More details to follow , but keep Sunday the 10th of April Free. Bayside sailboards is planning on runnning the inaugural Board Crazy down winder.
Basically the event will be from manly, and a down wind M to Wynnum. There will be a staggered start so first timers can get a jump on the Pro's
Rough of the Notice at following link
We will have a lucky draw with over a $1000 in giveways after the event
So come and join the fun
Simon & Julie
Board Crazy Brisbane
That is way cool, ballistic racing, marathons, prizes. What a way to end the season.
Well done Bayside and Board Crazy, I look forward to hearing all the details as they come to hand.
As with the other events it is important for all of us as individuals to spread the word and get as many people involved as participants in these events to ensure their success and keep the organisers committed so tell your friends and get them involved.
Also knowing Bayside they will be extreemly organised and have all of the safety aspects squared away so if you haven't dared to go to the islands then now may be a good chance with the safety in numbers and rescue boats on hand.
A $1000.00 prize draw is just awesome and should draw competitors from far and wide.
Totally agree scotty, I'm going to drag out a couple of mates with some old skool kit and just have a blast. We should really try for a massive fleet. This style of course would suit most people.
Guys for this race sail numbers are advised but not critical as it is a beach finish , so you will be giving your name/ number to someone on the beach. But if you are a bayside member and are going to do more events in the future then you will need a number.
Hey All,
Some help with application of the sail stickers.
Some folks have had a bit of trouble getting the sail numbers on right so I thought I would post some helpful hints to make sure it works for you.
You will need:
1. Squirty bottle of water (misty pot plant squirt thingo)
2. Degreaser / cleaner of some type (washing up / water solution is fine)
3. Roller if you can borrow or buy one, very helpful.
1. CLEAN the area, get rid of salt etc and other bits of crap. Degrease the area, soapy water will do nicely, but then dry it off, the purpose of this is to get rid of the degreasing agent and leave clean monofilm to stick stuff to.
2. Lay your sail on something HARD and FLAT, carpet won't do it. I have a bit of plywood that works nicely. Obviously it doesn't need to be the whole sail, just the area that you are going to apply the sticker to. This bit must be flat though.
3. The stickers are VERY soft on purpose, this means that they don't affect the shape of the sail, BUT it also means that once they are off the backing paper they are a nightmare. DON'T pull them off the backing sheet just yet. Lay them on the sail and get a feel for position, the least number of seams the better but they will still stick over stitching, so don' freak out about that too much.
4. If you can get a spare pair of hands, it will help a lot right here. Once you have rough position sorted, take the sticker and peel back about 50mm on one short edge and fold the backing paper back on itself. CAREFUL, that stuff will stick to anything now.
5. Spray the placement area on the sail with LOTS of water from your squirty bottle (pot plant mist thingos work well here), you want to see the water beaded on the sail, this water means that the sticker will still be a bit moveable until you ROLL the moisture out.
6. You will want to start FROM a flat monofilm area and work TOWARDS complex seams or logos. (The RAMS in particular have a dirty great North Sails Sticker in the way - this isn't an issue if you work from monofilm towards the sticker. The other way will cause you a lot of grief with creases etc) With the help of your rigging wench, place the sticker on the sail in the right place (check you have it the right way up dummy). Once it is in the right place, stick down the 50mm that you have prepared (you had better be sure, this is the point of no return).
7. Have your rigging wench hold the sticker with the backing paper on up off the sail at about 45 degrees, as you use one hand to remove a bit of backing sheet and using your ROLLER, apply the sticker to the sail in little chunks. DON'T try and do too much in one go, about 100mm at a time seems to work fine, take your time. The water means that the sticker can move about as you roller it down, stopping creases etc.
8. Seams and stickers take a little more time, a good dose of water helps a lot, go slow and use a bit more pressure with your roller and you should be fine. You are looking to get the sticker to stick to all the seam RATHER than tunnel (leave pockets of air under the seam).
9. Once the sticker is fully down, go back over it with the roller once more and try and remove all the bubbles of water from under the sticker with the roller. Push down hard. Start in the middle of the sticker and work the bubbles out to the edge.
10. Dry that bad boy off and roll it up and put it back in its bag.
Well done you, you have put a sticker on you sail that won't come off!
If this is too hard for you, Digital Ink will put them on for you, but you will have to pay some extra coin, and he won't appreciate you bringing salty, grass covered sails into his workshop.
Richie, I don't know if Digital Ink do the font "madly stuck down with electrical tape with 5 mins before the start" but I will check.
Entry cost is $5.00 , the plan is to rig and launch from the general beach area at manly , but the start will be out on the water,+Manly+Queensland+4179&aq&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=44.229756,106.787109&ie=UTF8&geocode=FageXf4doGYhCQ&split=0&hq&hnear=Nelson+Parade,+Manly+Queensland+4179&ll=-27.451238,153.186386&spn=0,0.026071&z=16&layer=c&cbll=-27.451145,153.186386&panoid=o3rUU0vLrKl8qo6ffOaPsw&cbp=12,85.28,,0,0
Had a bit of a practice run yesterday and love the down wind aspect. Not having to point to an upwind mark makes sailing so much easier.
Scotty, cant believe your not going to a seat harness with broken ribs, I think you secretly like the pain!
You will feel some more pain on Sunday when you see me sail past you!
Yeah, may have to re-think the harness options, pulled up pretty sore after that small run on Sunday. Was like being punched every time I hit a wave, might get one of those old cat harnesses that went over your shoulders.
Lets hope this wind holds for the event, am hoping to get out this arvo at Manly if you can flex off.
Due to poor forecast for weekend we are going to postpone the Board Crazy down wind dash
Race director
Simon fyfe