I am hoping to find some good water to sail on during my visit to Ballina. Flatwater is the go as I have only been doing this sport for a year. Have picked up a little info about Shaws Bay but was hoping to get some more local knowledge if possible. Are there many local windsurfers in that area?
Not much flatwater around Ballina. I would recommend Clarks/main beach Byron Bay
in a NE. In Ballina you can sail near the (east) Ballina bridge if it's NE or strong southerly.
It gets a wave on lower tide with decent swell although probably not really safe on your
Otherwise maybe head to Yamba, try this link:
Thanks for the feedback. The open water/ wave breaks are a bit beyond my abilities as I have only been sailing for about a year. Was hoping to find some clean water with a consistent breeze. Will see what eventuates when I get down south in a week or so.
Hi Mark,
I grew up windsurfing in Ballina (about 10 years ago now).
I would sail at the Richmond River Sailing club (yellow cross) in SE-S & W winds. Fairly easy to sail although the tide runs quite quickly so need to keep that in mind if the wind is running with the tide.
In nearly all other conditions I could sail in north creek (orange cross) launching at the serpentine although low tide can expose sand banks and become shallow in a lot of spots.
As tomp mentioned, the other side of the bridge can be a bit tricky as the tide can be strong and it can prove hard to sail back to shore where the wind is sheltered in a NE.
Thanks Owain. X marks the spots. Hopefully I will also find others out sailing while I am down there.
heading down to Ballina lakeside this Xmas.
Is shaws bay there any good for the kids and mrs to play around on a beginners kit?
Does it get the NE?