Who got out at 4pm when the SE hit??
I surfed at VP plus two others. Had a 5.3 but totally overpowered. I only lasted an hour though. But it was good.......
Wonder if it'll keep up for tomorrow?
Cheers - Now enjoying a cold home brew for my efforts!
Your a man of my own heart Greg I to was blown away today on a 4.7 at shearwater now enjoyng a home brew as well.
we watched a wall of wind approach across the water. it went from 12knot northerly to 25+ southeasterly in the matter of a minute. by the end we were overpowered on 4.2m was a crankin arvo
One bizarre day. I was sunbaking on the beach near sheriton mirage, hot as hell and left about 2:30 (barely whitecaps). sitting in traffic near the sundale bridge sweating, 2:45 (traffic) over the otherside of near aussie fair and looked over toward sheriton mirage and whitecaps from the se. Got to labrador near charis seafood and blowing almost 40 knots. I have never seen such a quick change! Drowning my sorrows (ford came second bathy) with bought brew, have to get on the home stuff
When there was sudden wind direction change I was still at oposite bank of Shearwater on my 8.0 RAM and 130L. Without even gibing going still up the wind my sailboard did complete 180 degree turn. Wind did change from North to South in matter of seconds. Then possibly the hell broke loose.
Thankfully I could back on well overpowered sail ( 8.0 > 30 knt ??) and then change to smaller gear.
5.7 was still a bit too much for 35 ktn gust but manageable .
I think that is still relative 5.7 could be perfect on flat water at 35 knotts - ie Sandy Point to similar but on Shearwater due to the big chop you are simply unable to release full power.
4.2 -4.5 could be possibly the best for then part of the day but I left athome...
A classic Southerly buster watched it come up the coast on the iPhone and then hit Coalie had the 5.2m ready and 2.30 chaos!