Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Parking at Wello

Created by Boombuster > 9 months ago, 15 Sep 2012
QLD, 571 posts
15 Sep 2012 3:37PM
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Why do we need so many boat spots this was a perfect Saturday day at around mid day I went down for a look if the wind was up turns out it was only light no good for a sail but gr8 for boating but there was only 4 boat trailer spots taken there was however lots of cars parked in the trailer spot taken by picnicers

Solar Trev
QLD, 13 posts
15 Sep 2012 5:06PM
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Time Shared Parking Trial – Wello Point

As you probably know, the Redland City Council is proposing a trial at Wellington Point of sharing 11 boat trailer parks in the afternoon, 1pm to 10pm, with other Point users. I presented to Council on this issue recently to argue the case for this time shared parking trial. As a former wind energy researcher at UQ, I did a detailed wind speed analysis of Moreton Bay, My report is available at This shows that wind speeds are higher in the afternoon most months of the year and the Bay is rougher then. That is a major reason why boaties mostly go out in the mornings and are back by midday. As windsurfers we all know this of course, and we have seen time and time again weekend afternoons were many boat trailer parks are not used by the boaties and nobody else can use them, unless you risk illegal parking and a fine. Near Map photos show this too. This is inequitable and disadvantaging other users of the Point. It is a poor utilisation of the limited parking area at the Point.

However, there is a concerted campaign against this trial by some boaties and hence against local Councillor Wendy Boglary, even though my report and observations at the Point over the past 27 years of wind surfing there shows that they will largely be unaffected.

Could you please send out to your networks and friends the form letter below in support of time shared boat trailer parking. Please complete the form letter and send to Councillors and the Mayor, Karen Willians, and local MPs such as Mark Robinson and Steve Davies, asking for their support of this initiative.

The form letter is written from the perspective of windsurfers in one paragraph so this could a changed a little by recipients to suit their perspective.

Email addresses are:

Mayor Karen Williams
Councillor Wendy Boglary

Steve Davies LNP Member for Capalaba (07) 3245 6950
Mark Robinson LNP Member for Cleveland (07) 3286 2726

Greatly appreciate your help.

Form Letter to Councillors/Politicians
Support for Shared Afternoon Boat Trailer Parking at Wellington Point
Dear ………
I am writing to inform you that I support the proposal for a trial of sharing some of the boat trailer parking spaces in the afternoons at Wellington Point. My reasons are as follows:
Wellington Point is a special place on Moreton Bay and this makes it popular with many users, not just boaties. This includes wind surfers, kite surfers, kayakers, swimmers and picnickers. Many other boat ramps don't share the attractive attributes that Wellington Point has. Hence the limited parking space needs to be shared as equitably as possible.
There is a very apparent under-utilization of boat trailer parking spaces on many afternoons of the year, including many week-ends. Analysis of wind speed data for Moreton Bay by Trevor Berrill clearly confirms why. It shows that it is windier most days in the afternoon than the morning due to the sea breeze effect. Hence boaties go out early morning and are often back by midday as wind speeds have increased and boating is less enjoyable or safe. Furthermore, Wellington Point is a very wind exposed boat ramp so boaties go to other more sheltered boat ramps on windier days.
For wind surfers and kite surfers, the opposite is true. We want access to parking in the afternoon and often cannot find a park on weekends. Yet there will be plenty of empty boat trailer parks. So a time shared proposal where other visitors to the Point can access some of the boat trailer parking after lunch makes sense and should not inconvenience the boaties on most days.
My understanding is that the Council is providing substantially more boat trailer parking at Smith St. boat ramp, Cleveland. This should offset any small inconvenience to boaties.
Please ensure that this trial is given your support and a fair go.
Yours sincerely ………………………………………….(Name and Address)

Solar Trev
QLD, 13 posts
15 Sep 2012 5:11PM
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PS Forgot to mention that a final motion on the Wello Pt Parking Trial goes to Council this Wednesday 19 Sept.

So PLEASE WRITE EMAILS and LETTERS Now. You can also send this to the Bayside Bulletin. Just GOOGLE Bayside Bulletin Letters to the Editor and cut and paste the text or write something New. The boaties have been sending plenty of letters and emails already.

Do it NOW.

Thanks Guy
Trevor (Alias "Cubic Law")

QLD, 261 posts
15 Sep 2012 11:05PM
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Simple fix. Buy a cheap boat trailer empty. Park in that spot with kit in the van.
You can get foldaway boat trailers made for the caravaners

QLD, 331 posts
16 Sep 2012 10:08AM
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Good effort. My email has been sent.

QLD, 331 posts
16 Sep 2012 10:16AM
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Please can everyone else send an email too? All the work has been done for us all we need to do is send it.

QLD, 358 posts
17 Sep 2012 6:11PM
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As long as governments have policies that include population growth, we are only delaying the inevitable. The population will double again in the next thirty years yet Wello reserve will still be the same size if not smaller.
I have also sent my email but you should all ask your local politicians what they plan do about the underlying cause if we are to have any hope of a sustainable future.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Parking at Wello" started by Boombuster