Got this coral cut at Wellington Point on Monday but did 88km on Thursday I think I will give sailing a miss for a few days but might still go out if the winds good.
Looks nasty Glynn, Wello would have claimed a fair few feet over the years, I know I've had my share of gnarly cuts over there.
Happen while walking out on the reef in front of our rigging area SE side it is rock with nice loose stones & rubble waters muddy can't see deeper than 20cm so you just can't watch were your walking most of the time & carring a kit makes it hard.
I'm in trouble with Sue after leaving puss spots around the house as she had just mopped the tiles, plus cause I won't wear windsurfing shoes.
Bad luck there. I always wear booties there after cutting my foot open and spending a week or so out of the water.Hope it heals quick for you. ;)
Keep out of the water mate until it heals, I knew of a few surfers that got sea ulcers after cutting themselves in the ocean and surfing all the time, they can be real nasty
Just keep sailing, the special antiseptic qualities of wello water kills anything that lives in cuts!
Gotta keep band aid on to keep it clean it seems to be healing with no infection been putting Betadine on it.
Lucky we have no wind for a while so wasnt tempted to go sailing.