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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Freestyle Super Session

Created by Willaus0001 > 9 months ago, 20 Oct 2009
QLD, 1927 posts
29 Nov 2009 11:04PM
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wow, i totally misjudged how amazing I look with my gopro hat on haha. awesome pics

quick cut of some of the action at the train today. had audio but youtube and the music industry hate me, so you get some random youtube music instead, enjoy!

haircut looks like it was heaps windier up north, vando hit 42kts at wello

WA, 301 posts
29 Nov 2009 9:50PM
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sweet . Nice work guys

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Nov 2009 11:59PM
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that's excellent

we gotta do something about that music

QLD, 14491 posts
30 Nov 2009 12:06AM
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love your work swoosh, those guys sliding around you is impressive.

hey chexk out this graph from today.

QLD, 382 posts
30 Nov 2009 9:27AM
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You guys had fun! Excellent pictures hc, awesome video swoosh! Indeed, pretty strong wind at Wello. I was there in the morning for 40min only before driving back to attend a senseless surprise party :(

QLD, 43 posts
30 Nov 2009 9:30AM
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swoosh said...

wow, i totally misjudged how amazing I look with my gopro hat on haha.

Nice vid. Is that the HD or SD cam? Do you just have it connected on with the head strap?

QLD, 1927 posts
30 Nov 2009 10:55AM
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HD cam, I just use the headstrap, it does come off in big stacks so I have it leashed to the back of my harness.

Thanks for comments guys, will have to make more vids in future. The wideangle definately means you have to get quite close thou, I might film in 1080p in future as it uses 127deg fov vs the 170deg that 720p covers. Also the 60fps slowmo comes out pretty smooth I think, well pleased.

There are a few issues with the camera thou, a few vids got ruined by water droplets on the lens and fogging is an issue after about 30 minutes, so going to try some anti-fogging stuff that haircut suggested. pretty awesome little product for the price.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
30 Nov 2009 2:44PM
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Swoosh just did it!

QLD, 33 posts
30 Nov 2009 6:23PM
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when is the next sesh. ide be hell keen to come shred with a crew of freestylers.

WA, 1 posts
30 Nov 2009 8:42PM
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Looks like fun and you guys are good windsfrs but why wouldn't you go out in the surf on such a good day?
Wasn't freestyle invented in Europe because they didn't have decent wavesailing conditions??

QLD, 333 posts
1 Dec 2009 10:22AM
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wahoo said...

Looks like fun and you guys are good windsfrs but why wouldn't you go out in the surf on such a good day?
Wasn't freestyle invented in Europe because they didn't have decent wavesailing conditions??

There was a few guys who went out in the waves that day, but wasnt a huge amount of swell about and there isnt the greatest spots around for waves riding - a few cross on jumping spots, but if there is limited swell then its better to pull out the freestyle board and head for the flat stuff.

Also - freestyle is limitless (well - lets jsut say the bar has been raised by gollito to WAAAAY above our heads) so there is plenty to learn and you only need 15 knots to be having some awesome fun. I have to say i always go for the freestyle board over the wave board, even when its windy, jsut becasue there is a heaps of fun to be had. freestyle baord and small sail - best combo ever.

QLD, 33 posts
1 Dec 2009 3:31PM
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so rite will. i dont even own a wave board. flare 98 is all i roll. freestyle is the ****.

QLD, 14491 posts
1 Dec 2009 6:28PM
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QLD, 606 posts
2 Dec 2009 8:17AM
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cross-off, 4.5 weather and 4 foot waves... no slippy slidey move can beat that in my opinion!

QLD, 14491 posts
2 Dec 2009 8:34AM
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well bowsa i'm no freestyler but when you list your favourite spots as

"lake cootharaba, redcliffe, wello"

i would think freestyle is possibly something you'd find very exciting.

the guys theory of big board small sail is perfect for qld.

QLD, 33 posts
2 Dec 2009 10:29AM
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i see no point in owning wave gear in qld. u never get good waves. we got lemons so make some lemonade

QLD, 2039 posts
2 Dec 2009 12:06PM
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mitchaus195 said...

i see no point in owning wave gear in qld. u never get good waves. we got lemons so make some lemonade

Absolutely disagree. We might not have the consistancy of some locations world wide, but to say never is a pretty big statement. We have, in my opinion, one of the best down the line locations on the east coast. But don't listen to my rant, pictures say 1000 words...

March 09 - Currumbin...

QLD, 6483 posts
2 Dec 2009 12:39PM
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ok anyway, lets book a date for another eh?

QLD, 333 posts
2 Dec 2009 1:32PM
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Haha you do have a point there Jamie! That was an absolutely sick session.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE waves! it's just that for the majority of the time you get great fun on freestyle gear in ok condition, then when the waves are pumpin, dig out the wave board!

QLD, 43 posts
2 Dec 2009 2:39PM
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Yeah, Freestyle is where it's at. When there isn't much wind, there is nothing I love more than getting out on my long board and busting some moves

But man, when the wind comes out, I pull out my new rig and cut sick

I'll come along to the next session and teach you guys these moves if you'd like

QLD, 1927 posts
2 Dec 2009 7:09PM
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Haircut said...

ok anyway, lets book a date for another eh?

i'm probably going to be on the goldcoast on sunday, looks like we might get some wind as well :D

QLD, 33 posts
2 Dec 2009 7:15PM
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yeah i stand corrected. that looks like some dope wave sailing

QLD, 7428 posts
2 Dec 2009 8:36PM
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bigstim179 said...

Yeah, Freestyle is where it's at. When there isn't much wind, there is nothing I love more than getting out on my long board and busting some moves

But man, when the wind comes out, I pull out my new rig and cut sick

I'll come along to the next session and teach you guys these moves if you'd like

Are you in Bris or vacinity Ryan? You should come along to a Wanderer's meet.

QLD, 7428 posts
2 Dec 2009 8:38PM
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Gestalt said...

Its bog man's thumb. They were giants in those days.

QLD, 606 posts
2 Dec 2009 10:20PM
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fair point gestalt but i havent updated my profile thing on seabreeze for a while...

since moving over to the uk i have been much more into wavesailing. im a big bloke and its bloody windy here - biggest sail is now a 5.3.

after sailing places on the south coast of england and recently a trip to brandon bay in ireland i would say im fully converted and all im chasing is DTL wavesailing. Got trips to Cape Verde and Morocco coming up in a few months!

not dissing freestylers at all but just saying my preference!

QLD, 217 posts
3 Dec 2009 1:35AM
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Geeeeeze bows...

EUT, Bloody E....... U......... T..........

loving the freestyle pics wilba.... good to see the big fella out there aswell!

QLD, 6483 posts
3 Dec 2009 4:16PM
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swoosh said...

i'm probably going to be on the goldcoast on sunday, looks like we might get some wind as well :D

Sunday sounds good to me

QLD, 6483 posts
6 Dec 2009 10:51AM
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is today still a go-er?

QLD, 1927 posts
6 Dec 2009 11:28AM
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Haircut said...

is today still a go-er?

looks like wind should pick up? might have to go wello or something if GC doesn't get windy...

eitherway i'll plan to be on the water somewhere after lunch

QLD, 6483 posts
6 Dec 2009 1:46PM
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i'll head to train about 1.30


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Freestyle Super Session" started by Willaus0001