Im surprised no one has mentioned the forecast. Looks all time southerlies!
Depending on tides either beachmere or Neill st (caloubdra)
Check this thread for updates for anyone wanting to sail some waves over the weekend north of Brisbane. We could even run an impromptu jumping and freestyle clinic. Forwards, backies, vulcans, grubbies and other basics if anyone is keen?
Looks like we might be re-ignighting the classic 90's wave sailing spot on the Goldy.
Fingers crossed Narrowneck is all time this weekend.
What is the EASIEST and SAFEST spot on GC for wave sailing if somebody what just to upgrade from choppy Sharewater to start wave sailing?
Is it the narrow neck for this clean S wind ?
What sorts of skills you really need to go on this waves ?
Do you need to be really advanced sailor ?
If that wind that is coming is ok to start or too much for wave sailing beginner ?
definitely in!!!
i have a craving for waves after watching the insanity of these last two pwa events... a double forward doesn't even guarantee you get through a heat anymore! better get our practise on bowsa :)
If 5.7m plus 84L board will be ok to start with on the waves this week ?
or smaller sail? and bigger board?
I am ~80kg
Something floaty is better as the wind is far more variable in the surf due to all the current moving around and the fact that the waves effect the wind flow.
Which one from this three wave spots will be the easiest to start wave sailing in S wind on Gold Coast ?
1.Burleigh Head
2. Corrumbin
I imagine the most difficult part in wave sailing will be to pass this breaking waves...
On another hand in pure S wind , will wind carry you along the beach without any chance of landing in the case of gear break down ? a bit E will help...
it's now clear that any good spot for windsurfing = good spot for a port
like usual, it's probably the goldcoasts nicest looking bit of beach too
What I REALLY like about Gold Cost that marinas are obsolete indeed.
You could buy a home an park your boat besides!!!!
Tens of thousands of homes available for everybody with money !!!
If you a prick bugger , don't buy a boat. or tow on trailer.
I do hate this moored boats ( piece of s**T not a boat even ) in the middle of KFC or Train.
The last thing we want to see is next marina in the middle of most spectacular view on our coast line !
I really enjoy to go there , ride a bike along and see that beautiful place as is.
Can you believe this !?
Who could sail 25+ knots five days in the row ?!
Take your sick leave or spare holidays for that winter event , guys
Absolutely amazing session at Neill St. 2-4pm
Logo high down the line buttery smooth waves. As good as Neill street gets
5.0 Hero and Fanatic Quad 87, was perfect!
Still buzzing!
what charts are good for sunny coast windy, I can't see any wind up there on the graphs?
have had a few good sessions in the past at neil street, the bombie out the back is great fun
hey brother we are probably going to check beachies - leaving in halfa.
Yeah I couldn't get out either today, not that I minded as I was looking after our new born managed a gusty session at caloundra on sat and I'm set for beachmere for high tide on. Monday just hope we still have some wind!!
Really on the day like yesterday or today you could fully appreciate that you are on sailboard.
Passing kites straggling on big chop like standing buoys, that is real pleasur e.
Easy like on good bike to overtake any car.
Dropped into Neil Street for a look and it was windier than saturday and still looked good. There was crew there but no one out? Didn't have a hope in hell of getting amoungst it as our new baby had decided to come out early sunday morning.