a web site and both iPhone and Android app. And you'll get updates via Teamer every week so you know what's happening.

* That sounds awesome - how do I get on Teamer? - Mail and you'll get an invite via email with further instructions from Teamer.

* I have more questions who do I ask? - Use this forum or mail

* Will there be boards to use? - Yes but please advise your intention and we'll endeavour to arrange as there is limited supply.

* Sounds great but will there be a Christmas Party? - Another good question and good suggestion. We'll try our best.

NSW, 133 posts
2 Oct 2013 9:31PM
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Staffan will you be sailing or hiding under the bed like at the winter race. I have my Dogzilla board and am out hunting rabbits, wind gods permitting you will be my first rabbit of the season.
I reckon friday night race and beers after sounds great keep the course short and get back to the club for some bragging at the BBQ.
Are we racing for the Tinny Cup and when do handicaps kick in


NSW, 79 posts
3 Oct 2013 1:38PM
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Contingent on procuring a board I'll be there ready to be hunted down....

NSW, 133 posts
3 Oct 2013 9:28PM
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Staffan is chasing a windsurfer one design board so he can get out and get his skinny arse kicked by the Dogzilla super board. If any one can oblige him please leave him a message on this forum. He is desperate and it is Rabbit season. So please help out this little Bunny. To quote Elma I huntin Rabbits.
See you all at the twilight races.

30 posts
8 Oct 2013 2:03PM
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Staffan, would this suit as your new board? Looks like a nice Div II board. Deck looks a bit rough, but you'd only need a rig and you're on the water.

Would it be good competition for the dogzilla board aloha8?

NSW, 133 posts
8 Oct 2013 9:38PM
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i would still; put the Dogzilla up against that old tub any day. They might get me upwind on water line length but I would Blast away (pun intended) downwind even with Captain staffan at the helm
So you all on Friday night beer and sausages on the deck


NSW, 79 posts
12 Oct 2013 7:54PM
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First race held, lovely disorganised crew turned up, 13 in total, and everyone managed somehow to get organised, get in to their wetties and be at the start line on time.

Super light wind and we had one formula guy swim his gear out to get a bit of wind and get going. To me that is dedication worth admiring. Photo from start below.

Great start to the season. Next week there is a bit more wind forecasted so I'm hopeful we'll have another great sail followed by a sunset de-rigging with an amber beverage nearby - This is almost getting poetic ;-)

NSW, 133 posts
13 Oct 2013 9:09PM
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Man that was fun but frustrating as well my first sail on the Dogzilla Super board against my sparing partner Capt staff an. Well he won the beers and I came up Fail as my kids said. Me and the Formula guy were fighting it out for last place but I convincingly won that one, I am actually going to dedicate a trophy for last place on Friday nights as you definitely deserve something and I reckon I have a good chance of winning it a few times .
Thanks to all the helpers. There has been a great response from a whole bunch windsurfer types both young and recycled. Remember any board any body, all about the beer and the bulls@#t. Be There next week it will be huge


NSW, 14 posts
18 Oct 2013 11:15AM
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I'm planning on being there tonight fighting it out for last place with the best of them. Staffan - we definitely need a wooden spoon prize each week

NSW, 79 posts
20 Oct 2013 6:58PM
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I won that price, had to be towed back after boom malfunction. But we were 15 sailors I think, up 2 since last Friday.

NSW, 133 posts
20 Oct 2013 8:11PM
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Captain Staffy It is my honour to award you the first "Happy Gilmour Award" of the season for being the biggest trier with the whackiest equipment that then malfunctioned during the race. A DNF ( Did Not Finish) even out scores a last place in these awards. That is what you get for swapping a case of beer for a board.
Congratulations and tell your friends that the H.G.A you add after your name for the week means you are the Biggest loser.
The Trophy is being glued together as we speak and it is a beauty. You get a pitcher of Beer to share with me next Friday night.
No further correspondence will be entered into on this weeks award.
If you havent seen the movie Happy Gilmour , go straight out and rent it, it is a cracker.
Remember you have to race to win this award so be at Middle Harbour Skiffies Friday night 6pm start.
I understand that we will be having both a scratch start and Handicap race as well, this week. 2 races for the price of 1.
Oh yeah congratulations to One Design Man for winning the race AGAIN ! Rumour is he shaves his chest.
I will let the Dogzilla of the chain this week with maybe some more fine tuning all in the name of competition


NSW, 133 posts
24 Oct 2013 5:25PM
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Capt staffy Jug of beer on result of friday night race. My dog against your pig.


NSW, 133 posts
25 Oct 2013 4:02PM
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Capt staffy I just went by yacht club looks like 10 - 15 knts down on Middle harbour. Bring it baby bring all you got and I will see you there Dog in hand.

Beer racing is best

NSW, 133 posts
26 Oct 2013 9:18AM
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Great evening 2 short races , one scratch and one handicap. Every body was in the mix at one stage or another this will be the format from now on. I had a dolphin come up under my board obviously was attracted to the super curves on the Dogzilla board. It stayed with the racers for quite a while before deciding we were all a bit slow. A couple of beers afterwards and all was good. The Formula guy ran out to the main harbour and had a great time chasing swell out there looked cool with an 11metre sail.
On water start line next week so bring your A game.
But where was Capt Staffy, no where to be seen.
See you all next week


NSW, 22 posts
26 Oct 2013 7:18PM
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Thanks Aloha, it was a great night to be on the harbour even on the Formula kit, but those One Designs looked awesome sailing around as I was coming back in with the sun setting. I might have to join in on this cult thing happening next week and get retro like all you cool cats! How nice was it watching the dolphin from the skiff club drinking that beer.

NSW, 79 posts
28 Oct 2013 7:50AM
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I'll be there next friday with my super retro 80s barge now that it has a boom as well. Would be good to find a wettie with neon green and pink segments to match the decor (albeit fading) of the barge.

NSW, 600 posts
28 Oct 2013 10:40AM
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After watching some good racing on Narrabeen Lake on Saturday and chatting to Elena at WSnS yesterday I'd be really keen to get involved with this. All I have is wavesailing gear - is there stuff I can use/borrow or do I need to start to twist some arms for gear?


NSW, 133 posts
28 Oct 2013 1:49PM
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Yes we have boards you can borrow. The best bet is and email to Carina who is mentioned in the first post on this thread, to organise. We will accommodate as many as we can and as it gets warmer they are all coming out of the closet and putting on their batman outfits. Last week we even had a Tony Abbot look alike in his budgy smugglers. Didnt the girls like that one.
Oh yeah by the way Budgy smuggler man, and you know who you are you cheeky rascal, Wins the "Happy Gilmour Award" for last week. It was either him or the dolphin and both smelled a bit fishy and the dolphin was a better look.

We also had a good sail from the club yesterday a couple of boards for a few hours and a few beers All good. Sunday sailing could be a regular.

See you all next friday evening same Bat time same Bat channel.


72 posts
28 Oct 2013 7:13PM
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Hey BenKirk,

We'd heard of this Swedish Windsurfing World Champ at the Club. Therefore our Saturday training camps, cleverly disguised as regular NLSC racing, on a lake. The Aim? Training for non-Swedish non-World Champs to keep her in sight at the famous Fridays. And Dogzilla Board, CM, HappyG and the dolphin.

Now the plan is foiled, the jig is up. Spotted by NSWWA's renowned BK.

No hope now for regular ws dudes to keep up with Ms Sweden, nor Elena, Jenny who won the 2nd race on Friday, Clare or Lisa.

Friday will be fun though!!!


NSW, 600 posts
29 Oct 2013 10:03AM
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Well I do have to keep my eye on the windsurfers of the Northern Beaches... It certainly showed that booties were the secret weapon.

I'll be there on Friday 29th November - am away every Friday until that point. Will email in regards to borrowing a board!


NSW, 133 posts
31 Oct 2013 9:20AM
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Hi Windsurfer OD
It was good to see you at MH Skiffies on Friday night for our fun racing. Yes we have a mix of abilities every one from EX world champs to me the ultimate hacker who finished his first race on friday night on my DOG board. The cool thing is the good friendly atmosphere at the club and the fact that Formula guys mix with one design people, young guys and race board guys can compete against some of the legends in windsurfing who have been around for 30 years. The crew on the upper deck having a beer and watching the FUN.
It is all about getting on the water on whatever craft you have available and having fun.
The lady that won the handicap race on friday night and lets call her Ms J, because we dont use full names on the internet without permission do we, was really chuffed as she had an old original windsurfer with some kind of kids rig and has'nt sailed windsurfers since university. The rest of us think it is great she sails so we are all very happy to see her win one. She has been every week so far and is improving out of sight. Her aim is to be there at the Nationals in February. How Cool is that.
We dont care what club you regularly sail at and are not trying to take over from Narrabeen as the premier One Design Club for regular weekend racing.
The Formula guys go to Georges River for thier racing, some of us sail yachts at other clubs on the weekend most of us have kids sports to deal with as well.
If you want to have a dig at us or any member of the Friday night militia, particularly the women, then I suggest that you should take up your issues with the sailing committee.
Oh Yeah we would like to thank NSWWA's renowned BK for buying the jugs of Beer on Friday night, maybe it is Windsurfer OD's shout next time he appears.
Oh yeah for future posters no names on the forums please with out the persons permission.


NSW, 79 posts
4 Nov 2013 10:58AM
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I hope you all got your wind fix in the beautiful southerly we enjoyed yesterday. There were more windsurfers than kiters at long reef which I attribute to the Friday night twilight sailing we are doing ;-)

Last Friday there were yet again a good turn up of sailors and we did two races followed by a beer at the club.

As the days are getting longer we'll start to extend the courses and do what we can to find the best course for the wind.

Hope to see you all next Friday for a friendly battle on the water!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Twilight sailing starts 11th October" started by staffan