Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Freerace Series Bribie Island SAT 9th Nov

Created by FreeraceQLD > 9 months ago, 8 Nov 2013
208 posts
8 Nov 2013 3:29PM
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These charts may explain the quick call for Bribie island! and Saturday, Looks Good!
The sea breeze is forecasted stronger as you move south , so Lake C probably is going to weak, where as Brisbane and the Goldie strong, so Bribie is almost Brissy so should be good!

Basically format is

Turn up sign on and pay if not already pre paid, we will be there from 12.30 for sign on's and will sign up people right up to 2.30pm
We will issue a 'ribbon' to put on your sail so we know you are in the event,
Bring your lifejacket to sail in!

Set your GPS up and sail anytime between 1.00pm and 4.00pm , there will be a couple of no go zone markers at sea for some common sense safety and also to ensure no one 'milks 1 hr of total downwind direction!'

Make sure you get a good 60min session in.

Come in at 4.00pm hand over your GT31 and Pete D will input the data, all being equal could have a result in and sorted before 5pm.

At around 5pm we will do our random prize draw, Good time, Seabreeze, Severne, Aqaupacks all featuring in the prizes.

Bribie SLC will be keeping an eye on us and part of your entry fees goes towards that cost, it would be great if we can get some numbers to pop in for a cold beer after the event.

Will post up the links for the sign on forms later tonight, and also pre pay paypal button.

There will be GT31 GPS unit to hire at the event also, and even if you have another sort or type of GPS be it Garmin/Iphone whatever just come along and use that also, we just wont be able to load you into the official system, but can still record your times anyway...the idea is really just to have a big blast and push your own limits, set your own goals, how you record it doesn't matter.

208 posts
8 Nov 2013 3:31PM
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event site and map

208 posts
9 Nov 2013 9:56AM
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Current wind stats! See you at 1.00pm, Get your sailing in today while you can, tomorrow is not looking as good for wind!

See you at Worrim Beach, beach Bribie!

event sign on forms

can pre pay here also..

Will post updates on Face Book site....

QLD, 1241 posts
9 Nov 2013 7:11PM
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Great day for it, plenty of wind. Unfortunately tied up with birthdays.

WA, 732 posts
9 Nov 2013 9:58PM
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Read this too late, sailed on my own today at Turners Camp at Bribie


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Freerace Series Bribie Island SAT 9th Nov" started by FreeraceQLD