Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

MonoMasters Regatta at Cootharaba

Created by tonymatta > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2013
QLD, 358 posts
6 Nov 2013 4:02PM
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The notice of race is available for the MonoMasters Regatta at Lake Cootharaba.
30th of November and 1st of December.
Raceboards Welcome.

Spare boards are available if you want to compete but don't have one.

QLD, 70 posts
13 Nov 2013 11:37PM
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Could be keen if we can get a turnout for raceboards. Nationals are not to far away. Who's keen.........

QLD, 358 posts
14 Nov 2013 11:48AM
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At least four Lcsc members will be competing.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
14 Nov 2013 3:38PM
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toeside said..

Could be keen if we can get a turnout for raceboards. Nationals are not to far away. Who's keen.........

I thought I'd seen that dog before... ....towing someone along on a mountain bike.

I will try to make it up for maybe one day of this.

Talking of the nationals, is there any word from Bushfire yet?

QLD, 144 posts
16 Nov 2013 8:48PM
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I'll be there. Monomasters that is. Nationals too, if the rumour of Botany Bay on the Australia Day weekend holds good.

QLD, 70 posts
16 Nov 2013 11:19PM
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da vecta said...
toeside said..

Could be keen if we can get a turnout for raceboards. Nationals are not to far away. Who's keen.........

I thought I'd seen that dog before... ....towing someone along on a mountain bike.

I will try to make it up for maybe one day of this.

Talking of the nationals, is there any word from Bushfire yet?

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
18 Nov 2013 11:37AM
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Should we get a house for Qlders for the Nationals at Botony Bay?

QLD, 1457 posts
18 Nov 2013 12:40PM
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Where can we find more info about the national?

QLD, 358 posts
18 Nov 2013 1:17PM
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I have emailed Bushfire requesting an update on Nationals.
Previous info from him was:
2014 Oceanic/National raceboard championship provisionally set down for
January 24th - 27th 2014 at Georges River Sailing Club, Botany Bay.

Got a message back -- Details above are correct -- NOR will be ready soon.

QLD, 1457 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:10PM
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da vecta said..

Should we get a house for Qlders for the Nationals at Botony Bay?

Any idea what would be the cost? (I guess it's obviously depending on how many...)

QLD, 358 posts
27 Nov 2013 4:10PM
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Just a reminder for Monomasters this weekend.
Loan boards still available.

QLD, 1457 posts
30 Nov 2013 12:13PM
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I won't be able to come but I had a great day last week end.
Thanks to Tony and the club!

QLD, 358 posts
2 Dec 2013 1:39PM
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We had four sailboards competing at the Monomasters in fairly testing conditions.
Leo took out first place in the division by a huge margin. He handled the strong conditions extremely well.
Jaimie and I battled our way through with results going with who fell off the least. I got two out of three.
Geoff Smith played it safe with a 7.5m sail and completed two of the three races.

QLD, 144 posts
2 Dec 2013 8:18PM
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Tony, you are too tactful. Folks, Tony kicked my butt fair and square, falls or no falls. Thanks to LCSC for another great regatta.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"MonoMasters Regatta at Cootharaba" started by tonymatta