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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Lake Cootharaba Underwater Obstruction

Created by ploppy > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2012
QLD, 167 posts
8 Sep 2012 6:40PM
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Whilst sailing at Lake Cootharaba on 6th Sept i hit a piece of
metal framework that is going to do some damage if you hit
it at planing speeds, i had just come off the plane and hit it.
It stopped me dead,i tried to shift it but it was stuck fast.
With the lake being shallow at the moment it is right on the surface
and covered by any chop so will be difficult to see.
Very surprised it has not been hit already as it is right where
we all sail.

QLD, 2315 posts
8 Sep 2012 8:28PM
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Should send your marks to maritime safety qld & the sailing club so they can remove or mark it, not good if it kills someone or destroys a board or boat.

QLD, 167 posts
8 Sep 2012 9:23PM
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Thanks for that,will contact them asap.

QLD, 361 posts
9 Sep 2012 9:04PM
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Please keep us updated if you can on this, pretty sure the LCSC would try and fix it. There is as a pole just sticking out of the water near the old rangers hut.

QLD, 167 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:11AM
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Just sent report to MSQ, with co-ordinates.

QLD, 1667 posts
10 Sep 2012 10:36PM
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Thanks for letting us know Darryl

QLD, 361 posts
28 Sep 2012 12:16PM
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Can anyone confirm if this issue has been taken care of??


QLD, 4873 posts
28 Sep 2012 12:54PM
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blackattack said...

Can anyone confirm if this issue has been taken care of??


It might be the shell of a circa 1980s two door Volvo sports sedan dumped after a joy ride......oh hang on that was at Golden Beach.

QLD, 2995 posts
28 Sep 2012 1:21PM
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Someone needs to bouy it at least.

QLD, 169 posts
4 Oct 2012 10:42PM
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We finally found the "object" today. It was fairly calm this morning so I went out in a motor boat with a guy (Adam) from the sailing club with my GPS and went straight to it. In fact we didn't see it but were on the co-ordinates (taken from Ploppy's GPS tracks) and clunk, we hit it with the motor. Adam tied a rope & we pulled it on board. It was one of those Telstra guards they put around the holes when they do work on their phone lines in the ground. It was stuck in the mud (on it's end) probably washed out in the lake during the heavy rain.
I am glad it is gone before someone hit it and did goodness knows how much damage (a couple of yachts hit it on the weekend).
After that the wind came up to a nice gentle breeze so out I went and had a great sail knowing I could sail anywhere without hitting anything.

QLD, 261 posts
4 Oct 2012 11:52PM
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Well done Jeff. I would hate to hit that at speed. It is way bigger than I expected.

QLD, 167 posts
5 Oct 2012 7:03AM
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Well done Jeff awesome effort on your part
to find and remove it.

QLD, 37 posts
5 Oct 2012 8:17AM
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Great work Jeff and pics too! Any chance you can team up with Adam and drop a buoy at the gravel bank?

QLD, 1667 posts
5 Oct 2012 1:19PM
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Thanks Jeff, thats awesome, well done !

QLD, 7428 posts
5 Oct 2012 7:56PM
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Good man Jeff. Thanks.

QLD, 335 posts
5 Oct 2012 8:39PM
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Nice work Jeff. Did you check to see if the Telstra worker had finished his job before you took his safety rail away.

QLD, 169 posts
5 Oct 2012 8:47PM
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hooray said...
Nice work Jeff. Did you check to see if the Telstra worker had finished his job before you took his safety rail away.

Don't let the cat outa the bag LOL

QLD, 47 posts
5 Oct 2012 8:55PM
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It takes someone to take action, Your the man well done Jeff

QLD, 720 posts
6 Oct 2012 2:08AM
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A Stone in the Road
There is a story told of a king who lived long ago in a country across the sea. He was a very wise king, and spared no effort to teach his people good habits. Often he did things which seemed to them strange and useless; but all that he did, he did to teach his people to be industrious and careful."Nothing good can come to a nation," he said, "whose people complain and expect others to fix their problems for them. Good things from life come to those who take matters into their hands".One night, while everyone else slept, he placed a large stone in the road that led past the palace. Then he hid behind a hedge, and waited to see what would happen. First came a farmer with his wagon heavily loaded with grain, which he was taking to the mill to be ground. "Well, whoever saw such carelessness?" he said crossly, as he turned his team and drove around the stone."Why don't these lazy people have that rock taken from the road?" And so he went on complaining of the uselessness of others, but not touching the stone himself. Soon afterward, a young soldier came singing along the road. The long plume of his cap waved in the breeze, and a bright sword hung at his side. He was thinking of the wonderful bravery he would show in the war. The soldier did not see the stone, but struck his foot against it and went sprawling in the dust. He rose to his feet, shook the dust from his clothes, picked up his sword, and stormed angrily about the lazy people who had no more sense than to leave such a huge rock in the road. Then he, too, walked away, not once thinking that he might move it himself. So the day passed. Everyone who came by complained and whined because the stone lay in the road, but no one touched it.
At last, just at nightfall, the miller's daughter came past. She was a hard-working girl, and was very tired, because she had been busy since early morning at the mill. But she said to herself,"It is almost dark. Somebody may fall over this stone in the night, and perhaps he could be badly hurt. I will move it out of the way."So she tugged at the heavy stone. It was hard to move, but she pulled and pulled, and pushed, and lifted until at last she moved it from its place. To her surprise, she found a box underneath. She lifted the box. It was heavy, for it was filled with something. Upon it was written: “This box belongs to the one who moved the stone.”

She opened the lid, and found it was full of gold! The miller's daughter went home with a happy heart.

When the farmer and the soldier and all the others heard what had happened, they gathered around the spot in the road where the stone had been. They scratched at the dust with their feet, hoping to turn up a piece of gold.

"My friends," said the king, "We often find obstacles and burdens in our way. We may complain out loud while we walk around them if we choose, or we can lift them and find out what they mean. Disappointment is usually the price of laziness." Then the wise king mounted his horse and, with a polite, "Good evening," rode away.

Well done mate. Good job.

QLD, 361 posts
6 Oct 2012 8:28PM
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Dag, perfect!

Iam disappointed that the club did not do something about this sooner. I posted a link to this thread on their Facebook page weeks ago. Jeffrosail your a legend! I will buy you a beer next time I'm up!

VIC, 137 posts
8 Oct 2012 8:53PM
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Is anyone else asking how the hell that got out there in the first place? Or is it just me?

Greatly appreciate the removal though!

QLD, 677 posts
8 Oct 2012 9:19PM
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SailCoothara said...
Is anyone else asking how the hell that got out there in the first place? Or is it just me?

Greatly appreciate the removal though!

Only Telstra would put a manhole in the middle of a lake

QLD, 1241 posts
8 Oct 2012 9:47PM
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Dag said...
A Stone in the Road
There is a story told of a king who lived long ago in a country across the sea. He was a very wise king, and spared no effort to teach his people good habits. Often he did things which seemed to them strange and useless; but all that he did, he did to teach his people to be industrious and careful."Nothing good can come to a nation," he said, "whose people complain and expect others to fix their problems for them. Good things from life come to those who take matters into their hands".One night, while everyone else slept, he placed a large stone in the road that led past the palace. Then he hid behind a hedge, and waited to see what would happen. First came a farmer with his wagon heavily loaded with grain, which he was taking to the mill to be ground. "Well, whoever saw such carelessness?" he said crossly, as he turned his team and drove around the stone."Why don't these lazy people have that rock taken from the road?" And so he went on complaining of the uselessness of others, but not touching the stone himself. Soon afterward, a young soldier came singing along the road. The long plume of his cap waved in the breeze, and a bright sword hung at his side. He was thinking of the wonderful bravery he would show in the war. The soldier did not see the stone, but struck his foot against it and went sprawling in the dust. He rose to his feet, shook the dust from his clothes, picked up his sword, and stormed angrily about the lazy people who had no more sense than to leave such a huge rock in the road. Then he, too, walked away, not once thinking that he might move it himself. So the day passed. Everyone who came by complained and whined because the stone lay in the road, but no one touched it.
At last, just at nightfall, the miller's daughter came past. She was a hard-working girl, and was very tired, because she had been busy since early morning at the mill. But she said to herself,"It is almost dark. Somebody may fall over this stone in the night, and perhaps he could be badly hurt. I will move it out of the way."So she tugged at the heavy stone. It was hard to move, but she pulled and pulled, and pushed, and lifted until at last she moved it from its place. To her surprise, she found a box underneath. She lifted the box. It was heavy, for it was filled with something. Upon it was written: “This box belongs to the one who moved the stone.”

She opened the lid, and found it was full of gold! The miller's daughter went home with a happy heart.

When the farmer and the soldier and all the others heard what had happened, they gathered around the spot in the road where the stone had been. They scratched at the dust with their feet, hoping to turn up a piece of gold.

"My friends," said the king, "We often find obstacles and burdens in our way. We may complain out loud while we walk around them if we choose, or we can lift them and find out what they mean. Disappointment is usually the price of laziness." Then the wise king mounted his horse and, with a polite, "Good evening," rode away.

Well done mate. Good job.

Cracking quote Dag. Thanks for going to the effort of sharing it.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Lake Cootharaba Underwater Obstruction" started by ploppy