Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Proud Dad moment

Created by DAM71 > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2013
QLD, 498 posts
25 Nov 2013 1:02PM
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Some folks may have seen Bailey fluffing around over the last year on his learner gear. Well his perseverance has paid off.

I'm a very proud dad of my little fella.

QLD, 3416 posts
25 Nov 2013 1:42PM
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QLD, 557 posts
25 Nov 2013 4:38PM
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It was amazing to see Bailey sailing on Sunday, puts me to shame and make me want to up my game a lot.

Congrats Bailey

QLD, 361 posts
25 Nov 2013 4:59PM
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Nice work Daz! You have spent plenty of time with Bails and he is going great!!

QLD, 3761 posts
25 Nov 2013 5:16PM
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QLD, 1664 posts
25 Nov 2013 5:30PM
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Awesome Bailey !

QLD, 1241 posts
25 Nov 2013 6:08PM
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A future champ, well done guys.

QLD, 32 posts
25 Nov 2013 7:41PM
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awesome Daryl and Bailey!
your young fella can handle a good breeze already.

QLD, 5610 posts
25 Nov 2013 7:41PM
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Cool !

QLD, 104 posts
25 Nov 2013 8:11PM
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Man that's great, he will be passing you before you know it..Keep at it Bailey and go easy on us old guys.

QLD, 331 posts
25 Nov 2013 8:24PM
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I enjoyed watching him sail on Saturday. Great job guys as the wind had some kick in it for a little guy!

How old is bailey?

QLD, 307 posts
25 Nov 2013 9:52PM
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Well done

QLD, 498 posts
25 Nov 2013 10:12PM
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Thanks Guys.

Bay turned 9 last month. He first learned to sail with a weeks worth of lessons in Maui at easter 2012. He was seven at the time, and could tack and gybe after this first week. He had a fantastic teacher who set up some key instruction points that I was able to use to reinforce his technique. Since then, he has been a semi-regular tag along at Board Crazy's lessons with Simon who my son looks up to and actually listens to.

Now more recently, he has been hassling me to go sailing, and as some would know, he was out on Saturday where it was gusting to 20 at times.

He loves coming down to the slalom, and so I could sail with him I decided to not race this season, . Mind you, he does ask if he can race every event , and really loves hanging with the guys.

QLD, 146 posts
25 Nov 2013 10:15PM
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Great achievement, well done both of you
Can't wait to get my son doing windsurfing, only problem he's only 2.5 so I might retire by then, ha ha.

QLD, 557 posts
25 Nov 2013 11:07PM
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GeoGeo said..

Can't wait to get my son doing windsurfing, only problem he's only 2.5 so I might retire by then, ha ha.

Me too, my boy is only 16 weeks old so awhile to go yet, But got my 5yr old daughter that wants to windsurf with me every time I go out. About to cut down an old 6m I tore up on Saturday for her.

QLD, 70 posts
25 Nov 2013 11:09PM
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Awesome bailey, your killing it, especially on that sexy carbon starboard board.

You will be "pulling the trigger" in no time over the top of your dad

Awesome man....

QLD, 103 posts
25 Nov 2013 11:31PM
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Very cool!
Your son wouldn't need much wind to get going,
sailing in 20 knts is an awesome achievement !

I've just started teaching my 13 yr old son, I hope I don't pass on too many bad habits.

QLD, 294 posts
26 Nov 2013 9:47PM
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GO BAILEY!!!!! You are so inspiring . Just ask Aunty Jo for advise next time we see each other on the water xx

QLD, 307 posts
26 Nov 2013 10:04PM
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Thanks for posting this, I'm teaching my 8yo daughter atm and this has been a great incentive for her..

QLD, 829 posts
29 Nov 2013 7:17AM
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That's fantastic - good to see and very encouraging. What a great father and son activity

Brett Morris
NSW, 1197 posts
29 Nov 2013 11:10AM
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soo cool...My kids are up and sailing also. It proved to me how kids can learn anything if they set their minds to it. Windsurfing was easy for them, just needed some serious dedicated attention to get them over the initial steep learning curve.....

Next question is how do we get all their friend and other kids involved in this life sport?

QLD, 498 posts
29 Nov 2013 4:02PM
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Brett Morris said..

soo cool...My kids are up and sailing also. It proved to me how kids can learn anything if they set their minds to it. Windsurfing was easy for them, just needed some serious dedicated attention to get them over the initial steep learning curve.....

Next question is how do we get all their friend and other kids involved in this life sport?

I think if more kids see others having a go, and you have the right gear in light winds they just love it. Nothing worse than falling in all the time, it does give some a bit of a scare. We had Bay on a GO 151 with as little as a 0.8m sail to start with, then 1.2 and 2.1, and 2.6 as he got stronger. He rarely fell in because the gear was perfect for him. This made him confident, and that's what they need. Oh it helps if they have a mate that wants to do it - peer pressure is fantastic


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Proud Dad moment" started by DAM71