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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Photographic ideas

Created by Trav015 > 9 months ago, 22 Mar 2010
QLD, 14485 posts
6 May 2010 3:34PM
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that it did. i've seen a few go for $2400 2nd hand on some other sites.

the version 2 of the lens really looks like a cracker! seems they fixed all of the softness the version 1 had.

QLD, 6483 posts
7 May 2010 6:19PM
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yeah it looks great

QLD, 2039 posts
7 May 2010 8:58PM
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I have read some very positive reviews of the new one... just hard to part with the $3k they want for it, yet :)

QLD, 14485 posts
8 May 2010 12:35AM
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yeah, $3000 is steep! certainly out of the range of amateurs.

but what a lens.....

NSW, 1353 posts
8 May 2010 10:16AM
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Gestalt said...

that it did. i've seen a few go for $2400 2nd hand on some other sites.

the version 2 of the lens really looks like a cracker! seems they fixed all of the softness the version 1 had.

The MTF charts are certainly sharper, but honestly, in real use, the older version was plenty sharp. The best thing about the new version is that prices should come down a bit on the older ones and make them a bit more accessible.

QLD, 14485 posts
8 May 2010 10:37AM
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yeah mk1 was famous. but it struggled at the wide end and at f2.8 and only got sharp when stopped down around 3.2/4....... it's best performance seemed to be at the long end but still needed f3.2 and higher.

at that point it was cheaper to buy the f4 version and get sharper images for less cash

i think the mk2 is now sharp wide and at open apertures and almost matches the prime lenses at really open apertures.

i guess that's why so many have ditched the mk1 version for the mk2.

that said i've been looking at the mk1 myself now that they are getting cheaper.

QLD, 2039 posts
14 May 2010 5:49PM
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I'm chasing a hire of a 100-400 L Cannon for the weekend of the 29th 30th May. Any ideas on where I might get that sorted on the Goldy?

NSW, 1353 posts
14 May 2010 9:33PM
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aus301 said...

I'm chasing a hire of a 100-400 L Cannon for the weekend of the 29th 30th May. Any ideas on where I might get that sorted on the Goldy?

What's the event ? I asked the missus, but she does not know of anywhere. Call Ted's at Southport. If they don't hire, they might be able to point you in the right direction.

NSW, 111 posts
17 May 2010 5:49PM
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Took these shots over the weekend, not too bad considering it's the first time I've used a DSLR...whatcha reckon?

Could have done with a bit more magnification though...does anyone know if extenders would be any good (or even work) with the kit lens that came with a Canon 550D (55-250)?

NSW, 1353 posts
17 May 2010 7:13PM
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Nice pics !
You can put an extender on that lens, but you will lose auto-focus on any lens with a max aperture less than 2.8, which is everything except L series lenses, and you know if you have one of those by the smoking hole in your pocket.
Surfing shots are great, as your subject is moving in a predictable direction across your field of view. Afternoon on the East Coast gives you sun behind your back on the subject, which makes for great lighting. Lots of dynamic action in surfing too, with wake and spray.

QLD, 14485 posts
17 May 2010 10:40PM
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those photos are brilliant.

i emailed laurie to ask about a photo section on seabreeze....... reckon a few should do the same.

QLD, 6483 posts
18 May 2010 2:32PM
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they are nice pix

it would be nice if laurie would allow uploaded jpeg photos under a certain size, say 800x600, to not be re-sampled into jpeg again by the server

QLD, 14485 posts
23 May 2010 11:36AM
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question about flash photography.

so last night i went to a 30th bday party. took the camera and tried some flash photography.

i couldn't get a decent shutter speed going even with the flash on in manual mode.
so switched the camera to auto and took a pic.

then copied the settings and took the same pic again in manual.

still in manual mode the image was very underexposed?

i don't get it. i was using the pop up flash. is there a difference in flash intensity or a sync difference between manual and auto?

i thn tried av with 1/250sec set and cranked the flash compensation to +2 still not enough light.

then tried a-dep. couldn't override anything in adep

any tips or tricks?

QLD, 6483 posts
23 May 2010 8:04PM
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need quite a powerfull flash to fill a room at 1/250th (or even any speed shutter) if relying on flash alone for any light. Ive got 3 580ex2 and all synced together still won't adequately light a large room

not sure if you are aware - on the 40d, anything faster than 250th you will start to see the shutter curtain cutting off the bottom of the shot (black band), and that is if there is no lag between the shutter press and the flash (like hotshoe mounted or built in) otherwise you may see the black band at even slower shutter speeds. The camera blocks faster shutter speeds from being selected when using the flash for that reason, unless u have a flash with high speed sync capability which very rapidly strobes the flash long enough that the shutter curtain has time to pass right across the frame with light. The strobing effect reduces the overall strength of the flash as a trade off freeze action when using flash, turn off all other lights where possible, set flash to max power, keep cam at 1/250th or slower, and crank up the iso somewhat. The flash burst will be so brief that it will only be the equivalent to approx 1/3000th or greater of a second i think for many flashes

QLD, 555 posts
21 Jun 2010 9:42AM
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Hey Justin - Redlands Photographic Club meets tonight at 7:30pm at Wello Pt Uniting Church, in Marlborough St. Topic is Flash Photography and presenter is Colin Smith.
Cost $2 to help towards costs.
You and others are very welcome.
Don't need to become a member unless you are submitting photos for comps.

Cheers - Greg W

QLD, 14485 posts
21 Jun 2010 7:50PM
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cheers for the heads up greg.

that would have been worth it for me as i know almost nothing of flash photography. time was against me today though......

trying to kick some projects out so i can hit the water tomorrow and wednesday.

see ya at the beach!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Photographic ideas" started by Trav015