Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

need to borrow/rent/buy mast extension

Created by beatlloydy > 9 months ago, 15 Nov 2012
NSW, 133 posts
15 Nov 2012 10:44PM
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Apologies...probably should be in Wanted but need this quickly...I have 2 beginners rigs. I have arranged for a visiting tourist who teaches windsurfing in his homeland to give me lessons on Monday. I wanted to put 2 adult rigs together so he can use one...I have everything to make up the 2 adult rigs except a mast base extension. (50mm Euro) The kids boom extends to the same size I used on my 4.8 on Monday so I think I am o.k there. (i.e kids mast and extension are much smaller in length and diameter).

Anyone got a spare one that I can borrow/rent or purchase. Need to pick it up on the weekend...prefer Eastern suburbs or southside Sydney.

I know its late asking but if you dont ask you dont get

WA, 14438 posts
15 Nov 2012 7:46PM
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Wow, only seconds ago...

What type do you need? I have a few spare chinook type extensions (and the bases to suit if needed), but no europin type.

The chinook style are the two-pin arrangement, and the europin are the single pin type.

I am in Gymea, so probably not that far away.

NSW, 133 posts
15 Nov 2012 11:11PM
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Thanks FN,

I am in Grays Point

I am a total ignoramus when it comes to the I have posted before...but willing to learn...I thought the pin relates to the universal connection (does it)?

In any case, to show you what I mean this is what I am after see photo (I have the 2 universals so only need the extension). I prefer to keep to one standard as it makes it easier in the long run.

Oh BTW...another thing an Iphone/smart phone has over a dumb phone (seperate post)..the ability to take a photo and upload immediately

NSW, 1143 posts
15 Nov 2012 11:15PM
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I can get you one.

I'm in zetland near the city.

Give me a call 0409987764.

WA, 14438 posts
15 Nov 2012 8:25PM
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I can lend you a spare universal and the mast extension if you can't find a europin version. I can even lend you two sets if you want to be able to swap between them.

NSW, 133 posts
15 Nov 2012 11:32PM
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Thanks FormulaNova, (and thanks Duncan for the other offer)

Being so close and so helpful I think I will take FM up on your offer and borrow just the one.

This way I can save up for a better one for when I progress and dont have to rush in.

I will PM you.

Thanks good if we can close a topic to save all the wasted reads ;-)

Gotta love this site and the windsurfing community in general...most helpful bunch of people I have met (better than surfers)


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"need to borrow/rent/buy mast extension" started by beatlloydy