I have moved to wollongong recently. Where are the spots for windsurfing, I have not seen anybody on the water.
Why is no one windsurfing
on Lake Illawarra?
If you like flat water windsurfing then Lake Illawarra is about the only spot in the Illawarra. Plenty of places to go in the lake. However weed and silt is a problem in many areas. I used to live in Primbee and went sailing there in a westerly and from the yacht club in a north easterly.
It used to be good flat water/surf sailing in the lake entrance at Warilla/Windang. However since I moved away the powers that be buggered it up by building a huge breakwall going out into the ocean.
I haven't done it for a while but it used to be a lot of fun sailing at Warilla Beach in a north easter. Nice little waves an little shorebreak so it was pretty easy sailing.
In regards to people sailing down there, there are still people windsurfing there but not nearly as many as in the 90s. We had a good crew there around Warilla.
NE - Sandon point, East Corrimal (where I mostly sail), Warilla, lake Ill.
S, SW, SE - Peggies (sth side Sandon pt), Towradgi, Windang, Lake Ill.
W - Lake Ill., Port Kembla
Plenty of us also take the short drive down to Gerroa quite often to sail as well, the NE seabreeze there is ultimately reliable.
Surprisingly given how good we have it here the windsurfing population is quite small, there are about 4 of us on the north side that regularly sail at EastCcorrimal in a NE'r, not sure about Warilla as I haven't sailed there for years.
On Saturday arvo at the lake Ill. yacht club they hold races, so that's a good chance to meet plenty of people, particularly if you are into the flat water side of things. If you're into waves and general shredding of gnar then head to East Corrimal when there's a NE'r on and there will most likely be someone there; weekend, late weekday arvo.
I will spend 3 weeks in Wollongong (staying close to north beach).
Is it any idea to bring gear down over Christmas, enought wind? or should I just go for surfing?
//Anders BQ
Come on down to the Illawarra Yacht Club, Northcliffe Drive, Warrawong for some lake sailing. Any time there's half a breeze there are usually a few of us out. A few blokes also launch from the Jetty and Berkeley and sometimes from Kanahooka bay but in a summer seabreeze, the channel at Warrawong is hard to beat. Eckas
I will problably dont bring my gear down and I will quit sailing for Naish next year, is there any premium rentals or anyone that can lend/rent out slalom/speed gear around Wollongong?