Look out for a reminder of the WindsurfingNSW Season Opener social event!! (Thurs 5 Sept.)
Hosts: WindSurfNSnow
Brought to you by WindsurfingNSW Pres, Treas & Sec
along with WNSW Clubs -
NSW Wavesailing Association,
StormRiders Windsurfing Club,
Windsurfer Class Association Australia
and our awesome sponsors. Cheers!
Yes, come and join us to kick off the season with a great movie and an opportunity to catch up with some windsurfing mates over a cold one or two. They'll be lucky door prize give aways, new gear on show and information about a season calendar that is packed solid this year!
And if Formula, Slalom or GPS Freerace is your thing, by joining Storm-Riders Windsurfing Club on the night, you'll go into the draw for a week end away up at sunny Pacific Palms, staying at Sandpiper Lodges On Smiths Lake. www.facebook.com/SandpiperOnSmithsLake
All new members going forward will be eligible for this draw. www.stormriderswindsurfingclub.com/members-page.html
I was just looking at the " two tired" options you have (. ) for membership.
So if I join as a social member, can I still use the club facilities, like washing down my gear, showers and bar?
Thank you W4W, for the grammatical/spelling correction there, I'll fix that. I must have been tired when I wrote that!
In answer to your question, yes you can effectively do as you say. The $200 membership includes the GRSC Laser class race fee. As part of the deal we have with GRSC, Storm-Riders have been invited to join and race with their Laser class fleet. So if you're racing with us every wk end at the club, then we'd request that you pay the additional $140 on top of your $60 social membership fee.
In short, there is nothing to stop you launching and sailing from the GRSC, however if you want to go inside and enjoy the club facilities, you will need to sign in as a visitor to the club, just as you would any other sports club. The general fee for joining GRSC is just $10, so additionally you could do that also.
I hope that makes sense?
Have a great night down there. The movie is awesome and nothing quite like seeing it on the big screen!